With a slight cough, Fengzhi confirmed with Cheng Sinian again, "can I understand that you want me to be the leader of the five element sect? You'll have to think about it before you answer. I don't like anyone who goes back on his word. I'll be very angry

At this time, Feng Ming added: "the consequences of Feng Zhi's anger are very serious."

Inexplicably, Cheng Sinian's five people shivered.

They think, if they really renege, maybe the end, will be very miserable?

Fortunately, they can't wait to join Fengzhi's arms now So, where can you be happy?

Therefore, the five shook their heads in unison: "elder martial sister, you can rest assured that we will never regret."

Then, as if he was afraid that Fengzhi would repent, Cheng Sinian quickly took out a token from his arms, put it into Feng Zhi's hand, and then retreated far away, saying, "elder martial sister, this is the order of our five element sect. From now on, you are the new leader of our five element sect."

Having said that, Cheng Si Nian is greatly relieved.

Over the years, the suzerain's order has been kept in his hands. He is carrying the Wuxing sect, which is growing westward. How about his pressure?

Now it is not easy to hand over the order of the patriarch to Feng Zhi. At last, he does not have to bear the heavy responsibility. Cheng Si Nian only feels that he is unprecedentedly relaxed.

Feng Zhi looks at the master's order in his hand.

The patriarch's order was no more than the size of a palm, which could be grasped by the Phoenix. The extremely simple token was engraved with the word "five elements". There seemed to be something flowing between these two words, which seemed to be very mysterious.

I don't know what kind of material the token is made of. The tentacles have a light feeling of warmth.

The most important thing is that while holding the token, Feng Zhi only felt that the flow speed of the immortal Qi all over her body was suddenly a little faster. Moreover, every week of the immortal Qi, she could draw a mysterious power from the token. The power was integrated into the immortal Qi in Feng Zhi's body, and perfectly integrated with the immortal Qi she had cultivated through the five elements of chaos.


Feng to some surprise.

Only one cultivates the chaotic five element formula. If you get this token, the speed of practice can be increased by about 10%.

Don't underestimate this success. You should know that the cultivation of immortals is very slow, and can reach 10% quickly. This has already been ahead of most people.

This token, however, is Feng Zhi's unexpected harvest.

Taking this token means that Feng Zhi regards the five elements sect as his responsibility, and the five in front of her become her disciples.

Cheng Sinian's five people were not stupid. Seeing that Fengzhi took the token, they bowed down in front of Fengzhi without any hesitation: "see the Lord!"

Feng is very happy.

She saved a lot of things by picking up a ready-made sect, and it was also the five element sect. After all, she had planned to establish the five element sect, but now it is only a little bit ahead of time.

"Well, since everyone is a family, there's no need to be polite." Feng Zhi Dao.

One side of the apricot forest Zhang, see things develop to the present appearance, also can't help but even call accident.

The original intention of his coming to wuxingzong this time is to let the younger generation of his old friend borrow his own potential. However, when he thought that he had really arrived at the Wuxing sect, he had turned into a supporting role, and Fengzhi, who was hard to follow, became the protagonist and became the leader of the five element sect.

This is a surprise.

Also because of this episode, the party did not rush to leave, but stayed in yinxianfeng for a while.

Fengzhi and several people have nothing to do recently. They just need to make clear about the five elements sect before the ladder is opened. In fact, there are only five disciples of Cheng Sinian and this hidden celestial peak.

As for the family's savings, various materials for the cultivation of disciples

Ha ha, it's gone for a long time, OK?

This also means that Fengzhi has to bear all the materials for Cheng Sinian's five people's cultivation.

Fortunately, Feng Zhi has a lot of good things in his hands. But now there are few disciples of the five element sect, so he won't find it hard.

After looking around yinxianfeng, Fengzhi threw some things that Cheng Sinian could use now, which made Cheng Sinian's five people very happy.

Since they joined zongmen, they have been released. Especially since then, there are only five of them left in the whole clan, and they have not received any material support. Now, with such a patriarch as Fengzhi, they only feel that they are bursting with happiness bubbles.

This is the feeling of finding an organization!

All five people think so.

After carefully collecting the things, Cheng Sinian glanced at Feng and said in a low voice, "Lord, our sect is only five now. No, it's six people. Do you want to take the opportunity to recruit some more disciples?"Even if there are no more than six people, there are too few of them.

When the five fingers were shaken, who told you that there was only one of us

Cheng Sinian's five people were all stunned.

Isn't that obvious? Who else needs to tell them?

At first, Feng pulled Longyan over, then pointed to Fenglai and Fengming, "well, they are all disciples of our five element sect, so now there are nine people in our sect."

Cheng Sinian has a bitter face.

Nine people and six people, this is no substantial difference, OK? They are two or three kittens!

Cheng Sinian has been in charge of the order of the patriarch over the past few years. Naturally, he is very concerned about the future of the five element sect. Now it is hard to see the dawn. Naturally, he hopes that the five element sect can develop quickly. It is understandable that he will be anxious.

Seeing Cheng Sinian's appearance, Fengzhi waved and said, "OK, the next task for you is to practice hard. Tut Tut, you are old enough to have such strength. I blush for you. Now that the ladder will be opened in ten years, long Yanfeng and Fengming will participate in the struggle for the ladder. Before then, I want to see that you have made progress Step. "

Feng Zhi said firmly that there was nothing to bargain about.

Hearing this, Cheng Sinian's five people all suffered.

Gentleness was very embarrassed and said, "Lord, in only ten years, even if we can break through a small realm, we are still far from the level of participating in the struggle for the ladder of heaven?"

She does not have confidence in her few people, but super no confidence!

With their strength, to enter the ladder, I am afraid it is to send food.

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