Fengzhi's original intention was that when she and Long Yan's strength went further, they could start to establish the five element sect in the fairyland, and calculate the time. By then, some people still staying in the Xuanwu continent, such as Mo lifengyue, and the outstanding disciples of the Feng family, would almost be able to fly up, which would give them a place to live after their ascent.

However, it is not easy to establish a clan.

If you want to select a site first, you have to choose a place full of immortality. There are all kinds of other trivia, such as the construction of the whole clan gate, and so on.

It's not going to be done in a day or two.

But now, she seems to have a shortcut?

Think like this, Feng to lift a leg.

The little girl and woman who refused to let go of her leg thought that she was unhappy. Instead of letting go, they held Feng Zhi's leg tighter, and even her whole body soared up with Feng Zhi's leg lifting action.

Feng to is a burst of helplessness.

She had never met anyone so shameless in front of her.


It seems that it's not bad if you become a disciple of your own sect?

At least, with this knave, you won't suffer a loss when you encounter something.

"Cough up, you guys," I mean, "stop talking

As soon as Feng Zhi didn't mean to say no, the five young Taoist robes immediately got a spirit.

Especially Daopao teenager, he looked at the other four people, and then his eyes were bright and said: "we mean, elder martial sister, you will take us away Let's close our door! "

In the middle of the speech, when he touched the golden pupil, which was slightly narrowed and full of danger, the Taoist priest changed his mouth temporarily.

Feng to no accident.

These five people really had such an idea.

She looked at the five people and said in a funny way: "you have worked so hard to maintain the existence of the five elements sect. Now how can you send the five elements sect to me so easily?"

"How can it be the same?" The Taoist priest's face disapproved. "Those who covet the five elements sect want us to become the past completely. They just want to occupy our yinxianfeng. After all, yinxianfeng was selected by our ancestors. It can't be wrong. But you are not the same, elder martial sister. What you practice is the chaotic five element formula, which is the same as us It's not an outsider. We can't rest assured when we hand over the five element sect to elder martial sister... "

A trust Phoenix to the appearance.

In fact, Daopao teenagers did not lie.

Over the years, he managed to maintain the five element sect, and he had to be careful to deal with the wolves, tigers and leopards. He was afraid that his family would be swallowed up by others. In fact, he persevered extremely hard. It can be said that he was able to support all the time with his indomitable spirit.

If a person can stand up and take over the responsibility from his hand, he will not have any hesitation.

And now, this man appears.

The most important thing is

"What's more, the grandfather left a message at the beginning, saying that there will be a person who will carry forward the five elements sect in the future." When the Taoist robe boy mentioned Zhou Changyu, his eyes were full of fanaticism.

Not only he, but also the other four.

Zhou Changyu, this is a person worshipped by every disciple of the five elements sect, even if there are only the last five disciples left.

Daopao youth has always believed that, as long as he perseveres, he will always wait for the appearance of the man mentioned by his grandfather.

Now, in his eyes, Fengzhi is undoubtedly the one who can carry forward the five elements sect.

Otherwise, how could such a person who can be regarded as the five element sect suddenly appear?

Daopao teenager's eyes burning at Fengzhi, there is a big meaning to pounce on Fengzhi again.

Of course, it is impossible for him to succeed with Long Yan.

"Elder martial sister, you must be the person mentioned by the patriarch, and you are also a member of the five element sect. We can't rest assured that the five element sect will be handed over to you!"

This was the second time he had said it.

Daopao teenagers have no doubt about Fengzhi. Fengzhi can control the mountain guarding array through the center of the mountain protection array, which has already confirmed her identity.

Feng Zhi is really moved.

For her, if there is a ready-made sect, and this sect is exactly the five element sect, it will save her a lot of work.

Moreover, yinxianfeng is indeed a good place for her to be outstanding. If she had such a starting point at the beginning of the five elements sect, it would be much easier to think about its development in the future.

In this case

Feng Zhi raised her chin to the two men who still held her legs. "Come on, if you have anything to say, please get up first. If you really want to join my five element sect, then you can play rogue like this. I will not slap you away!"The five young Taoist robes all understood the meaning of Fengzhi's words, just like changing their faces. They immediately put away the bitter color on their faces, and then looked at Feng Zhi expectantly.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

It seems that these five people are not as honest as they seem to be.

This is also good, if she really took these five people, she would not worry that they would be easily cheated.

After such twists and turns, the crowd sat down again.

Feng Zhi glanced at the boy and said, "my name is Fengzhi. They are Longyan..."

First will own side of the people introduced, Feng to again: "you also make a self introduction."

The boy in Daopao nodded, "elder martial sister, my name is Cheng Sinian..."

The woman with the same figure as the man is called gentle, which is a name that is seriously inconsistent with her.

The old man with white hair and beard is named Zhou Zheng. He is not high in qualification, so he is still a man immortal cultivation. However, he has a heart that does not admit defeat. Even if he falls down due to the end of his life, he is determined to practice hard even at the moment before the fall.

The burly man has a name that matches his image very well, Zhang Kui.

The little girl, a native of the fairyland, was picked up from the foot of the mountain by Cheng Sinian a hundred years ago. I don't know who her parents are, and how could she appear at the foot of yinxianfeng alone.

After all, in the fairyland, it is not easy to have children.

Feng Zhi looked at these five people one by one, and had to sigh again. What are these crooked melons and split dates.

However, as the leader of a sect, he can't give up his disciples because of his aptitude. Fengzhi is very confident to train them well.

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