The reason why Xinglin Zhang left so many injured patients and rushed to the sky is not to join the sky ladder and Tianqi. It is not entirely because he wants to reminisce with the old friend Jianxiao. The biggest reason is that he also wants to have a good look at the child's injury in the mouth of arrow.

After all, such injuries as Fengzhi are not often seen.

The arrow roars and laughs bitterly.

He himself has been regarded as unsophisticated, and his eyes can't tolerate anything other than Qingying and bows and arrows. However, Xinglin Zhang's persistence in medical ethics is even more than that of him. Before saying a word, he directly asked the injured.

However, this was also the purpose of arrow roaring to invite Xinglin Zhang. Although Feng has recovered now, he can't ask Xinglin Zhang to go back?

Feng to roar to, so you turn

Feng to Yi Yan comes forward to arrow Xiao and Xinglin Zhang.

Her move, Xinglin Zhang that pair of wise eyes then looked over.


After only a look, Xinglin Zhang then so light "Yi" a sound.

This made the public dumbfounded.

As they all know, Fengzhi had been injured before, and it would take another 100 years to recover. But Fengzhi became the first Dan master to refine the high-quality elixir Ning soul pill, so he got the reward from the way of heaven, and the wound was completely recovered.

But now, as soon as he saw Feng Zhi in Xinglin, he said "Yi". Can't Cheng Fengzhi's injury not completely recovered?

Long Yan was a little nervous.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he wanted to take Fengzhi into his arms, but before he could touch the person, he was pushed aside by xinglinzhang. Long Yan wanted to change his face. But thinking of Xinglin Zhang's identity and ability, if there was something wrong with Fengzhi's body, he had to rely on Xinglin Zhang's hand, so long Yan could only bear it.

Arrow roar and Xiao Xu are also a little surprised.

Although they are not as focused on medical ethics as Xing Lin Zhang, they can see whether there is any injury in a person's body. Previously, both of them have investigated the situation of Fengzhi, and according to their opinion, Fengzhi has really recovered.

But now, looking at Xinglin Zhang's reaction, is there something more hidden in Feng Zhi's body that they didn't notice?

Arrow Xiao opened his mouth and wanted to ask about the situation, but thinking that they were still standing at the gate, the words came to the mouth and went around again: " It's not a matter to talk here. Let's go in and talk about it. "

Of course, no one will disagree with this.

As a result, the arrow roars to lead, a group of people followed into the house.

When the guest of honor sat down, Jian Xiao knew the temper of Xinglin Zhang, so he didn't say much about it. He simply introduced it and said, "old friend, this is the injured child I told you about. However, she has had an adventure recently, and her injury is healed. However, look at your previous appearance, is this child's body still What's wrong

Other people also pricked up their ears to hear Xinglin Zhang's answer.

In particular, Long Yan held Feng Zhi's hand tightly at this time, which showed how nervous he was.

When talking about the treatment of the injury, Xinglin Zhang would not have any carelessness. He looked Feng up and down and finally said, "you can't see anything just by looking at it. Why don't I check the pulse for this little friend?"

Pulse checking is still the method of diagnosis and treatment when he was a doctor in the lower bound. It was not necessary to heal the immortal, but Xinglin Zhang had been used to it for a long time, so he still kept the process.

Moreover, often for people to pulse, Xinglin Zhang can not help but think of the original thing in the lower bound, this is also a memory of the past.

Feng to the good as the flow of the hand, and the sleeve to the top close, exposed a section of white white white wrist.

Xinglin put two fingers on Feng Zhi's wrist.

There was a sudden silence in the room.

At the same time when Xinglin Zhang's fingers put on his wrist, Fengzhi only felt a very gentle and soft Xianqi coming into his body from his two fingers. This made Feng Zhi's immortal Qi subconsciously want to rebound, but it was suppressed by Fengzhi in time.

With the cooperation of Fengzhi, the immortal Qi of Xinglin Zhang swam around Fengzhi's muscles and veins, and finally came to the position of Dantian.

It's unnecessary to say how important the elixir's field is to the person who cultivates the immortal. It can let the immortal spirit of the outsider enter his own elixir field without any precaution. This also shows how relieved Fengzhi is about the immortal doctor Xinglin Zhang.

In fact, Fengzhi is not at ease with Xinglin Zhang, she is at ease with arrow Xiao.

She is kind to arrow Xiao, and arrow Xiao is not the one who will bite the hand that feeds her. Since this Xinglin Zhang can get the trust of arrow Xiao, Feng can naturally trust it.

Feng Zhi originally thought that, in the name of Xinglin Zhang, a medical immortal, it should not take much effort to explore the injury.

But unexpectedly, the immortal Qi of Xinglin Zhang stayed in the elixir field of Fengzhi for a long time. After a long time to Fengzhi, he doubted whether he really had any hidden danger, so he finally took back the immortal Qi."How is she?" Long Yan was the first to ask.

Xinglin Zhang Wenyan turned his head and looked at Longyan. Instead of answering Longyan's question, he asked a question that was not in the same breath as Feng Ma Niu: "are you and her immortal companion?"

Long Yan was stunned and nodded.

He did not expect that Xinglin Zhang would ask such a question, but there is no doubt that this is for sure.

Apricot Lin Zhang's eyes then flashed a little clear.

He took back his hand, looked at Feng Zhi and said, "little friend, your injury has really healed, but..."

"But what?" Long Yan's whole body was tense.

Xinglin Zhang took a look at Long Yan, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know why. He was about to say it, but he suddenly waved his hand and said, "don't say it, don't say it..."

There are green tendons on the back of his hands.

Xinglin Zhang probably knew that his words were not worth beating. After thinking about it, he added, "this little friend's injury is really good. As for other problems, although it can't be said, you don't need to worry. It's a good thing."

Good thing?

This statement is even more confusing.

Long Yan relaxed.

Although we still don't know what Xinglin Zhang means, as long as Fengzhi is OK. As for what is good, even if Xinglin Zhang doesn't say it now, they will always know it in the future.

If so, why worry?

I have to say that under the premise that Fengzhi is OK, Longyan's mentality is also very Buddhist.

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