After getting the bow named the sky, the arrow roars like a favorite toy. Not only does the bow stick to the body, but also places the bow by the pillow when sleeping.

Also in this process, he gradually found out that his bow, which looked so tattered, was not ordinary.

Every time the bow goes to sleep with the roar of the arrow, the arrow will have a dream.

In his dream, he practiced bow and arrow day after day, year after year.

When he wakes up from his dream, arrow whistling will find that although he has not really learned the art of bow and arrow, as long as he holds the bow in his hand, the things related to bow and arrow are generally known to him as his instinct. Even if he has not really shot an arrow, he is confident. As long as he has a bow and arrow in his hand, he can be fearless.

Also in this process, the arrow roar like a sudden emergence in the masses of mediocre outside disciples.

It is not only that many of the outer disciples are disgraced, but also the inner disciples, core and elite disciples, who are always extraordinary, have become dim in the increasingly prominent brilliance of arrow roar.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to say that the arrow is not envied.

Because of this, the arrow roar at that time also suffered a lot in the clan.

However, with the improvement of his strength, his right to speak in the clan also increased. Later, let alone trouble him, there were few people who dared to look at him at a glance.

That is to say, with such a little improvement, Jianxiao finally became the first person to soar in his lower realm in thousands of years, and also the first person to soar in the history of the xiaozongmen he was in. Even because of his rise, the xiaozongmen he was in had a very high status.

Of course, these are the things after the arrow soared.

As a matter of fact, arrow roar could have soared for a long time, but he had been suppressing his own strength. Later, he could not suppress it any more, so he had to soar.

As for why he didn't want to fly

That is because he couldn't give up the sky bow which has been with him for thousands of years.

Flying up is a process of changing from fan to immortal.

In this process, it will retreat from the ordinary fetuses and build immortal bodies instead.

People can have such a transformation, but weapons can't.

It's like a bow in the sky with a roaring arrow.

This is a mortal weapon. No matter how special it is, it is impossible to follow him to the fairyland when the arrow roars.

This is the reason why arrow roar has been suppressing his cultivation and is not willing to soar.

For arrow roar, he has been accompanying him all his life. If he lost it because of flying, would he not be alone again?

Therefore, he would rather delay the flight time, but also stay with the sky bow for a long time.

However, no matter how to suppress it, when the cultivation of arrow roaring reaches a certain degree, he can no longer suppress it.

So, one day, all the people in that field witnessed the soaring of arrows.

Even if it was led to the fairyland, from the beginning to the end, the arrow roared did not release the hand holding the bow.

He thought that although he was doomed to give up, even if he could stay for another minute or a second, it would be good for arrow roar.

It just didn't surprise him so much.

Yes, the sky bow unexpectedly followed the arrow to the fairyland.

It is also in the process of soaring that the arrow roars is to know the origin of this bow which has been accompanied by him for more than 1000 years.

This bow, named the sky by the arrow roar, is not from the lower boundary where the arrow roars, but comes from the fairyland.

A long time ago, in the fairyland, there was such a woman craftsman. Her lifelong wish was to forge a peerless bow. In order to achieve this goal, she spent all her wealth in exchange for all kinds of suitable materials, and spent a long time, little by little, to create a bow that satisfied her.

However, after her initial happiness, the craftsman was not satisfied because she suddenly found that the bow she had made, although the material used was top-notch and the refining method was not wrong, she did not know how, but did not give birth to wisdom.

You know, the most important thing is the spirit. If there is no spirit, it can't be regarded as a real immortal.

This discovery disappointed the craftsman.

In order to build this bow, she has spent too much time and energy, but in the end she only got such a result. How can she be reconciled?

Maybe it's because she thinks about it every day and dreams at night. One day, the craftsman held the bow that she had worked so hard to make. Somehow, she went to the refining room and, like a magic barrier, she even put the bow into the refining furnace!

This is

To die for a sacrifice.The high temperature of the furnace used by the artificemaker in the fairyland is unimaginable to ordinary people. Even though she is an immortal, she is addicted to refining utensils and neglects to cultivate. Her strength is not very high. Naturally, she can't resist such high temperature. She ended up in her most familiar refining furnace, or with the bow.

Speaking of it, it's also very sad.

Perhaps it is because the artificemaker's obsession is too heavy. After her fall, her immortal soul did not reincarnate, but was absorbed by the bow she made. She became the spirit in the bow.

To some extent, the craftsman has fulfilled his wish.

With the tool spirit, that bow is the real immortal tool, and it has a strong power, which can be ranked among the top of the immortal utensils.

Later, because there was no master, the bow naturally attracted the eyes of many immortals. Even in order to fight for the bow, many battles broke out, large and small. In such chaos, I don't know how, the bow broke through the barrier between the fairyland and the lower world, and went to the lower bound where the arrow roared.

At the same time, the spirit of the artificemaker, who became the spirit of the instrument, fell into a deep sleep because of excessive consumption.

As soon as she was sleeping, the bow naturally turned into a gray bow with no characteristics.

Until, by the arrow roar from that low-level treasure pavilion to pick out.

We all know what happened later.

Because arrow roar really regarded the bow as his only thing, and placed his unprecedented feelings on the bow. In this process, the instrument refiner, who had been sleeping, actually began to wake up.

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