Before she really started, Feng Zhi didn't know what kind of strength the man had in front of her, so she didn't worry. She patted her waist gently, and the black soft sword was held in her hand like a spirit snake. Then she swam to the opposite man.

For Feng Zhi's tentative blow, the man on the opposite side smiles gently.

His appearance was very handsome, and wearing that white dress, it was easy to give people a feeling of immortality. At this moment, with such a smile, if it was seen by any flower maniac, he would definitely be unable to move his legs.

Of course, this does not include Fengzhi.

"We have played so many games, such a trial..." The man said, stretched out the index finger and middle finger toward the front, gently clip the soft sword of Fengzhi between the two fingers, "meaningless!"

When he said such words, the whole person's temperament suddenly changed, from the previous indifferent to sharp, especially a pair of sharp eyes, as if he could see through people directly.

Feng Zhi takes a deep breath.

This time it's a hard time.

Her right hand holding the sword did not loosen, and her left thumb and middle finger bent up on the black sword and flicked it gently.


With such a sound, the black soft sword suddenly vibrated violently. The man opposite Rao had already prepared for it, and could not hold the soft sword for a moment.


The soft sword swam back like a snake again, and was finally entangled in the waist by Feng Zhi.

Feng to micro squint at the opposite man, "since the temptation is meaningless, let's see the real chapter under the hand!"

Then, the Phoenix to the whole person is like a phoenix flying wings, issued an exciting song of the Phoenix, directly toward the man there.

So they began to fight.

After the real fight, Feng Zhi gradually got a clear understanding of the strength of the man opposite him. If she didn't feel wrong, at this ninety first level, the strength of the man should be in the early days of Xianjun.

However, even in the early days of Xianjun, it should be the peak of Xianjun's early stage, and the one who can have no rival in the same level.

This let Feng to some surprise, she thought that this layer of test should be more difficult.


After thinking carefully, Feng Zhi was relieved.

Before she entered the ladder, she had learned about many previous disputes over the ladder. In fact, there were not many people who could enter the ninety-one to ninety-eight floors in each of the previous TIANTI apocalypse. These people were also outstanding among their peers, and they were also real talents and real people of the situation.

However, even if there are many people who can reach the ninety-eight level, can step on the ninety-nine level, and pass the test of the ninety-nine level, only those who can count it with both hands.

Therefore, what really distinguishes ordinary genius from real absolute genius is not the ninety-one to ninety-eight levels, but the ninety-nine level.

Since this is the case, it is not so difficult to understand that the man of the ninety-one floor is the strength of the early Xianjun.

What's more

Among the young immortals under the age of 10000, there are only a few of them who can have the strength of Xianjun period.

Feng Zhi, though she has the strength to compete with the Xianjun period, her realm is only in the middle of daruo Jinxian period.

These thoughts passed quickly in Feng Zhi's mind, and then she suppressed them temporarily.

Now the most important thing is to defeat the enemy on the opposite side!

Xianjun, in the fairyland, is also at the middle and upper levels of combat power. Many middle-sized sects have their masters at this level, so the power that Xianjun can play is really considerable.

The man on the opposite side, Feng Zhi doesn't know whether he tests many young immortals every time the ladder is opened. However, his combat experience is extremely rich.

Fengzhi's strength is absolutely the best among his peers, even the whole generation, and Fengzhi also has extremely rich combat experience.

But in front of this man, Fengzhi always has a feeling of being tied up. Every time she has something to deal with, the man on the opposite side seems to be able to see through her mind's thoughts, and will always crack Fengzhi's attack with the least effort.

Because of this, Fengzhi's real combat power is not only in the early days of Xianjun, but under the performance of men, she can't attack for a long time.

This feeling

It's a bit of a coward.

Feng to tightly twist eyebrows.

She knew that she would not stop at the ninety-first level, but the difficulty of the man was far beyond her imagination, and the man in the ninety-first floor had such a performance. In the next level, the degree of difficulty he showed was no less than this level.

If Feng Zhi can't deal with the attack brought by the man's rich experience, even if she can pass through this layer, the next layer and the lower layer, she will never be the one who climbed the ninety ninth floor of the ladder.So, we have to find a way out.

Feng Zhi thought in her heart.

With such an idea, Fengzhi's powerful divine consciousness was transformed into threads, which almost filled the whole space of the ninety first floor, forming a dense network of divine consciousness.

Then, Feng to suddenly found that her grasp of the man's trajectory of action immediately on a level.

What surprised Feng Zhi more was not this. However, through the capture of men's movements by divine consciousness, every minute movement of men seemed to be printed in her mind, so that she could learn many experiences of men with traces to follow.

It's just like a man demonstrating to her.

This makes Feng Zhi overjoyed.

She didn't realize that she had so many shortcomings before. She didn't realize that there were still many loopholes in her combat system that could be grasped by others. Now she has such an opportunity to learn and make progress, which should be very happy.

If before, Feng Zhi thought about how to end the battle as soon as possible. Now, what she wants is how to prolong the fighting time as much as possible, so that she can learn more valuable experience.

Aware of the intention of Feng to, the man raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

However, even so, the man did not release any water.

In this way, in the process of you coming and going, Feng Zhi stretched the front line to the extreme, until she estimated that the time was coming, and if she did not defeat her opponent, she would not be able to enter the next level. She did not stop this learning process.

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