This feeling makes Cheng Sinian's five people feel a little excited.

Even when they look up at the names on the screen of light, the expression on their faces unconsciously takes some sacred similar to faith.

Come on, come on, come on

Five people in the bottom of the heart for the Phoenix to a few people.


Feng couldn't feel Cheng Sinian's thoughts at this time. She was stepping on the black shadow of the 63rd floor under her feet. Then, without any hesitation, the shadow, which had already been seriously injured and was about to die, turned into a little black light and disappeared in front of Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi was relieved.

There is a new skill in the shadow from the 55th to the 63rd.

That's the formation.

It's not the best way to make use of it!

Therefore, from the 55th floor, the black shadow not only has a very strong endurance because of the pills, but also throws out an array disk from time to time. The more the floor is up, the more arrays the shadow can use. By the 63rd floor, Fengzhi has been attacked by many arrays from the beginning to the end If she had not kept alert, she would have been blasted into slag by the sky thunder array which imitated the Tianjie.

I have to say, this shadow is really open.

Feng has tried it for a long time. After entering the ladder, she can exert all her strength. Her weapons, fairy clothes and so on can also be used normally. She can also take pills. The array is not unusable. But if she wants to use the array to deal with the shadow, she has to arrange the array temporarily, but the array disks depicting the array are useless.

If everyone can't use it, it's OK. Now the black shadow can use the array disk, but she or the young immortal people who enter the ladder can't. It's really unfair and uncomfortable.


Where can they go to reason?

Only endure!

Fortunately, the shadow finally scattered into a piece of black light to bring pleasure, can let Feng to a little out of the heart of this evil gas.

Harvest a black star again.

Feng to originally did not care, but this time the star did not enter her eyebrow again, she felt slightly cool, obviously different from the previous no reaction.

Slightly a meal, Feng to immediately close his eyes, God consciousness to the eyebrow in the past.

There she saw sixty-three little stars arranged neatly.

Feng to first Zheng, and then subconsciously sang a song.

"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle

Cough, cough, stop, stop!

Feng to pressure down the heart that want to sing a song idea, again looking at these small stars.

Although the sales of these little stars are not very good, but such a row of non down, see in the eyes of Feng Zhi, there is always a kind of cute feeling.


Feng Zhi thought that she was pretty funny. She even thought these little stars were cute.

After pressing down these ideas, Feng Zhi's divine sense touched these little stars, and then, receiving the message from the little stars, Feng Zhi's eyes flashed with light and clear.

Sure enough

From the beginning, every time we passed the test, we could collect such a small star. Fengzhi faintly felt that these little stars would not be easy, and might be the biggest harvest in the ladder.

Now, the information she has received has confirmed her idea.

These little stars, to some extent, are a kind of reward given by the ladder to young immortal people who enter and pass the test. However, this kind of reward needs to accumulate a certain amount before it can be displayed.

This certain amount is sixty-three.

In other words, only through the test of the 63rd layer, can we really get the reward from the ladder.

Of course, even if you beat the black shadow of level 63, you won't get a reward immediately, but you can only get it after you get out of the ladder. Therefore, it is impossible for the immortals participating in the battle of the ladder to enhance their strength with the reward of the ladder, and then confront the test given by the ladder.

And these black stars not only represent the reward of the ladder to the participants, but also have other magical effects.

For example

If you can't pass the test of a certain layer, you only need to spend nine stars to get to the next layer.

Of course, this is only useful for 90 floors and before.

Realizing this, Feng Zhi has the illusion that he is playing some kind of game.

Even if there is a reward, I want to know that if the ladder has appeared for so many years, if climbing the ladder is not good for the immortal, it is impossible to open the ladder every time, and the young immortal people rush to the sky like crazy.However, exchange stars for tests

Feng to think slightly, then also understand the deep meaning.

Perhaps, a strong will formed in the ladder of heaven, which is also a test of the immortals who ascended the ladder in another way.

That is to give up and get.

As long as you can go to the 63rd layer, the first star accumulated before will represent a reward. It can be expected that each star is extremely important to the immortal.


In the later test, if we fail, we should take the stars we have, wait for the reward from the ladder, or spend nine stars for the opportunity to move on. This is the choice everyone needs to face.

Among them, it involves the young immortal people's correct understanding of their own strength. Their strength is enough to support them to go to which level. If they continue to move forward, can they harvest nine more stars


These are all things that the immortals need to consider.

If you are rational enough, of course, you can correctly understand your own strength, accept failure at the most appropriate time, and then withdraw from the ladder and get rewards from the ladder.

If you are not rational enough, you should insist that as long as you continue to move forward, you will definitely get more than you pay

Then, the most likely result is that all the stars will be spent, and in the end, not only will they be eliminated, but they will not get any reward.

All this depends on the choice of the immortals themselves.

To understand this, Feng Zhi can't help but praise the way of testing people's hearts.

Compared with the collision on the strength of this layer by layer, this invisible test, which requires the immortal people to make their own choice, often makes the immortal people suffer more.

Only this move, we have to let many not sober immortal, like the donkey, in order to hang in front of the carrot and constantly choose to move forward, and finally harvest nothing.

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