Feng to smell speech music: "it seems that you are quite confident in yourself, but you want to participate in the struggle for the ladder of heaven?"

She didn't think about it. She just set a time limit for Cheng Sinian's five people to make progress, but they thought Fengzhi would let them participate in the struggle for the heavenly ladder.

As they said, with their strength, really into the ladder, that is to send vegetables.

Every time the heavenly ladder comes to light, it brings together talented people from all over the fairyland. Since it's a genius, which one is not superior in strength? These five pieces are not enough for people to drink.

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, Cheng Sinian's five people first breathe a sigh of relief.

But as soon as, they have some bad feelings in their hearts.

It's because they are not strong enough. Otherwise, they can go in and fight for the ladder at their age.


Not this time. When the ladder opens again a thousand years later, maybe they will be qualified to enter?

After all, they now have a patriarch who can carry forward the five element sect in the mouth of the patriarch!

As a result, the five began to look forward to the future.

Feng Zhi didn't know why they suddenly got up again, no longer wilting like before, but it was also a good thing. She did not think much about it, but began to think about arranging special training for these five people.

Hearing Feng Zhi mention special training, Cheng Sinian's five people are certainly happy.

They have been raised in the five element sect for so many years. Now they have a person who is willing to consider for them and try to improve their strength. They will be surprised if they are not happy.

But Fenglai and Fengming, after hearing the word "special training", cast sympathetic eyes on these five people.

Is Fengzhi's special training affordable to ordinary people?

When they were in the Xuanwu continent, they were in the special training of Fengzhi. What's more, they took off a layer of skin?

Cheng Sinian's five people are happy and happy, but they are not fools when they are looked at like this by Fenglai and Fengming. How can they feel nothing at all? Therefore, they feel a little flustered for a moment.

The special training of the Lord

Is it terrible?

They are not only looking forward to it, but also afraid. Their mood is more than a fear.

At this time, those people who had long thought of yinxianfeng lost their patience and surrounded yinxianfeng together. Only then did they temporarily rescue Cheng Sinian's five people.

Early that morning, Fengzhi just figured out what kind of special training he would arrange for Cheng Sinian's five people. Before he could speak out, his eyebrows raised slightly.

Then, the Phoenix to smile rather than smile way: "Oh, this is finally unable to restrain?"

I can't help it.

They didn't make an appointment with them. Only when they got to yinxianfeng, they found that other people had made the same idea with themselves.

According to the law, these small clans have the same purpose. They should regard each other as enemies. But now they have not been able to get yinxianfeng. No, it's better to unite with the outside world. As for how to divide the booty, it's not too late to think about it later.

As a result, a few people from small families surrounded yinxianfeng.

Before the stupid words came to Xianyin peak, they really let xingyin move.

How famous is it.

The most important thing is that Xinglin Zhang has the strength of the emperor.

However, if there is a heavenly king, even if it is not a super sect, it is only a big one missing from the super sect. Where can there be a heavenly king in these humble small clan gates, they will not dare to provoke the famous Xinglin Zhang.

Therefore, seeing that Xinglin Zhang was obviously taking the lead for the five element sect, these small clan members also temporarily restrained themselves and planned to wait for Xinglin Zhang to leave before plotting.

When they want to come, people like Xinglin Zhang, even if they want to let the five elements sect take advantage of him, he is not a member of the five elements sect, and it is impossible for him to join the five elements sect in order to keep the five elements sect. Therefore, Xing Lin Zhang always has to leave, and it is impossible to stay in the five elements for long.

Therefore, it is estimated that Xinglin Zhang should have left the wuxingzong. Naturally, these people could not help their eagerness and rejoined yinxianfeng.

For these small families, yinxianfeng is a big piece of fat.

How good the hardware conditions of yinxianfeng can be appreciated by Zhou Changyu at the beginning, of course, it is needless to say that if these small sects can occupy yinxianfeng, the cultivation speed of disciples of the sect can be improved by half to ten percent.

As long as you think of this, these clans will be as excited as beating chicken blood.

As for the number of clans surrounded, which sect should yinxianfeng belong to in the end? The question will be discussed after they have cleaned up the five element sect's bastards who occupy the pit.Of course, to talk about discussion is to see whose fist is hard.

"Five elements of the children, quickly get out!" One of the disciples raised his head and called.

His voice was blessed by the immortal spirit, and easily reached the ears of Fengzhi and his party on the top of Yinxian peak without any effort.

Xinglin Zhang's face was a little ugly.

He has already appeared in yinxianfeng, and these people dare to be so presumptuous that they think he has the name of a medical immortal, and they think that he is made of clay and has no temperament?

I want to show them some color.

Phoenix to endure a smile.

These people are also really unlucky, a moment of miscalculation, but one head into the hands of Xinglin Zhang.

However, Fengzhi did not intend to let Xinglin Zhang help solve the crisis of yinxianfeng.

Xinglin Zhang is not a member of the five element sect. It is only temporary for her to help her in terms of her old friend's affection. Now Fengzhi has become the leader of the five element sect. She does not have the habit of bullying her own clan.

Therefore, Feng Zhi comforted Xinglin Zhang with a smile and said, "master, please calm down. Those people are afraid that they don't know that you haven't left, and they don't mean to offend you."

The expression on the face of apricot forest eased a little.

Feng Zhi continued: "I know that the elder is kind and want to help us with the five elements sect. However, since I have already taken over the five element sect, I can't always rely on others to solve the crisis. So I won't bother you this time. You just need to watch. If the younger generation can't handle it well, I'll bother you to do it later, OK?"

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