In the fairyland at that time, Zhou Changyu was like a rising star. He not only attracted the attention of his peers, but also those of the older generation, who were also attracted by his amazing talents.

After 3000 years of cultivation, he reached the realm of Xianjun, and then created the Wuxing sect. Later, in the eyes of many people, it took less than 5000 years for Zhou Changyu to break through and become a member of the heavenly king. While he was famous, he also made the five element sect he founded become a sect comparable to several super sects in the fairyland The number of celestial beings was not clear, and the gifted figures worshipped the five element sect one after another.

Think about it, what a sight it should be.

It can be said that Zhou Changyu accomplished the whole five element sect alone.

However, it is precisely because the wuxingzong is too dependent on Zhou Changyu's existence, so after Zhou Changyu's fall, the five element sect was hit particularly hard.

Yes, everyone thought that a genius like Zhou Changyu might be able to further achieve the power of emperor in the future, but no one thought that he would be like a meteor, only emitting a very short light, and then forever silent.

In the eyes of many older generation figures at that time, Zhou Changyu's fall was a great loss to the whole fairyland.

After all, every more emperor in the fairyland, his luck will be more prosperous, and the immortals in the fairyland can also get more benefits.

No one can think that Zhou Changyu fell so early.

However, how can't believe, the fact is the fact, Zhou Changyu became the emperor after thousands of years, early fall.

And wuxingzong, in the case of relying on Zhou Changyu's personal strength so much, we can imagine what kind of attack will be suffered because of Zhou Changyu's fall.

It can be said that after Zhou Changyu's fall, the original vigorous five element sect lost all its vitality, and suddenly became exhausted.

No way. At that time, the five element sect was still a new sect. It was also because the leader was Zhou Changyu, a new star in the fairyland, that he had the strength that seemed to be comparable with several super sects in the fairyland. But in fact, compared with those super sects in the fairyland, the five element sect had a very thin foundation.

One of the most obvious points is that the disciples of the five elements sect are still too young. After Zhou Changyu's fall, there is no one who can choose the main beam alone.

Under such circumstances, it is not unimaginable that the five elements sect will decline.

In fact, if Zhou Changyu had not gained a lot of friendship in the fairyland at the beginning, wuxingzong would have been eaten by people after he fell.

However, even though the five element sect still managed to survive under the blessing of Zhou Changyu, but without Zhou Changyu, the great God, the hearts of all the disciples of the five element sect had already dissipated. The disciples who left behind were still very few, and some of their talents were not so good. They knew that they would not be valued if they went to other schools.

It can be said that in just one night, the five elements sect has been reduced to a non mainstream sect from being comparable to several super sects.

Such a gap, the ability to bear a little poor people, really can not accept.

In short, after the fall of Zhou Changyu, the wuxingzong survived.

In those years when Zhou Changyu just fell, people from all walks of life paid close attention to the trend of the five elements sect out of pity for Zhou Changyu, but each time they got some news that people didn't want to see. Over time, the sect of five elements, which had been a flash in the fairyland, fell to the bottom of the fairyland in silence.

Occasionally, some people will think of Zhou Changyu, and the scenery of wuxingzong before Zhou Changyu fell, but what they get is just more sighs.

No matter how talented people can't go to the last step where people can't ignore his light, they can only sigh when they think of it.

Up to now, there are only a few people who still hold fast to Zhou Changyu's glory.

"Really a few people!" Speaking of this, xianbao'er emphasized it, then stretched out his hand and spread out his five fingers. "Fengzhi elder sister, I heard my parents talk about the five element sect from time to time. It is said that there are only five disciples left in the five element sect. If it were not for the Yin Xian peak where the five element sect is now located, there is still the big guard left by Zhou Changyu I'm afraid that yinxianfeng will be occupied by other jealous people for a long time... "

The pity in xianbao'er's voice can't be more obvious.

Although Zhou Changyu had already fallen when she was born, Chu Xuanji and Xianhe had met Zhou Changyu when they were young. Even though Zhou Changyu fell for such a long time, they still had high praise for Zhou Changyu.

It's a pity that xianbao'er will be like this, because of the influence of Chu Xuanji and xianhelai.

However, after hearing xianbao'er's words, Xinglin Zhang shook his head and said, "there is a mountain protection array left by Zhou Changyu on yinxianfeng, which is true. But time has passed, and the five elements sect has fallen to the present situation. As long as the mountain protection array is closed, I'm afraid that those around you will be staring at yinxianfeng and want to protect the mountain The last piece of fat left by the five element sect will be attacked by the clan. "With the two or three kittens left in the five element sect, we can imagine what kind of result it will be.

Xinglin Zhang sighed again.

He was in perfect harmony with Zhou Changyu. If not, the remaining disciples of the five element sect would not have used the keepsake left by Xinglin Zhang to Zhou Changyu. Please come forward.

As a matter of fact, none of the remaining disciples of the five element sect suffered any injury that needed Xinglin Zhang's hand. They just wanted to borrow the tiger skin of Xinglin Zhang.

In the name of Xinglin Zhang, if he comes forward, he can frighten back those who stare at the five element sect.

After all, with the current strength of the five element sect, we can focus on the sect they don't let go. Even if its strength is stronger than that of the five element sect, it is not strong enough.

The disciples of the five element sect also know that the work of making a flag by pulling tiger skin can only temporarily scare off those clans. They will come back one day, but they can't hold on. Even if it's only temporary, they have to do it.

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