Feng Zhi is also a little thoughtful.

In this light

Every nine floors, the shadow is closer to the real person. If you get to the ninety ninth floor, can you see the real face of the shadow under the dark shadow.

Hey, don't say, after thinking about it like this, Feng Zhi's interest in constantly breaking through again is quite high.

First of all, the idea of such a temporary pressure, Phoenix to look at the dark shadow not far away.

Although the outline is clearer than before, it is still shrouded in the shadow, which makes people can't see what he looks like. When Feng Zhi looks at the past, the shadow still keeps the posture of pointing to the Phoenix.

It is obvious that the ice cone that attacked Fengzhi before is from the hand of this shadow.


This time the new test, is the technique?

As an immortal, you will naturally learn several powerful skills. Compared with fighting with people with real swords and guns, using magic is undoubtedly much less labor-saving. Moreover, the power of magic is huge, which undoubtedly has the effect of twice the result with half the effort in the battle.

Phoenix to nature is also learning and magic, and attainments are not low.

"Ice?" Feng to murmured, "I can also!"

The last word just fell to the ground. Feng Zhi pinched out a fairy formula on her hand. Her index finger gently pointed at the dark shadow not far away, "go!"

The next moment, saw an ice cone with the size of an adult's arm darting toward the shadow.

At the same time, the shadow also followed a hand, a large number of fingers thick ice needle formed a dense net, toward the Phoenix to head to cover the face of the hit.

The Phoenix snorted coldly.

Compare the quantity?

The fairy formula in her hand changed again. The ice cone that had been flying out gave out a crisp "click" sound. In an instant, it split into many pieces of ice cones with the thickness of chopsticks, and directly hit those ice needles one-on-one.

Puff, puff

Only heard a series of such sounds, the entire 19 floors of space, immediately raised a burst of solid ice, was raw broken ice powder, suddenly people's line of sight were blocked.

At this time, Feng suddenly looked moved, and the shape of her feet seemed to move to the side.

In the next moment, a black figure suddenly appeared in the empty air where she had stood. Isn't it the familiar shadow?

Feng raised her eyebrows.

The test of the ladder is really difficult. Every nine layers have to go up one step. The shadow on the 19th floor not only retains the power and speed of the shadow on the 18th floor, but also uses magic and learns to attack secretly.

It's really growing fast.

This let Feng to some expect later will encounter the test.

Think about it, if the test of the ladder is really so easy, and it won't be so many, there will be less than ten people who can climb the last ninety-nine floors in ten thousand years.

Although Fengzhi was confident, she was not arrogant enough to think that none of the people who had entered the ladder before this time was gifted.

There are so many talented people, only a few of them can completely pass the test of the ladder. It can be seen that the test of the ladder is very abnormal.

I think it will be a headache after the test.

Feng Zhi's eyes showed some eagerness to try.

In order to quickly see how difficult the later test is, Feng Zhi did not have any delay. With a slight lift of her hand, she grabbed the ice in the air and then threw it to the other side at will


Clearly looking at the blank place, Feng to such a grab a throw, but as if hit by something in general, issued a loud noise.

After that, Jufeng was forced out of the shadow again.

"Well, I've learned to hide from others!"

Feng Zhi snorted like this. Before the shadow was hidden again, she shook her fingers suddenly. At that moment, it seemed that she had broken through the limit of space. The whole person appeared in front of the shadow. As soon as she lifted her hand, she held the black shadow's neck directly and exerted her strength again

The shadow was crushed to pieces.

Harvest another star.

Phoenix to no color.

Although the shadow of this level has made a lot of progress in any aspect, it is still only at the level of celestial beings. Fengzhi is a big Luo Jinxian. It is not something to be proud of to defeat the shadow easily.

She didn't stop and went down again.

Before long, Fengzhi had already arrived at the 27th floor.

At this level, the black shadow's strength has been improved again, that is, the technique has reached the acme of celestial beings. When it combines strength, speed and technique together, and gives full play to it, its power is also very considerable.

Can imagine, this layer is afraid to be able to many strength is not enough, but also want to join a lively fairy to brush down.

This is not surprising at all.After being tested one by one, it is impossible to be able to accommodate people who make up numbers.

Also do not know, the next layer of shadow, and what kind of skills will come.

Feng to with such a question, again up.

And then

Looking at the dark shadow of a fairy sword in his hand, Feng is speechless.

At the 28th floor, the silhouette of the shadow was clear again, but it still had a big black face. Under such circumstances, it was undoubtedly in a very strong contrast with the snow-white fairy sword in his hand.

The contrast between black and white, light and shadow makes people feel liver ache.

Feng Zhi knew that the later she was, the more flexible the shadow would be in fighting. So she didn't give the black shadow a chance to attack her. As soon as she stood firm, she drew out her soft sword from her waist and drew it towards him.

At this time, the black soft sword was like a soft whip. It was pinched by Fengzhi and drawn to the black shadow. Because Fengzhi didn't leave any hands at all, the soft sword cut through the air and made a very sharp whistling sound.


The soft sword drew on the sword in the shadow's hand.

Fengzhi's soft sword was made with a lot of hard work and precious materials. Naturally, it's not ordinary. Although the sword in the dark shadow's hand is full of treasure, its quality is far inferior to that of Fengzhi's soft sword.

Therefore, the sword in the dark shadow's hand did not persist for a moment, and it was directly broken into two pieces.

Even the shadow flew back because of the huge force from the sword, and finally hit the ground heavily.

The Phoenix did not allow the shadow to stand up again, and it was a sword drawn in the past.

Then, there was no then.

Already used to waiting for the star to fly into his eyebrows, Feng to soft sword didn't take back his waist, so he carried the sword and went up again.

Up, up, up!

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