Feng came back to the arrow and said with a smile, "master arrow, if you have anything to do, please do it."

Anyone can see how eager the arrow is.

Arrow roar in the heart was really very anxious, but listen to Feng to say this, he is suddenly relaxed.

Smiling at Feng Zhi, the arrow roared: "you are right. Before that, I was really in a hurry, because I was afraid that if I was a little late, I would never see her again, but now..."

Holding the Ning soul pill in his hand, the meaning of arrow roar can't be clearer.

After a brief pause, arrow roared and said, "in fact, what do I want to use Ning Hun pill? You probably have guessed it. In this case, I don't need to hide it..."

If there are people who know arrow Xiao very well here, you can see that arrow Xiao doesn't treat Feng Zhi and his party as outsiders.

Such a change and closeness, Fengzhi several people can actually feel.

But the arrow roars, he finished speaking, also did not pay special attention to the Phoenix to several people's reaction, one hand still tightly holds the Ning soul pill, the other hand is to take down the bow which he has been carrying on his body.

Feng Zhi and others moved slightly.

Sure enough, arrow roaring to coagulate soul pill has something to do with his bow.

He looked at the bow in his hand for a long time. The arrow roared, and the bow floated in the air with a slight lift. He reached out and stroked the bow. After a long time, he took a deep breath.

"This bow..."

The bow is named the sky, and the arrow means the sky.

As a legend in fairyland, arrow Xiao naturally has its own story.

In the eyes of all the people who have heard the name Jianxiao in the fairyland, Jianxiao is a peerless genius. As soon as he emerged in the fairyland, he made a name for himself. Then, he left many of his peers far behind with an attitude of riding the dust. Later, he also achieved the reputation of "the first person under the emperor".

In the fame of the roaring arrow, the bow in his hand undoubtedly accounted for a very heavy proportion.

One bow per person, this is the original fairyland do not know how many long-standing celebrities fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The roar of arrows is a genius, and the bow in his hand is by no means mortal.

This is recognized by all the immortals.

And only arrow roar, the party concerned, knows that he is not a peerless genius. He can have everything now without the bow in his hand.

The sky.

Miss flashed in his eyes. Arrow Xiao talked about his story with an outsider for the first time.

Arrow roar is not a native of fairyland, but rises from the lower world.

According to the general practice, to be able to fly up from the lower bound means that the person must be a talented person who is difficult to produce in the lower bound. Otherwise, if there are so many practitioners in the lower bound, how can he be promoted by turns?

But the roar of arrows is a special case.

When Jian Xiao was in the lower world, she was not a good family. Her parents died early. She had a lot of relatives like tigers and wolves. Later, a deacon of Xiuzhen sect came to his village to recruit other disciples. In order not to let herself starve to death, Jianxiao made great efforts to become a foreign disciple of the Xiuzhen sect.

Entering the Xiuzhen sect is said to have embarked on the path of cultivation. But in fact, the outer disciples like Jian Xiao are the bottom of the sect. Let alone the core elite disciples, even ordinary inner disciples, can also be used as servants.

Although it is said that if the outer disciples can cultivate to the foundation period within a certain period of time, they can also become the inner disciples. However, the reason why the outer disciples can not really enter the school is that they have limited talent, and they have to accept many people's orders from time to time. Under such circumstances, they want to practice until the foundation period or even the foundation period You can imagine how difficult it is to get ahead.

Those outside disciples who entered the sect at the same time as Jian Xiao were not without ambition at first, but such ambition was gradually eroded away by daily hard work and being yelled around. Finally, they even gave up their ambition and were willing to be a disciple of the outside world who could be ordered by others all his life.

But the roar of the arrow did not.

Although Jian Xiao was born in a bad family, he was born with a hard temper. Otherwise, he would not have taken the opportunity to enter the sect. Even if he was only a disciple of a foreign sect, it was better than staying in that small village and accepting the oppression of those tiger and wolf like relatives, right?

It's a lot better than before.

So, there's no reason for him to abandon himself, is he?

If you want to ask Jianxiao where the turning point of his life, which has the greatest influence on him, he will not hesitate to answer. It is in the xiuzhenzong sect, which seems to be the smallest now, in the treasure house where the outer disciples can only go in once and put some crude weapons in it.

Although the Xiuzhen sect didn't care much about the disciples of the outer sect, they also had a chance to enter the treasure Pavilion of the sect to choose a weapon of their own.Of course, Baoge is also divided into different levels. For those treasure houses which hold the real treasures of the sect, the disciples of the outer gate, let alone choose, can't even go in and have a look at them.

That is to say, at the lowest level, there are only some weapons which are a little better than ordinary products. The arrow roars at a glance and falls in love with the bow which looks gray and has no selling appearance.

It's like the bow that has been buried in the ground for a long time and just dug out of the ground. It is not only without any sharpness, but also dirty, so people don't want to see it more.

The arrow roared out of so many weapons that he only picked this bow. At that time, it was laughed at by many other disciples of the same period.

However, no matter how the outsider jokes, arrow Xiao always insists on his own choice. In the end, he takes the bow back.

He also gave his bow a name.

The sky.

It has to be said that although Jianxiao lived at the bottom of the society at that time, his ambition could only be seen clearly from such a name.

As for why the arrow roared among so many weapons, he chose this bow which he named the sky

That's because he always felt that there was something on the bow that attracted him. After he entered the treasure house, all his attention was attracted by the bow, and he could not see other weapons in his eyes.

He felt that he was connected with the bow.

At that time, arrow roar chose this bow only for this reason. He did not know how great a change would be brought to him by his seemingly insignificant choice.

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