Under such circumstances, if you meet a person like Fengzhi who dares to say "I can have a try", is not arrow roaring just like grabbing the last straw to save life? Would you like to have a try?

You know, the other high-grade Dan masters, because of the previous so many failures, but now they are not willing to try.

And the arrow roars behind also is extremely happy own this decision.

Holding the Ning soul Dan tightly, he could hardly describe his current mood.

Excited, happy, excited, miss

And so on, all gathered together, let arrow roar, who has always had few other expressions, could not help showing a lot of emotions.

After listening to the story of arrow roar, Feng Zhi and others felt a little emotion for a moment.

They didn't expect that people who looked cold and stone like arrow scream had such a tender side.

As for Qingying, who was seriously injured in order to save the arrow

Feng can't help but think of Mo Liu and Mo Li's father.

Isn't the father of these two sisters dedicated himself to refining weapons?

It can only be said that there are many people in the world who are willing to lose their lives for something.

However, they don't want to think about it. Their lives are all gone. Even if they can make excellent weapons, they can't even take a look at them. Is it OK?

Anyway, Fengzhi will not do such a thing.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhi glared at the practice of Hongyu: "Hongyu, you should sober up a little later, don't make any irreparable things on impulse!"

Wary of the arrow roaring nearby, Feng to also did not say so straightforward.

However, even so, it is enough to practice ruby to understand her meaning.

Although she is also addicted to refining utensils, she is really not so persistent. OK, she can only be a respected tool refiner if she is alive. If her life is gone, she will be blind. She can't understand such a simple truth. Where can she sacrifice herself for refining weapons like Qingying?

But the arrow roars, hears the Phoenix to say so, also did not get angry.

In fact, Jian Xiao is in a very good mood now. He will never be angry even if others say it badly.

Until the ups and downs of the mood become calm again, arrow roar just took a deep breath.

Looking at the sky bow floating in the air, he spread out the hand holding the Ning soul pill, so that everyone could see the soul coagulating pill with light green light.

Longan size pills, but at this time it seems to have some magical power, will all people's line of sight are stuck.


Suddenly, Feng Ming first "Yi" a.

The crowd came back from the silence and looked at the Fengming.

Fengming reached out and pointed to the Ning soul pill in the palm of arrow roar. She also broke her fingers and said, "one, two, three, four Eh, Fengzhi, isn't it said that there are at most three Dan patterns in the immortal elixir now? How can I look at this Ning soul pill, as if there is a fourth Dan pattern? "

While talking, Fengming also rubbed her eyes.

Listen to him say so, other talented person all paid attention to that Ning soul Dan to look at the past.

Sure enough, on top of the three clear Dan lines, there is a light one that you can't see if you don't look carefully.


Dan is the fourth pattern?

People have been with Feng for many years. Although they can't make alchemy, they can't understand the common sense of alchemy. The four grain pill is said to be a kind of elixir that can give birth to wisdom, and it can also lead to Dan robbery

At the thought of this, people suddenly had a meal.

Dan Jie

They all saw the cloud in the sky before, but later they didn't listen to what the other two heavenly Masters said. Was that the Dan Jie caused by refining four pattern pills?

However, later, seeing that the clouds failed to bring down the Dan Jie, they were dissipated by themselves. All the talents did not think about the Dan Jie, but thought that the two heavenly kings were wrong.

But now it seems, maybe, they are right and not necessarily?

As a result, several pairs of eyes, including the roar of arrows, looked at Fengzhi in unison, obviously waiting for Feng Zhi's explanation.

Fengzhi spread out her hands and used a kind of regret, but it can make people hear the words of "Alas, the fire is still poor. It's a pity that this Ning Hun pill has not become a real four pattern elixir after losing it."

Hear here, Fengming several people's hands can't help but some itching.

They really want to beat Feng Zhi.

Does she deserve to be beaten?

It's a pity to say what's wrong!

You know, in the fairyland, no matter how well-known Dan master, at most, he can only refine three grain pills. As for the fourth Dan pattern

Don't say that there is such a shallow light lines, even if it is more than a trace of Dan lines, it is unprecedented.So, think of here, people will feel that the Phoenix to really have the qualification of the se.

So they touched their noses and couldn't say anything against the wind.

Feng Zhi was so proud of her eyes that she couldn't help. Then she looked at the arrow and said, "master arrow, I have refined the pill. Don't you try the effect quickly?"

Can arrow roar not be urgent?

This only needs to see the excitement in his eyes.

Both of them have told the story of themselves and Qingying to Fengzhi and others. At this time, Jianxiao was not afraid to let Fengzhi watch their jokes. When Fengzhi said this, he took a deep breath, and then patted the sky bow twice. The movement was gentle, as if the bow was his most important thing.

Of course, for arrow roar, the bow, which has been relying on the bow, is really the most important thing for him.

Just after the shooting of the arrow, the bow of the sky bow trembled slightly, and the image of a Taoist is a wisp of smoke, which appears in the eyes of all.

It is also in the eyes to see the appearance of Qingying now, all the talent is to understand, why arrow roar such temperament, will be so anxious.

I saw that the bright and clear spirit appeared in front of the public was even a vague shadow, which seemed to disappear completely at any time.

Everyone was shocked.

This is clearly the precursor of the soul.

Just look at this situation also know, if can't find any effective measures, Qingying really can't last long, no wonder the arrow roar will be in such a hurry.

Although only after the fall of the immortal will be stripped out of the immortal soul, and then reincarnated, but can become immortal, this has been out of the ordinary fetus, so the immortal soul of the immortal is also very solid, such as Qingying now, it is really not optimistic.

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