See a black shadow again in front of their own, Phoenix to full head of black line.

There are still 97 floors on it. Will she continue to encounter 97 such simple black shadows?

Feng Zhi thought that it was probably possible.

Want to return to think, Feng to the action on the hand or did not stop, still like the last time, the fist toward the black shadow smashed in the past.

There was no big difference from the last time. The black shadow could not even block the fist of Fengzhi, so it turned into black light under the fist strength of Fengzhi, and then another black star didn't enter the brow of Fengzhi.

After that, the shadow disappeared completely, making people completely unable to see the trace of its existence.

Feng Zhi touched her eyebrows again.

Each layer gives a star

Is this the rhythm of a collection of 99 stars?

Well, with 99 stars, can you summon the dragon?

Feng couldn't help laughing because of her guess.

After laughing, Feng Zhi's eyes also have some deep thinking.


If you want to confirm the idea in your heart, you have to break a few more layers.

Thinking in this way, Feng went up the stairs to the third floor again.

The third, the fourth, the fifth

Even break through a few layers, Feng to finally is confirmed in the heart of the guess.

The first layer of shadow is equivalent to the strength of the early man immortal, the second layer is equivalent to the middle stage of the human immortal, and the third layer is the later stage of the human immortal

And so on.

Phoenix to now is located in the fifth layer of black shadow, has the strength of Dixian medium-term.

With each additional layer, the strength of the shadow also rises to a small level.

If there is no accident, the next layer should be the strength of the later Dixian.

The growth of these black shadows is not only in the realm, but also in flexibility and intelligence. It can be imagined that the later, the more the shadow will be, the closer it will be to the real immortal.

Such a test is really very simple and crude, directly set a standard, will not be qualified to shave all people.

I don't know what kind of level the dark shadow's strength will eventually reach. According to Feng Zhi's estimation, at most, it can only reach the level of celestial beings. After all, the great luojinxian can be regarded as a medium level of combat power in the whole fairyland, and those who enter the ladder are young fairies under the age of 10000, and most of them are at the age of At about 5000 years old, not everyone can be cultivated to Daluo Jinxian at this age.

Such speculation also let Feng to temporarily ease the heart.

Except for her and long Yanfeng, Fengming and xianbao'er couldn't break through Tianxian period. According to Fengzhi's estimation, the three of them can pass through, but it's not sure if they are stronger.

Feng Zhi continued to go up.

As she guessed, from one to nine levels, the strength of each dark shadow corresponds to the early stage of human immortals to the later stage of celestial beings.

However, the performance of this strength is not complete. It seems that the shadow on the first to the ninth floor only shows the strength, but the others do not show at all.


The test of this ladder not only represents a realm, but also has different categories.

Layers 1 to 9 correspond to the power from the early stage of human immortality to the later stage of celestial beings. So, what is the tenth layer?

With such doubts, Feng went to the tenth floor.

Still familiar formula, or familiar shadow.

However, compared with the front nine floors, the appearance of the black shadow has some changes. It seems that it is better than the front nine floors

More refined?

Feng Zhi was amused by this idea.

It's all a dark figure. Where did she see the delicacy?

According to the old rules, Feng Zhi once again threw her fist at the shadow.

The shadow on the front nine floors didn't know how to hide at all. He liked to meet Feng Zhi. But this time, the shadow didn't stand in the same place and let Feng Zhi fight. Before Feng Zhi's fist hit him, the shadow suddenly flashed to one side.

Don't say, it's not slow.


Feng Zhi picked her eyebrows slightly.


If we say that the strength shown by the black shadow of the front nine layers is only power, then the shadow now has two kinds of strength and speed, and it still has the power of the later days of celestial beings, and

The speed of the early stage of human immortals?

speechless, unable to help Tucao, this ladder didn't know how to make complaints about it. After

Tucao, Feng did not delay any more, and make complaints about the dark shadows again.

However, this time, we didn't take a fist at will like the nine floors in front of us. The dark shadow had the strength of the later days of the celestial beings. Now, he still knew how to dodge and how to deal with it. The difficulty of dealing with it was a step higher than that of the previous nine layers.Of course, in front of Fengzhi, the speed of the black shadow is nothing, but a few more fists. The shadow turns into black light and disappears under Fengzhi's hand again, leaving only a star in the brow of Fengzhi.

Up again.

By the time he reached the 18th floor, the dark shadow had already been able to exert the power and speed of the later stage of the celestial being to the utmost. At the beginning, in the eyes of Fengzhi, there were some idiotic black shadows whose strength was incomparable with those of the previous layers. Even Fengzhi felt that even the immortals of the same level could not retreat completely in front of the shadow.

I don't know how many people can be eliminated from the 18 levels.

Up to the 18th floor, Fengzhi gradually found out the law of the ladder.

It seems that every nine levels represent a level of power, and every nine levels across, the strength of the shadow will rise a lot.

As for the others

Feng Zhi said that she needed to continue to find out.

The light film disappeared, Phoenix did not stop, and went to the 19th floor.

The first 18 layers test strength and speed respectively. Then, what are the 19-27 layers?

Feng Zhi knew it immediately.

Just after stepping on the 19th floor, an ice cone was shooting towards Fengzhi. The power and speed of the ice cone had the level of the later stage of celestial immortals. If it was really shot by this ice cone, even the big Luo Jinxian like Fengzhi would have to have an extra blood hole.

Feng to in the ice cone shot over, occasionally moved to the side of a step, perfect to avoid the attack of the ice cone.

Then she looked at the shadow about 30 meters away from her.

Well, it's still a dark shadow, but compared with what I saw before, the silhouette of this shadow is clearer. It gives people the feeling that it is a person who has grown darker, rather than a shadow that has no vitality.

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