She was also a little curious about what Xinglin Zhang said "can't be said" about herself. However, looking at the appearance of Xinglin Zhang, no matter how much she asked, he would not open his mouth to explain, so Fengzhi simply did not ask.

Anyway, according to Xinglin Zhang, it's a good thing, isn't it?

And confirmed that Fengzhi's injury has really healed, the others followed with a sigh of relief.

With Fengzhi's strength, few of her peers can be said to be out of her right. It can be imagined that if she participates in the struggle for the ladder, she will have a very brilliant achievement. However, her injuries will have a very serious impact on how far she can go in the ladder.

Now it has not been long since the ladder was opened. If Fengzhi can't heal the wound quickly, it will be a pity for everyone.

But Xinglin Zhang, after confirming that Fengzhi's injury had been cured, did not even sit for a while, or have a good chat with Jianxiao, an old friend, and then stood up to say goodbye to Jianxiao.

An accident with the roar of an arrow.

Although Xinglin and Zhang are indifferent to people, they used to talk about the past every time they met. How could they rush to leave this time?

He asked his doubts.

Xinglin Zhang Wenyan waved his hand, "it's not that I don't want to reminisce with you, but I'm entrusted to go to another place to show an old friend's younger generation..."

Speaking of here, I don't know what I think of. Xinglin Zhang sighed suddenly.

Arrow Xiao is not a very curious person at ordinary times, but this time, hearing the sigh of Xinglin Zhang, he asked more: "what's the reason?"

Xinglin Zhang probably wanted to talk to people, so he didn't say anything about leaving. He sat down again and said, "my old friend, who once made a great reputation in the fairyland, had a period of glory in the fairyland. But now the talent is withering, and he is in an awkward situation. He is looking at such a strength at the beginning I feel sorry for my old friend... "

The arrow roared with curiosity.

Xinglin Zhang is not a person who talks a lot. Even though he is an old friend, he has never said so much at once. We can imagine how much he laments his old friend's younger generation and his family's withering state.


What kind of person's family can make Xinglin Zhang have such feelings?

Arrow roared and said, "old friend, can you tell me the name of your old friend, and which one is his family?"

Xinglin Zhang also did not want to hide, this is not a secret, he believes that the people present must have heard of his old friend and the name of his clan.

In fact, Xinglin Zhang also took it for granted. He did not expect that among those who heard his words, there were four fairyland newcomers who knew little about the fairyland.

And listen to Xinglin Zhang said, arrow Xiao and others are more curious.

Xinglin Zhang didn't want to betray the truth. He said directly, "my old friend's name is Zhou Changyu. His family was once famous in the fairyland..."

Did not wait for Xinglin Zhang's words to finish, Xiao Xu's mouth already vomited out a few words.

"Five elements sect!"

Jian Xiao, Qingying, xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu nodded at the same time after hearing the words "wuxingzong".

But Fengzhi's four people were stunned. If they didn't know that Fengzhi had not established the five element sect in the fairyland, they would have thought Xiao Xu was talking about the five element sect of Fengzhi.


Is this five element sect related to the other five element sect?

For a while, Feng to four people are quiet down, just looking at Xinglin Zhang several people, waiting to listen to their next.

After being robbed by Xiao Xu, Xinglin Zhang didn't get angry. He nodded and sighed: "brother Zhou ascended to the fairyland in a very short time, and then he established the five element sect. At that time, he attracted talented people from all over the world to worship him. What a prosperous scene it was..."

Xinglin Zhang's tone can't be more emotional.

Since they have heard the names of Zhou Changyu and wuxingzong, they are also very familiar with the situation of the two. Therefore, they are not surprised to hear the words of Xinglin Zhang.

But xianbao'er, who had long been used to the ignorance of Fengzhi's four people about common sense things in the fairyland, unconsciously looked at them. Sure enough, she saw Fengzhi's four people pricking up their ears to listen to Xinglin Zhang's words.

Needless to say, xianbao'er also knows that Fengzhi has never heard of the names of Zhou Changyu and wuxingzong.

Of course, this time xianbao'er was wrong.

Fengzhi really heard of Zhou Changyu's name.

She is the inheritance of the five elements Sect on earth, and the origin of the five elements sect is well introduced. Among the inheritance of Fengzhi, the most heard name is Zhou Changyu, the founder of the five elements sect.It is said that Zhou Changyu is a peerless genius. He has an unparalleled speed in practice. He founded the five element sect, and later moved to another world with him. Before leaving, he predicted that there would be a inheritor related to the five element Sect on the earth, which left a special inheritance on the earth.

This inheritor, Fengzhi, took his seat automatically after he got the inheritance of wuxingzong.

In a word, Zhou Changyu is the founder of the ancestral clan with incomparable talent.

With Zhou Changyu's qualification, Fengzhi has no doubt about whether he can fly to the fairyland.

She just didn't expect that after so many years, she would hear the names of Zhou Changyu and the five elements sect in the fairyland and other people's mouths in this way.

Listen to the meaning of some people in Xinglin

Zhou Changyu must have fallen, and the five element sect he created seems to be in a bad situation now?

What's wrong!

Seeing the appearance of Fengzhi, xianbao'er said what he knew about Zhou Changyu and wuxingzong without their urging: "sister Fengzhi, it's a long talk..."

Zhou Changyu, the name in the fairyland has a very high visibility.

About 100000 years ago, Zhou Changyu soared to the fairyland. It is said that he spent ten days in the pool of immortals after his ascent. This shows how talented he is.

After that, in just a few thousand years, Zhou Changyu became a household name in the fairyland because of his strength.

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