From the fight with men, Feng Zhi looked at the man opposite, smiling and bending: "fighting with you helped me a lot. I learned a lot from you, but it doesn't mean that I will release water. See you next time!"

After saying that, Feng Zhi didn't stop at all. The soft sword around her waist turned into a black lightning and flashed towards the man.

Although the man has the consciousness of dodging, Feng Zhi's sword comes too fast. Even if he wants to hide, he can't hide, so he is stabbed in the eyebrow by Feng Zhi's sword.

The next moment, the man's body shape changes a little bit, from the Phoenix to disappear in front of his eyes.

Obviously, Fengzhi has passed the test of this level.

Looking at the man's body gradually disappeared, Feng Zhi chuckled softly I really want to thank him. If I hadn't learned so many practical skills from him, I don't think it would be so easy to defeat him. Would it be a bit bad to beat him with what I learned from him? "

Of course, no good, this problem only existed in Feng Zhi's mind for a short time, and then she left it behind.

At the moment when the man disappears completely, the light film blocking the stairs leading to the next floor disappears. After a few breaths, the light film that will disappear will appear again.

From this, we can also see how accurate Feng Zhi's grasp of time is.

Do not dare to delay down, Feng to a flying body, catch up in the light film reappearance before stepping on the stairs.

Keep going up.

The 92nd floor is still the man who was just about to disappear.

"To the Phoenix, I will smile at you

The man obviously has the memory of every fight with Fengzhi before. Hearing this, he did not speak, but made a gesture of "please" to Fengzhi.

Feng to do not have any hesitation, again toward the man to attack in the past.

Next, I repeat the situation of the previous layer.

Feng Zhi uses God's knowledge to form a net to capture every minute movement of a man, and then learn from it to turn the man's experience into his own.


The more fight goes on, Feng Zhi's heart is gushing out some faint strange feeling.

She always felt that since she got to the ninety first floor, she was not so much in the test, but in Feng Zhi's view, the battle between her and the man was more like a teaching.

Yes, teaching!

She learned so much valuable experience from the fight with men, and made up the loopholes that she had existed. Isn't this a valuable teaching for her?

What's more, the strength of this man, whether it's the ninety-first floor or the current ninety-two floor, seems to be a little bit worse than that of fengzhilai. It's not so much that the two men are fighting, it's better to say that the man is the companion training of Fengzhi.

Accompany practice?

Is this possible?

Feng to only feel a brain door of fog.

She just had this feeling, but at the same time, she also felt that her brain hole was a little big. It was a ladder that ruthlessly brushed down countless talented people. For those who came to accept the test, it should be impossible to discriminate between one and the other, but absolutely treat them equally.

In this case

So, is it possible that this is a test of the learning ability of the immortals participating in the struggle for the ladder?

It's really possible.

You know, men have the strength of the Immortal King. If the young immortal participating in the test is not strong enough, let alone capture the man's action track and learn from him, it is a big problem to be able to support several moves under the men's hands.

Feng Zhi is able to learn these valuable experiences, but this premise is not her real strength, in fact, can be compared with the powerful Xianjun?

Therefore, the most fundamental or immortal's own strength must be strong enough.

When Feng Zhi got such an answer, he didn't think much about it any more. Instead, he put all his energy into capturing men's movements. When he came to the 92nd level, his strength was improved a little, and his qualities in all aspects were also improved. Therefore, Fengzhi certainly has nothing to learn.

In this way, Fengzhi is like a sponge that lacks water, and madly absorbs the nutrition she needs from men.

And she can also feel very clearly that every time she learns one more point, her mastery of her own body and her immortal Qi will be one more point, and her strength can be greatly improved.

Feng Zhi is sure that although she only learned from the man on the ninety-first and ninety-two floors, if she was asked to fight with her who had just entered the ladder, she would certainly be able to abuse her former self.

From this, we can see how much Fengzhi's harvest is.

She didn't know how long such a learning opportunity could last, so she didn't dare to be distracted while she could still learn now.In this way, Fengzhi went up all the way, and each layer got more insights.

How to control your body more reasonably, many control skills of immortal Qi, and how to make your perception more sensitive


When this kind of perception accumulates to a certain extent, it also brings about qualitative changes, so that Feng Zhi's mood is also improved.

Aware of this, Feng Zhi is more sure that the environment in the ladder must be conducive to the immortal's perception of the details. Otherwise, she would not have achieved so much.


In the last few layers of the ladder, although the difficulty is higher than before, it is not so difficult that people have no way out. It can even be said that such welfare is released. What is the purpose?

Feng Zhi is really confused.

With such doubts, Feng finally passed through the 98th floor and stood on the stairs leading to the last floor.

The ninety ninth floor of the ladder is a place that young immortals yearn for and sacred to. As long as they pass the final test, it means that their names will be placed together with those of the real powerful people in the fairyland, and will be admired by later generations.

The scene like that

It is just to think about it, but also let people can not help it will be boiling blood.

Even if there is any possibility, the young immortal who comes to this stage is absolutely willing to pay any price to pass the test of the 99th layer.

However, since the advent of the ladder, people who have achieved this can be counted with one hand.

And Feng to, now standing on such a threshold.

To cross the threshold and pass the ultimate test will bring infinite glory to her.

Across this threshold, if she failed in the final test, she would regret for life.

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