Feng's head turned slightly, and her neck almost wiped the blade of the sword to avoid the sword. At the same time, she raised her hand and slapped it on the black shadow's chest.


As expected, the black shadow was beaten back by Feng Zhi.

After dealing with this shadow for so many times, Feng Zhi can see from the effect of this palm that the strength of the shadow is not much improved compared with the previous one.


What skills does he have?

In the Phoenix to think of the time, the shadow has been heavily hit on the ground, covering the chest for a long time can not stand up.

Feng Zhi was just about to go over and make up his palm. When he sent him away, he saw that the black figure suddenly turned his wrist, and the black palm appeared

A pill?

When Feng Zhizheng was surprised, the shadow lifted his hand, and the pill was swallowed by him.


Just a shadow can take pills?

This is cheating!

Because I didn't think of it. Fengzhi didn't notice what pill Heiying was taking just now, but she thought it was nothing more than healing. Because after only a short time, the shadow who had fallen on the ground and could not stand up had risen again. The effect of the pill was obvious and easy to see.

However, Feng Zhi didn't give him another chance to take pills. Without waiting for the shadow to come to him again, he cheated himself and made up one blow and one palm, which made the shadow go to his final destination.

Feng Zhi goes on.

The more she got to the back, the more she felt that the shadow from the ladder was hanging open.

After reaching the forty-six levels, the black shadow not only has the power, speed and magic skills of the later stage of the celestial immortals, but also holds the top-grade immortal utensils, wears immortal clothes with excellent defense, and now takes pills.

Moreover, as the number of layers went up, Fengzhi could no longer beat the shadow completely. After being injured, the pills taken by the black shadow became diverse.

Healing that is the most basic, to the 54th layer, the shadow even took a kind of power that can let people explode far beyond their own strength in a short period of time.

If Fengzhi's strength is not higher than the shadow, I'm afraid it's really easy to suffer a big loss without observing.

Step on the black shadow's hand to prevent him from touching out the pill that he didn't know what the effect was again. The soft sword in Feng Zhiyao's waist turned into a black light, which finally fell into the black shadow's chest. The black light completely disappeared, and at the same time, he also harvested the 54th star.

With her eyes closed, Feng Zhi felt her eyebrows carefully, but she couldn't find any difference between her and the sky ladder.

I don't know what these black stars are for.


Is it necessary to accumulate a certain amount in order to show the effect?

In that case, most of the young immortals who entered the ladder would not know the use of these black stars.

It is absolutely impossible for the 54th level to pass unless it reaches the stage of celestial immortality, or if it is able to exert its strength similar to that of celestial immortality.

It's good that all the people who participate in the struggle for the ladder of heaven are the best among the young immortals. However, there are not many people who can reach the immortal stage before the age of 10000. At least half of the people can not meet this requirement.

In fact, Feng Zhi guessed all right.

The difficulty of the test of the ladder of heaven is progressive. The tests of the front layers are not so difficult. So up to the front 40 or so floors, the number of people who are really painted down is a small number, and most of them are constantly advancing. The names on the screen of light are still dense.

But from the 46th floor, the number of people who have been painted down has suddenly increased.

Those immortals outside who always pay attention to the light curtain suddenly find that as long as they have a wrong eye, the name on the light screen will be much less. Although the change is not obvious because of the number of names on the light screen, some sensitive immortals are aware of the change at the first time.

This is not hard to understand.

Before the 46th floor, although the strength of each layer was stronger than that of the previous layer, as long as it was injured, its combat effectiveness would drop in a straight line. However, from the 46th level, the black shadow was able to use pills to recover the injury and even enhance the explosive force. This is equivalent to that the black shadow has a very strong endurance. Compared with the previous layers, it is difficult to deal with Isn't it a straight line?

Under such circumstances, those young immortals whose strength is not enough, or who have certain lucky factors to get to the present, will naturally no longer have the possibility of fluke, so they will be painted down.

These immortals are naturally reluctant to be painted down, but no matter how unwilling they are, they can never change the result of being eliminated.

Usually, it is not that there is no young immortal who is not reconciled after being eliminated and insists that he is the one who can go to the last place. After being sent out of the lighthouse, he still wants to break in again.Their results

Well, I don't know how high the grass has grown.

With these lessons learned from the past, those who came later did not dare to break into the light tower any more.

Every time a batch of names are missing on the light screen, there will always be a lot of "Oh" voices with regret outside. This is because some immortals have made a bet on those young immortals who have been eliminated. Now that these people are eliminated, their investment will not be watered down. It is inevitable that they will feel regret.

In the sound of "Oh" one after another, the disciples of wuxingzong are clenching their fists and staring at the light curtain nervously.

Still, still, still

Cheng Sinian several people constantly in the heart.

What are you talking about?

Of course, the names of Fengzhi are still on the screen of light.

This also means that up to now, Fengzhi and they are still very tenacious in accepting the test from the ladder.

Although Cheng Sinian's five people were very willing to believe what their patriarch had said before they entered the ladder, they also put more than five million immortal stones on Fengzhi and Wuxing sect according to Fengzhi's instructions. However, it is absolutely impossible to make them not nervous or worried.

Therefore, as soon as they entered the ladder, they would stare at the names of several people in Fengzhi for fear that one wrong eye would result in the missing of one of those names.

Fortunately, when many people's favorite objects were eliminated one after another, their suzerain and several others still persisted.

Cheng Sinian's five men were holding their fists tightly.

I don't know why. The five of them are just spectators, but when they look at the names on the light screen that are flashing with light golden light, they just have a feeling that they are accompanying Feng Zhi and others along the way.

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