It didn't take long for Fengzhi to reach the 36th floor, the last floor of the fourth nine floor.

It's still the black shadow with the sword. But compared with the 28th floor, the shadow on the 36th floor has no idea how flexible it is to use the sword, and its strength has increased geometrically.

Even Fengzhi, now dealing with the shadow, is not as easy as the original freehand brushwork.

Think about it, an immortal who can exert his power, speed, magic and weapons to the extreme. As long as his power is not absolutely overwhelming, it is not so easy to deal with it.

Fengzhi is now the strength of Dara Jinxian in the middle stage. Compared with the later stage of Tianxian, Fengzhi is not only two small realms higher, but also a big difference. It is not difficult to deal with the dark shadow. However, there are very few people like her in the whole ladder.

It can be imagined that after this layer, there will be a lot less people left in the ladder.

Got the 36th star, Feng to slightly pause a meal, to confirm that he is not tired, this just continue to move forward.

37th floor

Seeing the dark shadow not far away, Feng couldn't help but smoke from the corner of her mouth.

The shadow in the front is just a shadow. Even if the outline of his figure gradually becomes clearer, it is still a very thin shadow.

But now, the shadow is dressed!

However, such a black figure was wearing a shiny white fairy suit. The contrast was just like that of a black man with two rows of white teeth on his mouth. It should not be too obvious. People want to laugh when they see it, OK?

I don't know what will this shadow looks like. If I have a chance to see it, Fengzhi will not hesitate to make fun of it.


After smirking, Feng Zhi looks at the shadow again.

The immortal clothes on Hei Ying's body obviously have very good protection ability. Therefore, the black shadow standing in front of Fengzhi not only has the power, speed and magic of the later stage of celestial immortals, but also is very skilled in the use of weapons. Now he even wears an immortal clothes with good protection performance.

Really, every nine layers, the strength of the shadow will go up to a higher level.

Although Feng Zhi's heart was filled with emotion, her hands were not vague at all. Before the shadow moved forward, she rushed to the shadow. In a moment, she appeared in front of the shadow.

Without using the soft sword, Feng Zhi smashed into the black shadow close at hand.


After a dull sound, Feng to fixed eyes toward the black shadow to look past.

Although the shadow of the black fairy was not able to block all the strength of the black fairy boxing, it could not block her.

I can see that the upper part of the immortal clothes is constantly circulating. In this process, the strength borne by the immortal clothes is gradually removed, and soon the threat brought by Fengzhi is eliminated.

It can be said that the immortal clothes are very good.

Fengzhi raised her eyebrows again.

According to the previous practice, the protective ability of the shadow on the thirty-seven layers is the lowest among the nine layers. So, what kind of protective power does the black shadow on the 45th floor wear?

With such a question, Feng to the black shadow again a blow in the past.

Then it went straight to the 45th floor.

Just as Fengzhi thought, the protective power of the immortal clothes on Heiying's body would be stronger on each layer. At the 45th floor, its protective force could withstand the blow of Fengzhi's joint force.

Of course, it's just a punch.

After all, Fengzhi's strength is higher than that of the black shadow, and can block her with all her strength, which can show that the protective ability of the immortal clothes that the black shadow wears is extremely outstanding.

At least, with such a protective ability, the shadow in the same level, that is, among the immortals, is absolutely a very difficult existence.

I don't know what happened to the others.

Feng Zhixiang said.

Of course, she doesn't worry about Long Yan. With Long Yan's strength, he can certainly cope with the 45 layers of shadow.

Feng Zhi didn't worry about Feng coming.

Fenglai also has the strength of immortal period. However flexible the shadow is, there is still a certain gap compared with real people. As long as Fenglai plays normally, even if it will feel a little hard, it will definitely not be blocked under the 46th floor.

Fengzhi is worried about Fengming and xianbao'er practicing ruby.

The three of them only have the strength of Dixian period. Even though their strength is better than that of the same level, the shadow shadow has the strength of the later stage of celestial immortals, which is not only a little stronger than the three of them.


Feng to also only slightly worried, so a moment also no longer think much.In essence, the struggle for the ladder is a test for young Fairies in the fairyland. Since it is a test, there will be no fluke, and we can only make progress with our own strength.

It's good for Fengming three people to stick to several more layers, but even if they are painted down, it's OK. They are still young. This ladder is opened once in a thousand years, and can enter it before 10000 years old.

In this way, Fengming and they still have several opportunities.

In this case, if you are defeated this time, you will have to wait for a thousand years to make a comeback. It's not a big deal, is it?

It's like accumulating experience for the next time.

Feng Zhi thinks that Fengming three people are not the kind of people who can get into the top of the ladder. Even if they come out of the ladder in advance, they will not be disappointed.

She then put Fengming three people behind her mind, but focused on their own test.

Up again.


Feng Zhi looked at the dark shadow which seemed to have no change with the upper layer in front of her eyes and couldn't help but whisper.

In front of each nine layers, the shadow will have a very obvious change, so now looking at the shadow compared with the previous layer seems to have no change, Feng to some are not used to.

Is there really no change, or is there a change, but she can't find it?

When Feng Zhi was thinking about such a problem, the black shadow, who was wearing the immortal clothes and carrying the sword, let out a light roar and rushed directly towards Fengzhi. When he flew into the air, the sword in his hand twinkled with cold light, and with a condescending attitude, he cut Fengzhi's neck.

Even if Fengzhi is a big Luo Jinxian, but the neck is the weakness. If it is really cut down, it is definitely not fun.

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