When the disciples of the thousand schools were talking, Cheng Sinian had already found what he wanted to find in the two plates.

On the two plates, the names of Fengzhi and wuxingzong suddenly enlarged and appeared in front of Cheng Sinian's five people.

This let the five people can not help but a surprise, "look, we patriarch and the name of the door!"

On hearing this, the several disciples of qianmenzong looked at them sympathetically.

Tut, even the patriarch himself participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven. Maybe he was still stuck in his age. Take a look at the odds of Fengzhi and Wuxing sect. Tut Tut, such a high odds means that the clan and their leader have no fame in the fairyland.


I'm afraid it's just for a fight, right?

Several disciples of qianmenzong thought so.

Then, one of them looked at the crowd waiting to place a bet behind Cheng Sinian's five and reminded him, "well, if you want to bet, just put the immortal stone in the corresponding grid."

At this time, Cheng Sinian's five people also saw the odds behind the names of Fengzhi and wuxingzong.

"What?" Pick son immediately jumped up, "one hundred and eight?"

Even the best tempered Zhou Zheng and Zhang Kui were also a little reluctant, "I said, have you ever understood well? Our Lord, such a brilliant figure, has such a high odds. Is it hard to look down on people?"

Gentleness and Cheng Sinian are not good at looking at the opposite several thousand sect disciples.

If they didn't know how many of them couldn't beat qianmenzong, they would have scratched their faces.

The higher the odds ratio, the less optimistic the qianmenzong is. The odds of Fengzhi and wuxingzong are both 1:18, which means that the people of qianmenzong think that Fengzhi's fame is very low, and there is little chance that they will laugh until the end.

Listen to Zhang Kui such a say, a few people of qianmenzong are also a little unhappy.

"Oh, who doesn't think he is the most brilliant person who can enter the ladder?" A disciple of qianmenzong held his hands in front of his chest and snorted, "like your patriarch and zongmen, people can hear people who don't have any impression. Can't you ask us to offer one to one odds? Even if the odds are like this, is there anyone else to bet on? "

That's not polite at all.

Cheng Sinian is one of the few people.

In their eyes, Fengzhi naturally can throw those so-called talents out of the streets, but in other people's eyes, it is true that several people know who Fengzhi is.


In fact, it is not too much to ask for such odds.

At this time, another disciple of qianmenzong also followed: "one hundred and eighty is too much? There is still one thousand to lose. Is that person's relatives and friends have to come to us and make a scene? "

"If you really think how good your patriarch is, you can just bet heavily on her and your clan. When the time comes, your clan will really get the top prize, won't you make a profit?" Another man ran on the road.


Shi Er almost jumped up and scratched people.

Seeing this, Cheng Sinian pushed shi'er's head behind him.

This is not the time to have a conflict with the people of Qianmen sect. In fact, what the people of Qianmen sect said was not wrong. Their confidence in their own patriarch and sect was not that they played tricks with the people of Qianmen sect and smashed a lot of immortal stones on it!

So, Cheng Sinian directly took out a space ring and said, "OK, let's bet!"

Listening to him, the expressions of the disciples of Qianmen sect were more beautiful.

"How much do you take?" Asked one of them.

Cheng Sinian didn't reply. He directly divided the immortal stones in the space ring into two grids of Fengzhi and wuxingzong. Considering that if the five million immortal stones were divided into two parts, two hundred and fifty were not good. So he put three million immortal stones on Fengzhi and two million immortal stones in five elements sect.

Although there was no conflict between Fengzhi and wuxingzong and qianmenzong's strength, Cheng Sinian's five people were still somewhat unfair. After putting a note on the immortal stone given by Fengzhi, Cheng Sinian took out a few immortal stones from his own space bracelet and put them on Fengzhi's body.

Seeing his behavior like this, gentle four people are first a Leng, and then immediately put all their fairy stones to the Phoenix to that lattice.

It can be said that they have taken all their immortal stones.

The disciples of Qianmen sect didn't pay much attention at the beginning. When they wanted to come, there was such an unknown patriarch. They wanted to know that the disciples under her could not be so generous. It was good to bet tens of thousands of yuan.

For thousands of sects, what are the thousands of immortal stones?

Until later, seeing two more numbers behind the two lattices, several people's eyes suddenly gaped round.Qianmenzong is always dealing with the word "gambling". Even if the disciples of Qianmen sect don't have five million immortal stones, the total amount of gambling money they have received from various outlets is definitely more than that.

What shocked them was not the five million immortal stones, but the two Leng sons in front of them, who dare to put the heavy notes of five million immortal stones on their patriarch and clan door!

You know, there are tens of millions of people participating in the TIANTI battle, and the maximum age limit for those who enter the ladder is 10000 years old. Among these people, there are some people who have become famous thousands of years ago because of their talent. But there are too many people who have entered the ladder. Even if some people bet on them for their fame, few of them are like Cheng Sinian It's a big deal.

Five million fairy stones!

This can really be regarded as an astronomical number. There are not so many immortal stone storehouses in some middle-sized sects.

For a few years, he looked at his disciples for several years.

Is it not

What kind of people do they meet who have lots of money?

However, there must be a limit for people who are stupid and have a lot of money. No matter how stupid people are, they will not smash around with five million immortal stones.

So, isn't this five element sect, and Fengzhi, the leader of the five element sect, really powerful?

Unconsciously, because of the behavior of Cheng Sinian's five people, these people of qianmenzong remembered Fengzhi and wuxingzong firmly. It has to be said that they were also famous for Fengzhi and wuxingzong.

At the end of the note, seeing the surprised appearance of several people in qianmenzong, shi'er still wanted to say something, but was stopped by Cheng Sinian.

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