Feng Zhibai Nen's fingers gently rubbed on his chin. His lazy appearance made Long Yan's golden eyes burst out like broken gold.

Long Yan is not afraid of other people's ideas, but now there are Fengzhi's disciples. He can't destroy Fengzhi's image. No, he won't make too much moves.


Some small movements are OK.

He reached out his hand, took down the hand on his chin and held it in his hand. Then he gently stroked several white jade fingers of Fengzhi, so that he could only feel the temperature on Fengzhi's delicate chin.

Phoenix to the eyes of the flow of light.

She smiles at Long Yan, and without any psychological burden, she leans towards him and kisses him on his chin.

Cheng Sinian's five eyes suddenly widened.

This is the first time that they have seen the relationship between Fengzhi and Longyan. It is inevitable that they will be surprised.

Well, they will get used to it.

As for those who often give birth to

Not only physically, but also mentally, they are forced to give dog food. They feel that their heart is a little jammed.


Can they have a place to reason?

Of course not.

After showing her love, Feng Zhiwei narrowed her eyes and said in a soft voice: "the feeling of being covetous by people is really not so good."

She has always been used to nipping all dangers in the bud.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Feng Zhi said again, "come on, let's talk about the level of the strength of the suzerain of the middle-level clansmen, and their suzerain's strength?"

Chang Sheng was startled by the implication that Feng Zhi inadvertently revealed. After a long time, he said in a hurry: "back to the patriarch, all the leaders of those sects have the power of immortal monarch, but each sect has only one Immortal King. However, there are many disciples of these sects, including some talented people..."

Feng to slightly frowned.

The patriarchs are all Xianjun, and there are many disciples. At least, there should not be a few of them. In addition, there are so many other disciples

Fengzhi herself has the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, but her combat power is always far higher than her own level. In addition, there is also Long Yan. She is not afraid of Xianjun at all.

However, the number of the five elements sect is still too small. In addition, she and Long Yan only have nine people together, not to mention Cheng Sinian's five people can't form an effective combat force at all. Therefore, it is not something that can be done in a short time to completely press down those middle-level sects.

At least, I'm afraid it won't work until the ladder is opened.

In fact, Feng Zhi has Xiao Xu here. Although Feng Zhi doesn't know why Xiao Xu is so close to her party, she can see that if she really opens her mouth, Xiao Xu will not hesitate to do something, but Fengzhi has never been a person who will rely on others. Now she can rely on Xiao Xu for a while, and she will never be able to help solve the problems in the future.

Therefore, she still chooses to solve what can be solved by herself.

In this way, the affairs of those clans can only be put aside for the time being.

Well, let's wait until the ladder is over.

Feng Zhi has a kind of faint premonition that this trip to the sky ladder will be a surprise.

If her premonition is true, maybe she will be able to further her strength when she comes out of the ladder. At that time, it will be easier for her to deal with the sect of five elements.

As for before

As long as there is a mountain protection array in, those ancestral gates don't want to go beyond the thunder pool.

Of course, such passive defense is not Fengzhi's style, so she looks forward to the Apocalypse of the ladder.

With a plan in mind, Feng Zhi looks at Chang Sheng again.

Noticing Feng Zhi's sight, Chang Sheng looks at Feng Zhi eagerly, hoping to get some preferential treatment from Feng Zhi.

Fengzhi did give Chang Sheng preferential treatment.

Her eyes swept past the silkworms, which were bound tightly and tightly, and only for a moment determined the future of these people. "Our five element sect is now in full swing, and we really need a group of outside disciples who do chores. It happens that these people came to the door and asked me to be the patriarch. I'm sorry if I don't accept them. So, you are me from today The outer disciples of the five elements sect. If anyone has any outside thoughts, don't blame me for cleaning up the door... "

Speaking of this, Fengzhi took out a piece of Xianming stone, which is famous for its hardness in the fairyland, and gently squeezed it into powder, and then sprinkled the powder in front of Chang Sheng and others.

“…… I'm sure you're not the kind of uninteresting people, are you? " Feng to light floating asked.

Chang Sheng is the first crazy nod.

And other people, also followed the reaction, afraid that a slow step will be Feng to remember in the heart in general, all follow crazy point to start.This scene, if not so many people are tied, I'm afraid it will make people think that they are dancing some new dance.

Feng Zhi was very satisfied with Chang Sheng and others.

As soon as she waved, she untied Chang Sheng and others.

Of course, the tie is not white loose. Every time someone releases it, Feng Zhi raises her hand to make a mark on the man's eyebrow. In the end, everyone is untied, but there is a mark like flame on their eyebrows.

Chang Sheng felt his brow with worry. Although it was still smooth, he didn't think Fengzhi would do anything meaningless.


What is this?

As with Chang Sheng, there are still many people who have doubts.

Feng is in a good mood now. After so many years of wuxingzong, except for the main hall of the main peak, other places have been dilapidated. It is just when people are needed to rebuild it. Can she be in a good mood when she gets so many helpers for nothing?

Therefore, seeing Chang Sheng and others with a puzzled look on their faces, she also explained with kindness: "Oh, you say this, it's nothing, it's just a little means. As long as you are honest and honest, nothing will happen. If someone is upset, what evil will happen to me or the five elements sect Well, you don't want to know what the consequences will be. "

As long as the Phoenix is aware of the five gods, it is easy for them to recognize each of them.

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