For those disciples who still stick to the five element sect, Xing Lin Zhang, this is their last straw.

They have even thought about what kind of results the five element sect will have when the deterrent effect of Xinglin Zhang on those sects has failed.


No matter what, before that, they should guard the door of the five element sect!

Xinglin Zhang, however, could not be more clear about the current situation of the five elements sect and the thoughts of the five elements sect's disciples. Even so, he still planned to go to the five element sect.

He can not always be the talisman of the five elements sect, but even if it can make the five elements sect exist longer, Xinglin Zhang is willing to go there.

He and Zhou Changyu, after all, also meet.

As for how long the five element sect can support after this time, and what will happen after that, Xinglin Zhang can only show his hands helplessly.

Everything depends on the nature of the five elements sect.

With a sigh again, Xinglin Zhang said: "my old friend died for so many years, and the ancestral gate he left behind has become what it is now. I am also very sorry. If I can help you now, I will do everything in my power to obey the destiny."

Everyone can hear helplessness from Xinglin Zhang's words.

Xinglin Zhang has the strength of the emperor and is famous in the fairyland. However, he is not a member of the five element sect. Even if he appears once, he can only temporarily retreat those who have the idea of yinxianfeng.

After telling the story to Jianxiao and others, Xinglin Zhang stood up again and said, "we have already delayed these times. We must have been waiting for the five elements sect. I will not talk to you any more..."

With these words, he has to go out.

At this time, Feng Zhi suddenly said, "master, I'm very curious about the five elements sect. Why don't you take us to the five element sect? It's the gate of the five element sect left by people like Zhou. If we can help, we can help. That's a tribute to master Zhou..."

Finish saying, Feng Zhi looks at apricot forest Zhang so longingly.

Like her, there are dragon Yanfeng and Fengming.

It is xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu. After a little stupefied, they all follow and look at Xinglin Zhang, with prayers in their eyes.

Xinglin Zhang, as well as arrow Xiao Qingying, as well as Xiao Xu, heard Feng to such a request are stunned.

They did not expect that after hearing the story of Changyu and wuxingzong this week, Fengzhi several people would take the initiative to ask to go to wuxingzong.

Xinglin Zhang and Jianxiao Qingying don't know much about Fengzhi, but Xiao Xu is not the same.

Xiao Xu and Fengzhi have been together for so long. Naturally, she knows that Fengzhi is not a meddlesome. To say that she admires Zhou Changyu, she wants to contribute to the five elements sect. Xiao Xu will not believe it.


What is the origin of the five element sect and Fengzhi?

But it's not right. It's only more than 100 years since Fengzhi and several other people have been flying to the fairyland, but the five element sect has existed for tens of thousands of years. There should be no intersection between the two.

What's more, if there was a real intersection, Feng Zhi was afraid that he would have found the five element sect long ago, and how could he suddenly think of it now?

So, what kind of medicine does Fengzhi's gourd sell?

Xiao Xu couldn't help looking at the Phoenix.

As for Xiao Xu's gaze, Feng Zhi can't be oblivious. She even winked at Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu then some speechless skimming the beginning.

Well, since he has decided to follow Fengzhi and Longyan, he just follows Fengzhi and Longyan. As for other things, such as the relationship between Fengzhi and the five elements sect, when time comes, he will always know, right?

And Xinglin Zhang there, also nodded at this time.

This is the first time that Xinglin Zhang has seen Fengzhi. Of course, he is not familiar with Fengzhi. However, he and Jianxiao are close friends. Since Jianxiao specially invited him to give Fengzhi a diagnosis and treatment, we can see that Jianxiao attaches great importance to Fengzhi.

Can let arrow roar value the person, can be what only knows meddlesome person?

Of course not.

Xinglin Zhang is not without a pity for the current pass of wuxingzong. Although he can't help him, he will certainly not refuse to have a few children contribute to his work.

He said: "since some friends want to go, let's go with me."

Xiao Xu in one side even busy way: "and I, I also want to go!"

There are already a few Phoenix to join in the fun. It's not too much to have one more Xiao Xu. Xinglin Zhang collected all the bills like this.

Arrow roar and Qingying intend to stay in the sky. They have almost experienced life and death this time and haven't been able to keep warm and warm.

"Fengzhi," the arrow roared at Fengzhi and said, "you can go to the five element sect to have a look. It's not impossible to make some efforts, but you must pay attention to protect yourself. The ladder is about to open. If you want to make achievements in the ladder, you must not let yourself get hurt."This is a very serious statement.

Take Fengzhi for example. Her previous injuries will make her stay in the same place for a hundred years. If she doesn't just refine the soul calming pill and get the reward from the way of heaven, it's a big problem that Jianxiao can ask Xinglin to open his hand with his own face, and whether he can cure Fengzhi's wound before the ladder is opened.

If you get hurt again this time

Can't be trouble again and again, Xinglin open hand?

What's more, Xinglin Zhang is often closed. This time, it happened that Xinglin Zhang was not closed. What if Xinglin Zhang was closed?

For the arrow roaring, Fengzhi also deeply thought.

She nodded to the arrow roar with great solemnity. "Master arrow, don't worry. I know it in my mind. There will never be any trouble."

In fact, the reason why she was hurt so much earlier was that she met the enemies at the level of emperor like Caixia fairy. However, under the emperor, she would never be forced to use the power left by fengmiao to save her life.

And this time I went to wuxingzong

It can be seen from the words of Zhang et al. In Xinglin, the five element sect is a non mainstream sect, and the whole sect is only five disciples. It can be imagined that even if there is a mountain protection array left by Zhou Changyu, there is no way to take such a five element sect. It can only defend the mountain protection array and then take advantage of the opportunity to fight the hidden Xianfeng idea. The strength of the sect will not be strong Where to go?

Maybe, it's even worse than donglaizong who has fallen to the foot of Phoenix.

Under such circumstances, what is Fengzhi afraid of?

In any case, Fengzhi and wuxingzong have such a deep source. Everything she has now is in the wuxingzong. Now the wuxingzong has something to do, she can't stand idly by.

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