People's minds are complex. As long as they are human beings, they will inevitably have greed.

Perhaps the test of the greatest interest that people can not control is in the ladder of heaven.

After all, if you don't have a correct understanding of yourself, you can't control your greed in your heart, and you want to go further on the immortal Road, it's absolutely impossible.

To understand this, Feng to slightly a phase.

One should know himself well.

She always agreed with that.

Therefore, although she has always been extremely confident, she will not be blindly arrogant, and she will not think that she is the beloved of heaven, and she will surely be able to steadily suppress others.

For the ninety ninth floor of the ladder, Fengzhi is certainly ambitious.

However, if the real thing can not be done, she will not have to rush forward.

Of course, this does not mean that Feng Zhi will give up easily, but she will never give up when she can see a little hope.

These thoughts flashed quickly in Feng Zhi's mind, and she did not think about them any more. When she was ready to go up again, she suddenly walked.

She has passed the test of the 63rd floor, and then it is the beginning of another nine layers.

It is conceivable that the later tests are more difficult.

Then, simply take advantage of the present opportunity to clarify the doubts that have always existed in my heart.

In this way, Feng did not continue to go up, but to cross his knees to play a seat.

Of course, she was not hurt. Up to now, those black figures can only bring her a little trouble, which is far from the extent to which she wants to hurt Fengzhi. The reason why Fengzhi didn't continue to go up, but played a seat, just wanted to test.

The front of these layers, Feng to each time is a black shadow down, followed by the next floor before.

However, there are more than 30 floors behind, each of which will be more and more difficult, and the time it will take will be longer and longer.


One thing has to be clarified.

There is no time limit for each test of the ladder.

Must pass the test in a certain period of time, or no matter how long, as long as you can defeat the shadow?

Feng to each floor before the use of time is very little, so she really did not know this problem, rather than wait for the back to be hit by surprise, it is better to find out early now, or have psychological preparation as early as possible.

As time went by, Feng Zhi played quietly until a change took place in the tower.

Feng Zhi opened her eyes and looked at the stairs leading to the 64th floor.

There was originally a layer of light film there. After Fengzhi passed the test of this layer and scattered the shadow, the light film disappeared, revealing the stairs leading to the next floor.

But at this time, just at the stairway, the light film that had disappeared had a tendency to appear again.

Feng had a premonition that once the light film was fully formed, she would have to stop at the 63rd layer, unless she was willing to trade nine stars for the opportunity to enter the next layer.

So, no longer waiting, Feng to a flash, rushed to the light film before it appeared on the stairs.

After a while, after Feng Zhi, the light film was completely formed and separated 63 and 64 layers again.

So it is.

Feng Zhi picked her eyebrows.

The time left for challengers in each level is limited. If they can not enter the next level within a certain period of time, they will lose the opportunity to move forward. Even if they pass the test and fail to enter the next level within this time limit, they will also be eliminated.

In this way

If you are injured in a certain layer, it is impossible to wait until the injury is healed before entering the next layer.

I have to say that the will of this ladder is very thoughtful.

Feng Zhi thinks so.

And make clear this point, Feng to also in the heart wake up.

Since there is a time limit for each layer, even if she has passed the test, there is still a little time for her to recover, but if she is injured, this time is definitely not enough for her to recover.

So, next, be sure to avoid injury as much as possible.

Feng took a deep breath.

The 64th floor.

As soon as she got to this floor, Feng Zhi looked right in the middle. According to the Convention, there should be a black shadow standing there.

But this time, Feng Zhi was a little surprised.

Because there is a figure in the middle, but it is not a shadow, but a

Looks like someone with dark skin?

If you look at it carefully, Feng Zhi can be sure that this person is the same person as the shadows on the previous floors. However, in the previous floors, because it is too dark, people can't see the features of the shadow.As a matter of fact, the appearance of the shadow changes a little bit on each layer, and the outline is clearer than the other. However, it is only at this level that people can finally see the appearance of the shadow.

Although it's still dark enough to compare with Africans on earth, it's not like a shadow, but a person.

Of course, because the skin is still very black, so Feng Zhi can see clearly this person's facial features, but the other is not very visible.

Feng Zhi thinks that if you want to see this person clearly, you may have to wait until the ninety ninth floor?

Thinking like this in the heart, Feng Zhi's movement did not stop, the body slightly twisted, the next moment, her people have appeared in the shadow, no, now is black, in front of.

A slap at the man.

And the man, his response is the same slap back.

The two palms hit each other like this.

At the moment when the two palms were handed over, Feng Zhi realized that there was an essential difference between the people on this floor and the black shadows on the sixty odd floors ahead.

Because, this layer of this person, his strength has risen to the big Luo Jinxian.

Although it's only the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, compared with the later stage of Tianxian, this is a qualitative change.

Because she had psychological preparation for a long time, Feng Zhi was not very surprised. One hand failed to work. She kept on her hand, and her other hand clenched into a fist, and then she threw herself at the man.

At the same time, the soft sword wrapped around the waist by Fengzhi turned into a black lightning and stabbed at the man.

This person on this level has the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, which can be regarded as the same level as Fengzhi. Fengzhi naturally needs to use all her strength.


Finally came here, if the boat capsized in the gutter, Fengzhi could not cry.

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