Xiao Xu takes Feng Zhi and his party to his residence in the sky.

After entering the room, Cheng Sinian's five talents opened their mouths and looked at Xiao Xu in an incredible way Master, you are the Emperor... "

No wonder they were shocked.

Since Fengzhi took over the wuxingzong, Xiaoxu has stayed with Fengzhi and other people in yinxianfeng. Usually, Fengzhi's requirements can be said to be responsive, and there is no driver at all.

The most powerful of Cheng Sinian's five people was also Dixian. Of course, they couldn't see Xiao Xu's depth. Therefore, they always thought that in the eyes of Cheng Sinian's five people, Xiao Xu was an elder whose strength should be similar to his own patriarch. How could they think that Xiao Xu could have the power of emperor?

Xiao Xu couldn't help but look at Cheng Sinian.

"Or else?" He said.

Cheng Sinian's five men immediately covered their mouths with quails.

I don't know Taishan. I think that's what they said.

After a short rest in Xiaoxu, Fengzhi wants to go to the sky city below and have a good stroll.

When I came here for the first time, I didn't have time to have a good walk because I was in a hurry to refine ninghun pill for Jianxiao. Now that I have a chance, I have to walk around and have a look.

This decision was unanimously supported by Cheng Sinian's five members.

They haven't left yinxianfeng for so many years. They don't know much about the outside world. It's good to know more about the outside world before the ladder is opened. They can't get together when the talents from all walks of life gather in yinxianfeng. Are they still villagers who don't know anything?

They are the people who want to be senior brothers and sisters!

Of course, Xiao Xu would not have any opinions about Fengzhi's decision.

"Shall I accompany you?" Xiao Xu asked.

Feng to shook his head, "no, the ladder is about to open, and no one will put their energy on the conflict with people, should not encounter anything."

Xiao Xu thought about it, but it was just like what Feng Zhi said.

Most of the people gathered in the sky city were talented people of the young generation who came from all over the fairyland. These people had full confidence in themselves. They waited for the sky ladder to open and shine in the struggle for the ladder, so that the people in the fairyland would know their names.

Under such circumstances, they will certainly have a good rest and try to avoid conflict with others. After all, if they are injured at this critical time, it will be too bad.

Although Xiao Xu didn't have to follow him to the sky, Fengzhi and others did not have the strength to fly in the sky, so Xiao Xu sent them to the city below.

Feng to shake his head: "Xiao Xu, when we come back, we need to trouble you to pick up."

Xiao Xu waved his hand: "this is nothing."

Feng to a group of people then and Xiao Xu said goodbye, chose a direction and left.

The sky ladder is about to open. Today's city is full of fairies from all over the fairyland. Most of them have young and confident faces. If you look carefully, you can see the burning ambition in their eyes.


They are all talents who want to express themselves in the ladder.

So many talented people get together, which makes the whole sky more angry.

Some people say that you can see the future of fairyland when you come to the sky before the sky ladder is opened. This is really not wrong.

It was the first time for Fengzhi and his party to come to the sky. Anyway, they had never visited any place, so they simply did not choose any destination and followed the crowd down.

Although they are the first time to come here, they have been to many places before, and now they only see different scenery.

But Cheng Sinian's five people are different.

They have never left yinxianfeng since the situation of yinxianfeng has become more and more critical. The last time they went out was many years ago. Now they suddenly see so many people and so many things they haven't seen. They can't hide the novelty in their eyes.

Fortunately, there are many young fairies who just come to see the world in the sky now, so they don't even make a hole in it.

Walking along, I saw a large group of people around somewhere in front of me. These people are still whispering in groups from time to time, and they don't know what they are talking about.

Feng Zhi listened carefully for a while, then showed a meaningful smile on her face.

Then he led the party forward.

Crowded into the crowd, people saw that this is a shop, but there is nothing to sell here, the shop outside hung a big flag, on which the word "gambling" was written.

Obviously, even if it is not a gambling house, it is definitely related to gambling.

With this time's Kung Fu, other people also know what's going on from the conversation of the immortals nearby.

This shop belongs to qianmenzong.Qianmenzong is similar to xianshizong. The disciples of qianmenzong are not only fond of gambling, but also good at gambling.

Of course, if the strength is poor, with a "gambling" word, it may have been gnawed away even bones.

In a word, the thousand sect is unique in the fairyland.

People of qianmenzong are fond of gambling, and they can also gamble. If you want to ask what sect's disciples have the most immortal stones in their pockets, then there is no doubt that the answer is qianmenzong.

Every time there is a great event in the fairyland, it is always necessary for the disciples of the qianmenzong to open their mouths. Just relying on this, the disciples of qianmenzong can earn a lot of money.

This time, the ladder is about to open, which is of course a rare event in the fairyland. At such a time, how can there be fewer people from thousand sects?

No, this is the residence of qianmenzong.

"Qianmenzong is about to open up again. Will you play a little game?"

"Of course, I want to put a note on the body of our little patriarch. I tell you, our little patriarch is extremely talented, right..."

"If you want me to choose, I will choose Mr. qingmo. This is the most famous of our young generation..."

"I want to bet on..."


Discussions like this are endless.

It can be seen that qianmenzong opened the Pankou for this TIANTI, which released the passion of all the immortals.

Feng Zhi and his party listened to the discussion of the immortals around them, but they also got a clear idea about the opening of the Pankou sect.

Qianmenzong did set up an opening for this TIANTI opening, but it has not started to accept bets, because now even who are involved in the TIANTI dispute do not know how to bet?

When the ladder is opened, the name of all the immortals participating in it will be revealed. That is when the Pankou of qianmenzong begins.

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