For the interaction between Fengming and Cheng Sinian, several other people are interested in it.

After a long time, shi'er suddenly pointed to the light curtain, "look, the Lord and the Lord Long Yan are on a new level!"

So they all turned their heads and looked at the light curtain.

At the same time, no one who can keep up with them in the first 80 th floor can keep up with them.

For a moment, there were only two of them on the 89th floor.

Although they have only reached the 89th floor, not the 99th floor, because they are the two fastest-moving of all the people, their name seems to be a little lonely, but it has some meaning of leading the way.

Feng Ming and his party could not help but clench their fists.

Xianbao'er murmured: "sister Fengzhi and brother Longyan Will they become another legend? "

Hearing her words, Lian Hongyu lowered her eyelids slightly, "maybe, will you?"

There was also uncertainty in her tone.

Because no one knows the answer until the dust settles.

However, Fengming, who was waiting outside, raised his heart because of xianbao'er's problem, and then secretly cheered for Fengzhi and Longyan.

Look inside the ladder.

Time continues to pass.

Feng Lai's name finally stayed on the eighty first floor.

Seven opponents with medium-term strength of Dara Jinxian, even if they hold bows and arrows, are more suitable for one to many than those with other weapons. At this time, they can't hold on.

If you put it on others, with the strength of the early days of immortals, it is enough to attract everyone's attention. But Fenglai has always had beads like Fengzhi and Longyan in front of her. Of course, she is not so satisfied with her performance.


Fenglai also knows that Fengzhi and Longyan, no matter how talented people they are, at least all the characters they meet along the way, can only converge their own light in front of them.

Therefore, he is a brother, they were compared to go down, in fact, it is nothing?

In fact, Long Feng and Feng have been beaten by him.

With this idea, Feng left the ladder and joined the waiting line outside.

By the time Fenglai came out, very few people were still in the ladder, and most of them were between 80 and 85 floors.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi and Longyan have already advanced to the ninety first floor.

After defeating the late enemies of the ninetieth layer, Fengzhi harvested the 90th star.

To this floor, Feng to also feel a little bit of strain up.

But she was able to hold on.

She didn't spend much time on this layer, so there was still some time for her to recover a little. Feng Zhi didn't set foot on the ninety first layer until the light film was about to reappear.

This is the beginning of the last nine floors.

Before entering the ninety first floor, Feng Zhi had been guessing what she would encounter on this floor.

According to the previous practice, this layer should be an opponent with the initial strength of Xianjun. In the next few layers, she will confront two to nine Xianjun's early enemies.


Feng to always feel, if so, the test than she expected to be much simpler.

Think about it. Since the appearance of the ladder, less than ten people have passed all the tests of the ladder. We can imagine how difficult the test is.

As far as Fengzhi is concerned, although she has only the strength of the middle stage of daruo Jinxian, the real combat power she can play is absolutely no less than that of Xianjun, not to mention her hidden strength such as pills and inheritance of fengmiao.

If the test of level 99 is really just the enemy of the early days of the nine immortals

Feng Zhi is sure that he and Long Yan can definitely pass the test.

Of course, Fengzhi doesn't think that her talent is so amazing that no one can compare with her. Since she can, other people can also. In this way, there will not be only a few people who can pass the test of the ninety ninth floor of the ladder after so many thousands of years.

Therefore, she came to a conclusion that the test of the 91 to 99 floors of the ladder would never be as simple as she thought.

So, what kind of test will she face?

We'll see.

With such a mood, Feng Zhi stood on the ninety first floor.

In front of her, is a very simple white dress, the face is very handsome, but also condenses a face of the young man.

Feng Zhi looks at the man in front of her carefully

Why do you feel a little familiar?After watching for a long time, she suddenly realized that this is not the shadow that has become her opponent from the first floor?

However, at the beginning, the front layers were just a black shadow. Later, they could see the facial features clearly, but they were as black as an African. Now the skin of this man is not black. It is no wonder that Feng Zhihui can't remember for a moment.

"Hey, I don't even know you in your clothes." Feng Zhi is facing the opposite road.

In the previous 90 floors, this person had no mood swings, just like a machine that only knew how to fight.

Feng to originally thought this time is also the same, therefore just opened such a joke to him.

Unexpectedly, after listening to her words, the handsome cold and beautiful man on the opposite side suddenly smoked the corners of his mouth, which was obviously silent to Feng.

This makes Feng Zhi a little surprised.

In the previous layers, she was very clear that no matter whether it was the shadow or later there was a human like opponent, they were all just illusions. However, the will of the ladder made it so lifelike that people thought it was a real person.

And now

Feng Zhi's divine consciousness flowed towards the opposite man like a tide.

It is not a mirage, but a living being in front of her.

Does this mean that the ladder has the ability to create life?

Feng Zhi was a little surprised at the beginning, but after thinking about the peculiarity of the ladder, she gradually felt that even if the ladder could really create life, it seemed that it was not so hard for people to accept.

Of course, for Fengzhi, no matter whether there is a living person or a lifeless fighting machine on the opposite side, it can not change a bit, that is, the opposite is her enemy.

She just needs to beat it to get to the next level.

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