At the moment when Fengzhi and Longyan entered the ladder, Cheng Sinian's eyes brightened when he saw the light curtain outside, and shi'er clapped his hands and jumped up Look, look, the names of our Lord and Lord Long Yan

Only saw, that already had the light curtain of numerous names, seemed to feel that they want to see whose name in general, several names suddenly enlarged, in that dense small characters appear particularly obvious.

It's the name of Fengzhi.

At the same time, on the side of showing the name of the clan, the word "wuxingzong" appeared quietly among the numerous zongmen.

I don't know why. Although they are not on the list, Cheng Sinian's five people are inexplicably proud.

In other words, when they were forced to crouch in yinxianfeng and were afraid to leave for half a step, how dare they imagine that one day, their ancestral clan and its people could also participate in the ladder of heaven?

For a moment, Cheng Sinian and the other four older people all felt a little astringent in their eyes.

Only the youngest and now the most lively pick-up is not sentimental at all, because she is short, she needs to jump to see the light screen. Among a group of people looking up to the light screen, her appearance looks very funny.

Because of shi'er, Cheng Sinian's four people only felt for a while, and then they came back to their senses.

"Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick Cheng Sinian pulled shi'er with one hand and led the other four people to the Pankou of qianmenzong outside the ladder.

It's really a squeeze.

The Pankou of qianmenzong is very famous in the fairyland. There are also many immortals who would like to fight against the ladder and gamble on their luck. When Cheng Sinian's five people crowded past, the people of Qianmen sect were surrounded by fairies on the 10th floor inside and the 10th floor outside.

Squeeze also can't squeeze in, also can't see the situation inside, pick son is anxious to scratch one's ears and cheek.

"What are you worried about? The Pankou of qianmenzong can't run. When these people have made a bet, they will leave naturally." Gentle way.

Although in comfort pick son, but gentle on his face is also with some anxious color.

After all

The patriarch said that if she can't finish her task well, they will be in bad luck after the Lord comes out of the ladder.

Because there were too many people, and the strength of Cheng Sinian's five people was too low, and they didn't dare to squeeze in at all. Therefore, the five people had to hold back their anxiety and wait outside, until ten days later, they finally got to the people of thousands of sects.


All five could not help but breathe.

After that, the five people kept looking at the mouth of qianmenzong.

There are two big disks about one person high standing in front of them. The disks are divided into many small grids. Each small grill on the left side has a person's name and odds. In each small grid on the right side, the name and mouth of the clan are displayed.

Want to bet, just put the fairy stone into the corresponding grid on the line, each grid is equivalent to a very large area of space equipment.

Next to these two Pankou, there were several disciples of Qianmen sect in black. They met Cheng Sinian. It was obviously the first time to understand their Pankou appearance. One of the disciples said with a smile: "if you want to bet on which person or sect you want to bet on, you just need to input immortal Qi into the two Pankou, and then recite the name of that person or sect We can find the corresponding lattice

It has to be said that many things really come to the same goal by the same way. As far as the computer on the earth is concerned, it is by no means inferior to the computers on the earth.

Cheng Sinian's eyes were straight.

Forgive them for not going out for a long time, let alone seeing such high-end things.

Zhou Zheng, who was much younger, looked straight at the two plates. After a long time, he said, "can you find the name of everyone who enters the ladder?"

Hearing his question, the disciple of qianmenzong said with pride: "of course

Gentleness can't help but say: This Pankou is somewhat similar to the light curtain outside the ladder. "

It's so small, but it can hold tens of millions of names. Isn't it very similar to the characteristics of that light curtain?

This is just scratching the itch of several disciples of Qianmen sect. One of them contends: "although you are not very outstanding, you have a good eye. This Pankou is the old ancestor of Qianmen sect. After observing the characteristics of the light curtain after the appearance of the TIANTI, we specially aim at the treasure made by the TIANTI. Even if the people who enter the ladder will have one more Times, we can show everyone's name

Don't mention how proud you are.

Gentle listen to this, but the face is black.

What is it that she is not so outstanding?In the words of her patriarch, who is not a little princess?

Since Fengzhi took over the five element sect, the only five disciple in the sect has a good temper. He wants to fight back gently and subconsciously. But before he speaks, he suddenly thinks that the leader of his family has already entered the ladder of heaven, and there is no one to support him. With their current strength, he has no confidence to say goodbye to the people of Qianmen sect.

She swallowed it again.

Cheng Sinian then took a gentle look with soothing eyes. The meaning is very clear. When he bets later, he must blind the dog eyes of these people.

Gentleness is comforted.

More than five million immortal stones given by Fengzhi are all placed in Cheng Sinian's place. While inputting immortal Qi into two dish mouths, he asked: "what's the matter?" With so many people, have you set the odds for everyone, and what is the basis for that? "

Listen to him talk about this, a few people of qianmenzong are more proud.

"As long as there are names on the screen of light, we can find them all in our mouth, and there are also odds!" "As for the basis for setting the odds Naturally, it is the fame of these people or ancestral clan in the fairyland. "

In fact, it can only be determined according to this.

After all, there are too many people who have participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven. If we understand it one by one, the number of people in qianmenzong is not enough.

What's more, before people enter the ladder, who knows how many people and how many families will participate in the struggle for the ladder.

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