And then it was very simple.

As soon as the two lonely souls with thousands of years collide, they naturally collide with each other and soon burn up with the thunder and the earth fire.

Therefore, those people in the fairyland said that the only thing in the eyes of the God arrow king was his bow, which was really nothing wrong.

After the spirit of the weapon refiner wakes up, he can also use the sky bow as the body to practice, and the speed of practice is not slow. In the years accompanied by arrow roar, although he has not been able to cultivate to the realm of the heavenly king, he has also crossed the threshold of the Immortal King.

If it goes on like this, of course, it's good.

But the bad thing is that it doesn't last.

The craftsman's name is Qingying. In the years that she was accompanied by arrow Xiao, she was satisfied with the status quo of two people accompanying each other at the beginning, and then she gradually had some ideas to catch up with the footsteps of arrow Xiao.

Although the arrow roar can have such achievements, fundamentally thanks to Qingying and the sky bow, but Qingying also knows very well that although the arrow roar was stained with the light of her and the sky bow at the beginning, they are only a starting point. It is he who really makes arrow Xiao go all the way to the present.

It's very stressful to accompany people like arrow roar.

Think about it, they can accompany each other now, but if arrow roar can go further and become the supreme monarch, at that time, the strength difference between them will be so great, will there be an insurmountable gap between them?

Qingying is not sure if there will be such a day.

But she didn't want to have any of these possibilities.

Therefore, in the past ten thousand years, in order not to drag the arrow roaring hind legs, Qingying spent most of her time on practice.

This is also a good thing, that is, arrow Xiao is also supported. Being in the fairyland and moving forward at such a fast pace, it is certainly impossible to say that Jianxiao doesn't want Qingying to keep pace with him all the time.

However, I don't know if it's because she's too eager. In one practice, Qingying went wrong. Not only did her strength fail to go further, but she was bitten back and severely damaged.

That's great.

If an ordinary immortal, even if it is injured, as long as it does not damage the foundation, even if it takes a long time, it will always be able to bring it back, but Qingying is different. She is originally a wisp of immortal soul, or relying on the sky bow to continue to practice. This injury directly hurt her foundation, that is, immortal soul, let alone her Even the bow of the sky, which is her body, was also hurt.

The arrow roared with anxiety.

However, Qingying's wound is in the immortal soul. If we can't find a way to make up for the heavy damage on her immortal soul, it will be futile to do anything. But the pills that can act on the immortal soul, especially those that can be useful to Qingying's present situation, are the only ones that exist in the legend, and no one can refine them now.

The arrow roared for a moment, but he was helpless.

Ning soul pill, although there is such a pill, but up to now, there is only such a pill. No one has ever refined it.

What's more, even if a Dan master can refine the soul calming pill, the materials needed to refine the soul calming pill, especially Xianjian grass, which is the main material, can be met but can't be obtained. Where should arrow Xiao go to find these materials for a while?

In such a case, the arrow scream is thought of a way.

His current strength has reached the peak of the emperor. If he can not go further, his strength can only maintain the current level, but if he can be promoted to Emperor

Every emperor has a supreme power. There is a saying in the fairyland that after being promoted to the emperor, it has been completely separated from ordinary immortals. In particular, the immortal soul of the emperor can be willing to draw out some and directly create life.

Arrow Xiao thinks that if he can be promoted to the emperor, and then draw out some of his immortal soul to make up for her trauma, I think it will be able to cure Qingying's injury.

With such an idea, I finally decided to close the arrow.

The idea of arrow roaring is good. However, if you want to be an emperor, you need not only talent, but also luck. You can say that every emperor is endowed with good luck. It's impossible to be an emperor in any case if only talent has no luck.

And the arrow roars

He was obviously a little short of luck.

At least, now he is still a little short of luck.

Therefore, just a few decades ago, the arrow roar of the close death pass not only failed to step through the last pass, but also caused the reverse of the heaven's law because of its forced attempt to break through the barrier. The heavenly way directly lowered the divine thunder as punishment, which meant to chop the arrow roar, who was going against the heaven, to death.

At that time, the arrow whistling had been injured, and it was very likely that it could not have survived the divine thunder. At this time, he had already been injured. Qingying, who was cultivated in the sky bow, recklessly blocked the thunder for the arrow.And then

At first, she was still able to hold on for a period of time. After being injured in this way, she became weaker and weaker. Even the immortal soul became unstable. If she could not get effective treatment, she would be really out of her wits.

How can arrow roar accept such a result?

He closed to death in order to seek a way to cure Qingying. He didn't expect to not only fail to break through the last step, but also implicate Qingying to get hurt again in order to save her. If there is something wrong with Qingying, he is afraid that he will never forgive himself in his whole life.

Moreover, it will certainly become his demons.

With such a demon in the heart, just afraid that the arrow roar is no longer what kind of potential, strength can not be further inch forward, can not retreat is good.

Jian Xiao knows how urgent Qingying's situation is now. He doesn't dare to delay it at all. So once he leaves the pass, he contacts the famous Danshi in the fairyland and entrusts them to refine ninghun pill. At the same time, he goes around looking for various raw materials for refining ninghun pill.

This is not, in the time of finding xianjiancao, I met Fengzhi several people.

At that time, when Feng Zhi said that she could try to refine Ning Hun pill, Jian Xiao was already holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor. As soon as the high-grade elitists he contacted, no one could nod his head.

But it's not that these Dan masters deliberately give up, but they have all tried to refine Ning Hun pills, and not once, but the final results are not very good.

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