Xinglin Zhang pondered for a moment and then nodded.

Feng Zhi is not wrong at all. He always relies on the help of others, which is not long-term. If the five elements sect wants to establish a foothold in the fairyland, he can only rely on his own strength.

Now those who come to the door are just some small families around them. It can be said that they are small shrimps. If they all need to rely on the power of others, what about some powerful families in the future?


Xinglin Zhang also wants to see the strength of Fengzhi and see if they have the ability to protect the five elements sect.

"Since Fengzhi said so, I will fight for you." Xinglin Zhang Dao.

After pacifying Xinglin Zhang, Feng turned to look at her Cheng Sinian five people.

"Lord, there are bad people coming again. What should we do?" The youngest shi'er looks at Feng Zhi in horror.

Shi'er, this is the name of the little girl that Cheng Sinian picked up, which means she picked it up.

She is not Lin Daiyu's temperament. Otherwise, she will cry every day because of her name.

Look at the other four

Although they didn't panic like shi'er, it was no better than shi'er.

Feng Zhi shook her head again in her heart.

In terms of strength and psychological quality, if it had not been blocked by the mountain protection array, I was afraid that these people would have been crushed into mud.

With a slight cough, Feng Zhi looked at Cheng Sinian's five people very seriously, "what should I do? There's no need to ask this question at all. Since someone comes to us for trouble, in our own territory, of course, we will not hesitate to call back! "

Cheng Sinian's five people are all suffering from one face.

Of course, they know this truth, but if they want to fight back, they have to have the strength, right?

If they have such strength, they will not only dare to hide under the protection of the mountain protection array and dare not leave.

Feng Zhi was a little angry at their appearance. She bent her finger and hit each of Cheng's five people on their foreheads and said, "OK, all right, I'll take you all the bitter gourd faces. Today I'll tell you to have a good look at the power of the five element sect's protecting sect array."

The power of the grand array of protecting the ancestors?

Cheng Sinian's five people blinked very foolishly.

It's no wonder that they don't understand. In fact, only Cheng Sinian of the five of them has been able to control the mountain protection array very, very reluctantly. This so-called control only refers to opening and closing.

Under such circumstances, let alone that they don't know what kind of power the mountain protection array has. Even if it's them, they can't play at all, can't they?

Now listening to Feng Zhi's saying, I don't know why. All five people have a kind of expectation in their hearts.

Feng Zhi didn't speak any more. Instead, she led all the disciples of the five element sect. Well, in fact, there were only nine people who came to the stone, which is the center of the mountain protection array. Without any nonsense, she put 10000 immortal stones directly into a depression at the bottom of the stone. Then she stretched out her hand and gently pressed it on the stone.

"Watch it!"

As the voice fell, the mountain protection array, which originally only maintained a thin film of light, suddenly became brilliant.

Speaking of it, if the mountain protection array has a spirit, it will feel suffocated.

Zhou Changyu is a real all rounder. He is also very good at array. The mountain protection array on yinxianfeng is also set by Zhou Changyu himself. Different from the ordinary array which only has defense function, the mountain protection array of wuxingzong is a combination of attack and defense, which is not only powerful in defense, but also powerful in attack.

It's just

No matter how powerful the array is, someone needs to control it. The five element sect has been out of shape these years. There is no one who can control the mountain protecting array. If you want to let this array take the initiative to meet the enemy, it's really a difficult array.

Moreover, because the five elements sect has no details now, the immortal stones that maintain the array will be used up. If Fengzhi didn't take over the Wuxing sect at this time, they would be able to take down the yinxianfeng mountain without any effort.

Oh, it's tears when you talk too much.

Now, with Fengzhi's Fairy stone as a supplement and Fengzhi's own manipulation, this big array, which has been silent for too many years, has finally restored its true face.

Of course, it is impossible for the people outside Yinxian peak not to notice the change of the mountain protection array.

As a matter of fact, the people of those small families were all shocked.

"What's going on?"

The group of people were scared to retreat a long distance.

After waiting for a long time, people didn't wait for the next change, so they hesitated to return to the previous position.

"This..." Someone took a close look at the light formed by the mountain protection array, and then got a little uncertain. "Look at this, the five element sect's mountain protection array seems to have been supplemented by some strength. It seems that Stronger than before? "After saying this, he got a lot of sneers.

"Come on, it has been supplemented. The five elements sect is now so poor that only the five little children and the hidden fairy peak are poor. If they can be supplemented, how can they wait until now?"

"That's right, I think, this array probably reflects the light, so we can play the last bit of residual heat. Maybe it's just looking at some bluffing people. In fact, as long as we attack a little, we can break it!"

“…… At that time, if we want to enter the yinxianfeng mountain again, will we not be like entering the uninhabited land

Looking forward to such a scene, many people present were very happy.

It's not a day or two for them to covet yinxianfeng, but they have been blocked out by the mountain protection array before. Now it's hard for them to finish the battle. It's strange that they are not happy!

"In this case," said the head of one of the sect's leaders, who took the lead and said, "then we will have the strength to fight for the last strength of the mountain protection array!"

After that, the man was the first to clap at the mountain protection array.

Other people saw that, where can be willing to fall behind, have to take their own means to attack the mountain protection array in the past.

They all thought that the vulnerability of the five element sect's mountain protection array would collapse for a moment and a half at most under such attacks.

But in fact, they all tried their best to attack the mountain protection array. However, they did not collapse as they wanted. On the contrary, they put on an impregnable appearance and firmly protected yinxianfeng behind them, so that they did not have any temper.

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