Feng Zhi gently coughed, "well, what I didn't say is that the five element sect I founded, and this five element sect Well, it has a deep origin. "

At the same time, Feng Zhi took a look at the five young Taoist robes.

Has a deep origin?

Everyone looked at Feng Zhi and waited for her explanation.

Fengzhi then said: "well, I got the inheritance of the five element sect in the lower bound, so I can also be regarded as a person of the five element sect."

Fengzhi practiced the chaotic five element formula which she inherited from the five element sect. I don't know if she had considered it when she left the inheritance. The skill in her hand included the part after flying up.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi's cultivation is of course the purest immortal spirit with the characteristics of the five elements sect. The mountain protection array that controls the five elements sect is of course no exception.

Hearing Feng Zhi say this, everyone is very surprised.

They did not expect that there was such a relationship between Fengzhi and wuxingzong.

The most surprising is the number of Daopao teenagers.

However, after being surprised, when the five people saw Feng Zhi again, there was a lot of kindness in their eyes.

Since the fall of Zhou Changyu, the five elements sect has been going downhill at a very fast speed. For nearly a hundred years, it has been even worse than those of the third class sect. Finally, only the Taoist robe young five people still stick to the hidden fairy peak.

They all thought that they were the last few members of the five elements sect. Now they found out that they had other classmates besides them. How could they not be kind?

Even, they look at Feng to the eyes, are flashing light.

Look at that posture, there is a great tendency to rush to Feng and cry bitterly in front of her.

Of course, Long Yan stopped in front of Feng Zhi in time and smashed their desire.

For Long Yan's behavior, Feng Zhi only smiles happily.

Then, she looked at the young five people in Daopao, shook her head and said, "the five element sect I founded in the lower world is the only one in the lower world who dares to provoke. She originally thought that when the time was ripe, she would also create a five element sect in the fairyland. She did not expect that the five element sect had already existed in the fairyland, and it was still such a five element sect..."

That tone, don't mention how buried.

The faces of the five young Taoist robes were all flushed.

If they can choose, they also hope that their clan will be strong, and no one will dare to come to their own sect. But after Zhou Changyu's fall, the five element sect will decline as quickly as without the backbone?

They are also very aggrieved, OK.

Feng Zhi's words have not been finished yet There are only five disciples left, and the most powerful one is only Dixian period... "

The remaining four are all human beings.

These words said, Taoist robe young five people's faces more red.

In fact, their qualifications are not low, at least they are at the middle level. However, the five element sect is in such a bad state that they don't even have any decent materials. Only relying on their own cultivation, their cultivation speed will be slow.

But in the shame, the Taoist robe youth's heart can't help but move slightly.

His qualification is the best among the five, but the five element sect is really too poor now. He has worked hard for hundreds of years to finally have the strength of the early Dixian.

Take a look at the number of Fengzhi people. In terms of their age, they are afraid to be smaller than him, but their strength is not sure how much more than him.

The most important thing is

Fengzhi can also be regarded as one of the five elements sect.

So, can they

I don't know what I think of. The eyes of Daopao teenagers are all with some essence.

Feng to pour is to sweep a Taoist robe youth one eye.

She could see that Daopao teenager was thinking of something related to her. Although she didn't know his specific idea, it was also related to the current situation of the five element sect.

But I didn't expect that this young man in Daopao still had a plan in mind.

It's not surprising.

If he can't do it by himself, he can still do it.

Feng Zhi was still thinking about what kind of idea was the Taoist priest's youth. Over there, the Taoist robed boy looked up at Feng Zhi and others and lowered his head to communicate with the other four gods.

Knowing the meaning of Daopao teenager, the expressions of the other four people changed.

After a long time, they finally reached a consensus, and each one had some determination in their eyes.

Xinglin Zhang and Xiao Xu at this time can not help but go to the Phoenix there to see a look, two people's eyes are with a faint smile.

They all have the power of the emperor, even if they did not intentionally eavesdrop on the divine sense transmission of the five young Taoist robes, they also listen to what they are discussing.

I don't know what kind of reaction Fengzhi will be.After unifying their opinions, Daopao youngsters winked at the other four people, and then rushed to the direction of Fengzhi.

The other four did the same thing.

Long Yan stopped the boy in Daopao for the first time. However, on the premise that he did not hurt the five people, he stopped the boy, the old man and the big man. The rest of the girls and the big and three thick women failed to stop them, so that the two men successfully rushed to Fengzhi.

At the same time, five people simultaneously uttered a sad cry.

"Elder martial sister..."


Feng almost choked by her own saliva.

She lowered her head and looked at a little girl and woman who hugged her legs on one side, and then listened to their sad "elder martial sister" in their mouth. She only felt that it was neither laughing nor crying.

She practiced the skills of the five elements sect, which was not false, and could be regarded as a person of the five elements sect, but it was just barely enough, which did not mean that she was really a disciple of the five elements sect.


These five people, they depend on her?

Feng to do not know what kind of reaction.

This has always been her calculation of others, where others have calculated her, these five people are still the first time.

However, Feng Zhi's mood was not bad, and he had no bad feelings towards the five people.

Under such circumstances, it is enough for Fengzhi to maintain the existence of the five elements sect. In addition, it is impossible to support the five elements sect in the presence of wolves.


The most important thing is that after listening to these five people calling such a "elder martial sister", Feng Zhi's heart moved slightly, and she really had some ideas.

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