"What's going on?"

A group of people beat back and forth, but they didn't bring any ripples on the light film formed by the large array. Those who had the bad patience were already jumping off their feet.

What's going on?

God knows!

Although the heart is very tired, but the people did not stop, they can only hope that this is the final strength of the big array, as long as they persist for a while, they can win the final victory.

But in fact

Until the whole party was very tired and panting, they did not make the array hurt.

For a while, people couldn't help wondering whether they were under the Yinxian peak now. Otherwise, with the current five element sect, how could this array stop them for so long?

After a long time of attack, the leaders of several small sects looked at each other and waved their hands to stop their disciples.

"What to do?"

One of them asked the question.

Before anyone could answer, the crowd heard a voice that was absolutely out of their expectation.

"You Is this deceiving me that there is no one in the five element sect? "

This is a very pleasant female voice. If you only hear her voice, you can know that the owner of the voice must be a beautiful woman.

All the people who heard this, after their initial surprise, couldn't help laughing.

Why laugh?

Of course, it's because of what they heard!

No one deceives me?

The fairy who spoke, how did she say that?

Is it not the consensus of all people that there is no one in the five elements sect? Or, in the eyes of the fairy, the five crooked melons and split dates on the Yinxian peak can be regarded as human beings?

If these people's ideas were known by Cheng Sinian, who was watching Fengzhi play, they would feel very heartbreaking.

Even if they are poor in strength, they can only rely on the existence of the mountain protection array in recent years, so they are not driven out, but they are also human beings. How can they not use bean packets as food?

After laughing, one of them finally straightened up and said, "Hey, fairy, you can say something wrong. When did the five element sect have someone?"

At this time, some people also noticed the words of Feng Zhi just now.

What she said is "bullying me, no one in the five element sect". So, does that mean that she is also a member of the five element sect?

However, when did the five element sect have such a character?

Although there is a great array to protect the mountain, these small families just can't get into yinxianfeng. They also use other methods to understand the situation on Yinxian peak.

Now there are only five people left in wuxingzong. They are sure that no matter which one of them is, they dare not say such words.

What's more, there are only two women among the five, one is big and three thick, almost no woman like gentle, the other is a little girl.


Who is the speaker?

For a moment, those who realized that things were different couldn't help looking at each other.

They always felt that this sudden change might make them lose this time.

And later, it turned out, their premonition was all right.

Feng Zhiren was on the top of Yinxian peak. He pressed his hand on the stone and gently moved it. Then he saw a ray of light flying from the stone. The light quickly spread out about 10 meters in front of the people, forming a light curtain with images on it. The light screen showed the scene outside the Yinxian peak.

Looking at the people who were crowded in the same place outside, Feng Zhi shook her head, "Tut, can you have confidence in such goods now? I don't know what to say..."

Through the array, her voice reached the ears of people outside Yinxian peak perfectly.

The crowd was stunned at first, then furious.

What is "such goods", is this to despise them?

Then, there was a burst of excitement.

“…… Attack yinxianfeng

"Let the five elements sect become history!"

“…… Let them look good! "

The sound goes on and on.

When Feng Zhi heard these voices, she slightly hooked her lips and then yawned with great delicacy. "Oh, just these people, I can't lift my fighting spirit. You can all look after them. If there is such a bad role next time, it's your turn to go out and solve it!"

After speaking, they were not allowed to be angry with those people outside, and Feng continued to point out on the stone.

With her movements, there was no movement at all. The mountain protection array, which was only quietly allowed to be attacked by those outside, suddenly woke up and showed its fangs to its enemies.

Before those people outside had time to attack the large array again, they saw that the light film within 100 meters in front of them suddenly changed. All kinds of lights like sharp arrows shot at them like rain. This was totally undifferentiated attack. Under such intensive attacks, people could not hide at all With that sense of hiding, they can't escape at all.So

Outside yinxianfeng, the disciples of Xiaozong sect, who had the idea of wuxingzong, felt cold all over their bodies.


Of course, because their bodies are now pierced with many blood holes!

With the blood Bi Bi Bi to the outside of the wind, people do not mention how frightened.

Who can tell them what's going on now?

They just picked a soft persimmon to pinch, trying to pick up a leak. How could they suffer such a big crime? The good five element sect was not so bad, even the mountain protection array was also on the verge of falling. As long as they came to surround it, they would be able to occupy the yinxianfeng?

Don't mention how much regret people have.

So, the five element sect has been playing the role of pig and eating tiger all the time in order to lead them to be cheated?

It's really insidious!

People thought bitterly.

If Feng Zhi knew what they were thinking now, she would have to laugh off her big teeth.

Well, how big are these people? How can they think that the five elements sect will play a pig and eat a tiger in order to deceive them? How can they have such a big face?

Looking at the miserable situation of those people inside and outside the light curtain, Feng Zhi is not very satisfied.

"Alas, this array has been abandoned for too many years, and it has not been completely restored. Otherwise, these little shrimps can take away a large area in minutes. How can we only open a few skylights for them?" Feng Zhi Dao.

At the same time, she put a hundred thousand fairy stones into the depression under the stone.

There's no way. It's like this!

At this time, Cheng Sinian was pained.

So many fairy stones!

They have not seen it since they joined the wuxingzong, OK? But now they have all provided the big stone. They can't do it without heartache.


Thinking of the materials for cultivation given by Fengzhi, Cheng Sinian's several people are still calm again.

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