Of course, this is not impossible to crack, as long as the divine sense is stronger than Fengzhi, we can naturally get rid of such shackles.


The biggest reason why Chang Sheng and others can only stay in their small clan is that they have poor talent and low strength. Even if they give them 10000 horses, they can't catch up with Fengzhi's progress, let alone the fact that Fengzhi's divine consciousness is open and hanging.

But Chang Sheng and others, after listening to Feng Zhi's words, although they still don't know what the mark is, they can't help but shiver at the same time. That's what they originally thought. At this time, they can only stop at once.

In this way, Feng made the five element sect have so many outside disciples who do chores.

It can be said that the outer disciples of each sect in the fairyland have the lowest status among the sects. All the chores of the sect are done by the outer disciples. The inner disciples also tell the outer disciples what they have to do. Under such circumstances, it can be imagined how much time the outer disciples of ordinary sects can have.

In fact, one of the reasons why the non disciples are the non disciples is that their talents are not good. Even if they are given enough time, their achievements will be far lower than those of those with outstanding talents.

Of course, it is not to say that the external disciples are doomed to have no future. The most obvious example is that Jian Xiao was an ordinary disciple at the beginning, but did not succeed in counterattack later?

Chang Sheng and others are gifted, but who told them to bully wuxingzong so badly?

As for the fact that there are so many outside disciples in the five element sect, the happiest one is Cheng Sinian, who used to be bullied by these people, and even yinxianfeng didn't dare to move forward. Now these people are inferior to them and can be ordered by them. Do you really feel happy to think about it?

Although I have been out of breath before, I will not be bored if I can give more Qi. So I will try my best to summon these new disciples in the next period of time.

However, there were only five of them, and the number of these outer disciples was more than 100 times that of them. Therefore, no matter how hard they tried to persuade others, most of them still had leisure time to practice in addition to completing the tasks ordered by Fengzhi.

If not

Well, if it wasn't for this, they wouldn't have any complaints.

Xiao Ming is still pinched in Feng Zhi's hand, isn't it?

In a word, with these outside disciples, yinxianfeng, which had been silent for many years, suddenly became lively. It was like a static painting moving, much more angry than before.

In such a lively, a blink of an eye, the past ten years.

Early that morning, Fengzhi drank a cup of honey from Xianhuang bee found in a corner of yinxianfeng. He was thinking that the honey tasted good. When would Changsheng lead his disciples to pick up some more, he saw Cheng Sinian running over with gentle Zhang Kui and shi'er.

While running, Cheng snian gasped and said, "Lord, Lord, Zhou Zheng is about to break through..."

The last sentence "you are merciful" did not come out.

When Fengzhi just took over the wuxingzong, he set a small goal for Cheng Sinian, that is, before the ladder was opened, each of them should break through at least once.

In the past ten years, Cheng Sinian, gentleness, Zhang Kui and shi'er have all made breakthroughs, except for Zhou Zheng.

Zhou Zheng's original strength was in the later stage of human immortality, and he went further into the early stage of Dixian. Compared with Cheng Sinian, the four of them only broke through a small realm. Of course, it was more difficult for him to break through the big realm.

At the beginning, Cheng Sinian's four were not in a hurry, but now, as time approached the day when the ladder was opened, they became anxious day by day.


Of course, it's not because they are more anxious about Zhou Zheng's cultivation than Zhou Zheng himself, but because Fengzhi said that the five of them are in a relationship of prosperity and loss. If one of them fails to meet the standard, the other four people should accept the special training of Fengzhi, the patriarch, who is in charge of swordsmanship.

Special training!

Speaking of these two words, Cheng Sinian, who had experienced the taste of these two words ten years ago, still feel that they are living in the shadow of these two words, OK?

Although the effect of this special training is really good, but the process is too unbearable, OK?

Also because of this, now found that Zhou Zheng has begun to break through, Cheng Sinian four people will be excited into this.

Feng Zhi slowly put down the white jade cup in her hand, bent her fingers and popped a few wisps of wind to hit Cheng Sinian's four people's foreheads. She successfully left a small red dot on their foreheads and said, "look at you, what are you like so unstable?"

Maybe it's because someone is protecting them, so they don't have to worry about the clan's survival plan. In the past ten years, the temperament of Cheng Sinian's five people has become more and more lively. They were not in the mood to run up and down like this when they held on to the Yinxian peak.Feng to play this record, four people are light call a, covering the forehead called pain.

Then, they couldn't help laughing.

They suddenly found that they were really stupid. With the strength of their patriarch, they had a clear grasp of what happened on yinxianfeng. How could the patriarch be unaware of such a big financial breakthrough?

Well, it's really good that I don't have to try the special training of the Lord!

The four people are a look of survival.

Feng to see the shape of their forehead and played.

After another ten days, Zhou Zheng finally made a breakthrough and became a Dixian.

Before the breakthrough, Zhou Zheng's hair and beard were all gray, and he might fall down at any time because of the exhaustion of Shou yuan. But now that he has broken through to the fairyland, his longevity yuan has also increased, so the whole person looks much younger than before. Even his hair and beard have changed from gray to black.

This is a real rejuvenation.

Zhou Zheng did not have time to enjoy his heart's joy when he successfully passed the pass. He first came to Fengzhi and bowed respectfully to Feng Zhi, "disciple, thank you for your re creation."

He couldn't have said it without sincerity.

If youfengzhi had not taken over the wuxingzong, he was afraid that he had become a homeless dog without shelter. How could he have obtained such a peaceful training environment and so many cultivation resources, and break through the fairyland in ten years?

All of these are the contributions of Fengzhi, the patriarch. Zhou Zheng could not understand them.

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