Feng to smile toward Zhou Zheng waved, "get up, don't be too polite."

Zhou Zheng got up and felt the joy of his breakthrough.

Cheng Sinian's four people also followed Zhou Zheng and congratulated him in a few words.

As the five men said this, they suddenly recalled the scene of the five of them struggling to guard the Yinxian peak. At that time, they just prayed for God to let them support one more day, another day

How did you think that one day their five element sect would be like a normal sect, with a patriarch supporting them and a lot of cultivation resources.

The present day, for the five of them, is just as beautiful as a dream.

The five then looked at each other, and then all of a sudden, they bowed down to the Phoenix in unison, and they said in one voice, "disciple, thank you for your kindness."

It is not too much to recreate the two characters.

Feng Zhi slightly hooked his lips, raised his hand to signal them to get up, and said, "come on, don't think I can be merciful by saying a few good words. Your second small goal is to break through another realm in the next hundred years."

All of a sudden, the five suffered again.

In particular, Zhang Kui and gentle, they are now in the late stage of human immortality, and they are also facing a breakthrough in the great realm. In the case of just breaking through soon, they will break through the great realm again in a hundred years. They all think that the pressure is great.


Even though they knew the difficulties, none of them said "no".

After all, compared with those days of uncertainty and constant fear, the present day is just as good as in heaven?

What's more, they also know that the patriarch is for their own good. Otherwise, just relying on the resources given by the patriarch and waving outside, how many people are willing to join the five element sect?

Thinking of this, Cheng Sinian's heart also gushed some doubts.

"Lord..." Cheng Sinian couldn't restrain his doubts and asked, "now we have you and Lord Long Yan in our sect. As long as those middle schools don't attack yinxianfeng with the whole clan's strength, there's no need to be afraid of anything. In this case, we should take advantage of the present opportunity to recruit more disciples. How can you..."

In the past ten years, the five elements sect was supported by Fengzhi.

After five years of Xingzong's work, all of them were able to take over Xingfeng's work, and they were able to leave Xingxing as early as five years later.


For ten years, Fengzhi not only laid down the detailed rules of the five elements sect, but also arranged the next development plan of the five elements sect. The rest of the time was to search for treasures around the deserted Yinxian peak with several people from Long Yan. He also had a vague intention of having fun.

In addition, Fengzhi never recruited a disciple.

If we don't recruit disciples, can we carry forward the five element sect just by the nine people who are now together with the patriarch?

This is the doubt of Cheng Sinian's five people.

Hearing Cheng Sinian's question, Feng Zhi first laughed, then put up a forefinger and shook it gently. "You don't understand it. You don't want to think about it. With our reputation before the five element sect, who wants to join the five element sect

Cheng Sinian wants to refute.

In his heart, the five element sect that he has adhered to for so many years is the best. What's more, since Fengzhi took over, the resources they have enjoyed are no worse than those of the major schools.

How can such a five element sect not recruit disciples?

However, Cheng Sinian also knew that what Fengzhi said was true.

The five element sect has been in a slump for too many years, not to mention that the new people in the fairyland have never heard of the name of the five element sect. Even if they have, it is not a good thing to hear. In such a situation, they know how much the sect has changed and how much potential it has, but other people do not think so.


If it goes on like this all the time, isn't wuxingzong going to face the embarrassment of no disciples?

How long will it take for a real person to carry forward the five elements sect with them?

For a moment, five people can only watch the Phoenix.

They all believe that the problems they can think of will not be unexpected to their patriarchs.

Fengzhi did think of it.

"What's your hurry? It's not the time. It won't be long. I promise there will be countless talented people competing to join the five element sect." Feng Zhi said with a smile, "at that time, you, as pioneers, will be able to toss about those talents who want to enter our five element sect. If you are not satisfied, I will not accept it!"

This makes Cheng Sinian laugh.

It's really beautiful to think about the scene like that.In fact, some of them can't believe that their family can really attract so many talented people to join. After all, it's natural to imagine how proud those people who can be called genius are.

Let these geniuses compete to join the five element sect?

They're a little unimaginable.


After looking at Feng Zhi in front of them, they suddenly felt that if there was a patriarch, it would be like

Isn't it impossible?

It has to be said that this short ten years is enough for Cheng Sinian's five people to accumulate absolute fanatical worship and trust in Fengzhi.

Therefore, since the patriarchs have said this, they should bear with it for a while. First, they should think about how to deal with those talents in the future, and make it more difficult for them to join the five element sect.

For a moment, Cheng Sinian's five people began to enjoy themselves again.

But after a while, all of a sudden, the five people came back to their senses.

According to the patriarch, before long, there will be many talented people competing to become disciples of the five element sect, but the patriarch will soon go to the sky to participate in the struggle for the heaven ladder.

Therefore, is the method used by the patriarch related to the ladder?

At this thought, they looked at Feng Zhi with burning eyes.


Even though Cheng Sinian's five people have not left yinxianfeng for a long time, they also know what it means to fight for the ladder of heaven. To let those talented people join in, at least their own patriarchal achievements in the ladder are unparalleled.

In the past ten years, Cheng Sinian's five people had a deep understanding of Feng Zhi's talent, so they didn't worry that Feng Zhi couldn't do it. Instead, they started to follow the passion.

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