Feng Zhi's face was very quiet. Instead of joking, she said, "master arrow, time is urgent. We won't delay you any more. Please do as you please."

For her, if the Dragon evolved into this look, she would be more urgent than the arrow roar.

Arrow roared to nod, and then also did not speak again, but looked at the eyes with tears.

But now she can only see the arrow.

If she had changed her routine, she could feel what happened outside even if she was staying in the sky bow. But now Qingying is too weak. She is so weak that she will completely disappear if she is not careful. Even keeping herself still has consumed all her strength. How can she spare no time to feel what happened outside?

Therefore, she didn't know what Jianxiao had done during this period of time, and she didn't know that Jianxiao had a soul calming pill to save her. She only thought that Jianxiao was helpless, so she asked her to come out and say goodbye to her.

As long as I think that maybe after today's farewell, they will never see each other again. The tears in Qingying's eyes can't help falling down.

"A Xiao..." She called.

The arrow roared, but his eyes were sour.

It is not easy for him and Qingying to get to today.


After pressing down the sour eyes, arrow roar looked at Qingying that pair had already cried can't own appearance, in the muddle for a while, finally is the aftertaste.

He wanted to laugh and feel sad.

At the beginning, Qingying took the thunder for him, and the injury was aggravated. Arrow roaring naturally wanted to find a way to save Qingying. In order not to let Qingying's immortal soul be damaged again, she let Qingying hide in the sky bow, and said that if she could not find a way to save Qingying, he would not meet Qingying.

So, now Qingying thinks they are meeting for the last time?

Want to understand this, arrow roar even busy way: "Qingying, you don't cry, I have a way to save you, I found Ning soul pill!"

Ninghun pill.

The sadness on Qingying's face was so sad that when she reflected what it meant, her eyes showed ecstasy again, and her face was crying and laughing. In addition, her appearance was still that kind of extremely cold, which combined to look like it was not so funny.

However, the public will Qingying and arrow Xiao's expression in the eyes, in feel funny at the same time, and how much some sad.

After a long time, the arrow roared and finally calmed down.

Time is urgent. Now every minute and second is very important to Qingying. They don't talk to each other any more. Arrow roars to Qingying and nods, then bends his fingers and flicks it gently. Then, he flicks the soul calming pill in his hand to Qingying.

According to the law, Qingying is in the state of immortal soul now, and it is also a very weak immortal soul that may be dissipated at any time. Her situation can't be regarded as an entity at all. The pill should have no effect on her. Besides, she can't swallow the pill, isn't it?

However, how else to say that Ning Xian Dan and Ning Hun Dan are the only two pills that can act on the immortal soul?

I saw that the Ning soul pill with a light green awn, when it flew to Qingying, the green light flashed, and then turned into a light light light, which was directly integrated into the clear immortal soul, and even the swallowing action was saved.

And Ning soul pill is worthy of the legendary pill, the effect is also instant.

As soon as the faint green awn was integrated into the clear and shining immortal soul, it seemed that at any time, it seemed that the clear and shining immortal soul could be blown away by a gust of wind at any time, but in a moment it became a lot more condensed.

Then, people can see clearly, the clear spirit of the immortal is still a little bit enhanced.


What a miracle.

Everyone was surprised.

In particular, arrow roar, in addition to Qingying herself, the most nervous is him. The two eyes that used to look at Qingying without blinking, for fear of something wrong with Qingying. It was more like that once something happened, he would rush up immediately. Until he saw that Qingying's condition had been greatly improved, he finally released it completely Come on.

And Qingying herself is more excited.

Others only use their eyes to see, but she can clearly feel her own change.

At the beginning, arrow roar forced to break through, but only caused a divine thunder from heaven. At that time, Qingying rushed to block the arrow roar without thinking about it. If it wasn't for the God thunder that hurt her soul as much as the real person, I'm afraid she would have lost her soul at that time.

But, even if it didn't immediately get scared, it wasn't much.

At least, during this period of time, Qingying has a feeling that she will completely dissipate in this world at any time.

Qingying is a person who has died once, so she is not so afraid of death, but she is really reluctant to bear the arrow roar.

They have always thought that they will accompany each other, go hand in hand, where can think of such a thing in the middle, they can't imagine, has been used to each other's existence, if Qingying really lost her soul, leaving arrow roaring alone, how lonely he should be.Jian Xiao's temperament is not hot. If he didn't meet Qingying, he would have become as cold and hard as a piece of solid ice in the ice field. If he never got it, he realized the beauty of being accompanied by someone. If he lost it again, whether it was Qingying or Jianxiao himself, he didn't know what he would do.

This period of time stay in the sky bow, Qingying has been worried about these.

Fortunately, it's all right now.

Feel oneself instantly congealed a lot, and also has been strengthening the soul body, this moment, no one knows how grateful Qingying heart.

Of course, the same is true of the roar of arrows.

Arrow roar before people are cold and serious, no one has seen his face has redundant expression, let alone cry or smile, but at this moment, Feng Zhi several people clearly saw a little bit of crystal in arrow Xiao's slightly red eyes.


Feng Zhi several people look at each other.

They think that they saw the most embarrassing side of the first man under the emperor, the God arrow. Will they be killed in the future?

Oh, it's really melancholy.

When Feng Zhi several people think about the west, arrow roar and Qingying finally recover from the excitement.

They looked at each other deeply, and then they came to Feng Zhi together and bowed solemnly to Feng Zhi.

"Fengzhi, thank you very much this time." The arrow roared, and the words went down the tunnel.

He said it seriously, as if he wanted to print all the words in his heart.

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