The fairyland is so vast that there are so many talented people in the fairyland. When these geniuses come together, the number is also very large. It is not a simple thing to gamble against so many talents and give odds on their strength and fame. Only the disciples of thousands of sects can be so tired of it.

What's more, the Pankou set up by thousands of sects is not only aimed at the individual talents in the ladder, but also aimed at the sect where these talents are located.

As for the Pankou of qianmenzong, all the talents and the sects are hard to get.

This is a good chance to be famous. At the same time of wagering, can't people remember their name or the name of the clan?

The odds given by qianmenzong in the past years are all based on the reputation of the immortal or the clan. But since it is a bet, it is uncertain. There are not few people who put their treasure on the immortals who are not well-known and finally turn to the serfs to sing.

In a word, every time qianmenzong opened the Pankou, there were never less people who bet.

Looking at the numerous immortals around here, Feng Zhi's eyes flickered slightly.

She led the party out of the crowd.

Because there are too many people and it took a lot of effort, Feng Zhi and his party finally squeezed out. When they came to a relatively quiet place, Fengzhi waved to Cheng Sinian and said, "come on, my Lord has a task to give you."

Cheng Sinian's five people were immediately excited.

The patriarch has a task to give them, which means that the Lord has trust in them, and they are certainly happy.

On the other hand, except for the five of them who can only be spectators because of their strength, the rest of them have to participate in the struggle for the ladder of heaven, which also makes Cheng Sinian feel frustrated. Now Fengzhi tells them to do something, which can prove that they are not for nothing, but valuable and make them feel at ease Yes?

Therefore, Cheng Sinian couldn't wait to say: "Lord, if you have anything, please tell us. Even if it's going to be on the daoshan mountain and going down the oil pan, we won't blink!"

When Cheng Sinian was talking, the other four people clapped their chests to the sky, which was obviously a note for Cheng Sinian's words.

Feng was amused by them.

"Don't worry, there is no daoshan oil pot to be explored by you. It's just a small, small task. You can certainly accomplish it well." Feng Zhi Dao.

Hearing Feng Zhi say this, Cheng Sinian's five people are more curious.

At this time, Yinfeng and Fengyin only want to guess what they want to do.

Sure enough, at the next moment, I heard Feng Zhi say: "the Pankou of qianmenzong will not be officially started until the TIANTI is opened. We all have to climb the ladder. Of course, it is impossible to bet, so this matter is up to you!"

Cheng Sinian's five people immediately had a sense of mission entrusted with a heavy task, and their mouth was even more reassuring that Fengzhi would never let Feng Zhi worry about it.


"Suzerain, I don't know which person or sect you want to take?" She blinked.

Listen to pick son such a question, the other four people are also closely staring at Feng to, for fear of missing a word.

Fengming is about to cry by these five people.

Raising one's hand is to slap Cheng Sinian on the back of the head, just like Feng Zhi has beaten herself in recent years. After finishing the fight, Fengming only feels refreshed.

Well, for the sake of being honest and honest, he should teach them a good lesson.

"You don't admit that you are stupid," Feng Ming sneered. "Fengzhi is ready to play. You can still ask such stupid questions. Of course, you bet the treasure on Fengzhi and our five element sect. Is it necessary to ask?"

Cheng Sinian's five faces were taught.

So it is.

It's true. It's clear that both the patriarch and the Lord Long Yan are going to take part in the battle over the ladder of heaven. Why didn't they think of it before? They should be scolded.

Cheng Sinian then looked at Feng Zhi with a smile: "Lord, I don't know how many immortal stones you are going to bet?"

He didn't notice what Fengming had said earlier that Fengzhi wanted to play big.

After Feng Zhihui, Cheng Sinian smiles, which makes Cheng Sinian feel flustered Oh, it's not much. Maybe it's only five million immortal stones. If there are more immortal stones... "

Feng to say later also regretted.

Hearing the words "more than five million", Cheng Sinian's five people were so frightened that they almost didn't jump up.

They are used to being poor, and there are only a few fairy stones in their hands. Originally, they thought that Fengzhi's bet would be only 10000 or tens of thousands of immortal stones at most. After all, this number is astronomical in their eyes. How could they have thought that Fengzhi even opened his mouth and said more than five million astronomical figures.

"Zong, Zong, Zong, Zong..."Cheng is stuttering.

At the thought of Fengzhi giving so many immortal stones to them, they have already begun to feel the pressure mountain is big now, OK?

"Look at your success." Feng Zhi rebukes the way.

Feng to this time is really ready to play big, and almost all of his wealth are smashed inside.

If she was alone, she might not have made such a heavy note. After all, she had enough five million immortal stones in her hand, but who told her to take over the five element sect now?

There is nothing in the five elements sect. If she doesn't know how to earn some immortal stones, and when there are a lot of talented people competing to join the five element sect, what will she do to support these disciples?

Feng Zhi felt that she was really well intentioned.

Feng Zhi was rebuked by Feng Zhi, but he couldn't stand Cheng Sinian's frightened appearance. He said, "master, you can rest assured. We will handle the matter for you."

Feng to this just satisfied nodded.

They strolled around in the sky again. In fact, people can only look at the heads of people in the streets now. There is nothing to stroll about, so Fengzhi sends a message to Xiao Xu again.

Xiao Xu came quickly, did not let people wait for long before they appeared in front of them, and then took them to their own residence.

In the following period of time, Fengzhi didn't go out any more, but stayed in the sky with others to recuperate. Jianxiao and Qingying came together in the middle. Knowing that Fengzhi and his party were in a state of adjustment, they didn't stay much.

It was Cheng Sinian and a few people who discovered that the patriarch of his family even knew such a great person as the divine arrow emperor. It was a great surprise.

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