See Feng to the heart of success, arrow roar also no more words.

Therefore, Fengzhi and his party followed Xinglin Zhang to the five element sect, and so it was settled.

"It's late," Xinglin Zhang stood up and said, "since you want to be together, let's start now."

With the situation that the five elements sect is surrounded by wolves, they can make the remaining five disciples of the five elements sect feel relieved a moment earlier.


If anyone can't hold on to such pressure and leave the wuxingzong, they will really collapse completely.

With Xiao Xu and Xing Lin Zhang, the two heavenly kings, they were very quick to get on their way.

Xiao Xu took Feng Zhi and several others to follow Xinglin Zhang on his way. He said, "you've lost Fengzhi. Your injury has completely recovered. And now it's ten years before the ladder opens. Otherwise, we really don't have time to go to the five element sect."

In the end, he was still curious about the relationship between Fengzhi and wuxingzong. Xiao Xu couldn't help asking, "Fengzhi, can you tell me about the relationship between you and the five elements sect?"

Feng Zhi takes a look at Xiao Xu.

I'm a man of the same age, and I'm still the king of heaven. Why are you so gossiping?

She smiles at Xiao Xu and suddenly says, "if I tell you that I am the leader of the five element sect..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xiao Xu stagger and let Feng, who was on his way, almost fell out of the air. You know, it's high in the sky. If you don't fall to death, you'll lose your skin.

Feng couldn't help but turn her eyes at Xiao Xu.

"Master Xiao Xu, how are you bluffing? Does your ex-wife Caixia fairy know?" Feng Zhi made a joke.

Xiao Xu is not easy to stabilize the body, listen to the Phoenix to mention Caixia fairy, he is a little puzzled, "what does this have to do with her?"

Feng turned her eyes again.

For such a pig teammate who can't understand her own Terrier, she is helpless.

Facing Xiao Xu, she waved her hand, and Feng said, "it's OK to get it. It doesn't matter. Is it OK?"

Xiao Xu touched his nose.

Feng to the mouth can often spit out some words they do not understand, which he has been used to.

Then, Xiao Xu turned the topic back, "by the way, Fengzhi, you haven't said that you are the leader of the five elements sect. What do you mean?"

Mentioned this, not only Xiao Xu, but also Xinglin Zhang Du looked over with a puzzled look.

When the emperor of the five fairylands was founded, I didn't think of the five line world, but I didn't think of it

Xiao Xu and Xinglin Zhang suddenly realized.

They all thought that the reason why Fengzhi asked to go to wuxingzong with Xinglin Zhang was because of this.

But I don't know that although these two five element sects are not one, they are the same.

Seeing the sudden expressions of Xiao Xu and Xinglin Zhang, Feng Zhi didn't explain it. Anyway, they would know when they arrived at the five element sect.

Yinxian peak, where wuxingzong is located, is tens of thousands of miles away from the sky. However, Xiao Xu and Xinglin Zhang are there. This distance is nothing, but they can see a mountain in the distance after most of the time.

"That's yinxianfeng." Xinglin Zhang pointed to the mountain road in the distance.

Yinxianfeng is also a blessed place.

When Zhou Changyu established the five element sect, although he only had the strength of Xianjun, his fame in the fairyland was not small. Therefore, when he chose Yin Xianfeng as the residence of the sect, no one else had to come to grab him.

But now

None of the five remaining disciples of the five elements sect can carry it, let alone resist foreign enemies.

If there is no one who can hold on to it, it will be normal for someone to have the idea of yinxianfeng. Zhou Changyu was famous at the beginning, but who let him fall early?

When Fengzhi several people looked at yinxianfeng from afar, they had come to the foot of yinxianfeng.

At this time, yinxianfeng was covered by a layer of continuous flow of light, which covered the whole yinxianfeng. This was the mountain protection array left by Zhou Changyu.

Zhou Changyu has been falling for many years, but the mountain protection array has always adhered to the Yinxian peak, completely isolating those greedy eyes.

However, after all, it has been too long, and the mountain protection array will always run out of energy for the last time. Although it can barely operate now, as long as people with long eyes can notice, the brilliance of the mountain protection array has a faint trend of weakness.

It can be imagined that those who are covetous of yinxianfeng don't need to do anything more. They just need to wait for a period of time to get in.This is the situation faced by the five element sect.

Feng Zhi couldn't help shaking his head as he looked at it. "At least it was a big gate, but now it has been reduced to being surrounded by wolves. However, there is no way to hide in the mountain protection array. It's really hard for people to know what to say."

Isn't it?

At the time when Fengzhi was filled with emotion, the last five disciples of the five elements sect gathered together in a place full of worry in the big array of mountain protection and Yinxian peak.

"What to do?" A look at the age of about 20 women wrung eyebrows way.

Although she is a woman, she looks big and thick. If you only look at her back, I'm afraid that no one will think it's a woman.

By the way, we have to talk about the situation of the last five disciples of the five elements sect.

One of them was this woman. Among the other four, a boy of about 17-8 years old was wearing a clean Taoist robe with a serious look on his face. Beside him was an old man with white hair and a stout young man who looked simple and honest. The last one was a little girl who could not look at seven or eight years old.

These are the last five disciples of the five elements sect.

Hearing the woman's question, the other four could not help but look sad.

This is really worrying.

Since the fall of Zhou Changyu, the five element sect has been declining year by year. At the beginning, those disciples who had been under the five element sect had left the sect one after another because they knew that there was no good future for them to stay in the sect.

After all, the reason why these people worship the five element sect is to get ahead. Now that the five element sect has declined like this, it is certain that they will not get any benefits if they stay here. Under such circumstances, it is not difficult to understand that these people rush to leave.

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