While Fengzhi was standing on the stairs leading to the ninety ninth floor of the ladder, many immortal people who were paying close attention to the battle situation of the ladder were holding their breath and staring at the light screen without blinking, for fear that one wrong eye might miss something.

On the screen of light, there are less than 20 names on the 98th floor.

In addition to Fengzhi and Longyan, which are unfamiliar to many immortals, more than a dozen other names have a certain popularity in the fairyland. Although these people belong to the younger generation, they are either of high birth or amazing talent. Although because of their age, it can't be said that they have made a vast sky in the fairyland, but who are their prospects You can see that.

Among these names, Fengzhi and Longyan are strange names, which make many immortals feel extremely surprised.

In particular, along the way, many immortal people who pay attention to the result of the struggle for the ladder of heaven have noticed that Fengzhi and longyanke have never lagged behind these little famous talents.

Even, Feng Zhi and Long Yan often get to the next level faster than these talented people.

Realizing what this meant, the immortals took a breath.

They would not have been so surprised if they had been famous for a long time. However, most of them had never heard of youfengzhi and Longyan before, which would not have surprised everyone.

At the same time, all the immortals began to subconsciously inquire about Fengzhi and Longyan.

However, this inquiry, the immortals are confused.


Of course, it's because they suddenly find that they don't know where to go to inquire about these two people.

At this time, it was Cheng Sinian's turn.

Seeing that their patriarch and Lord Long Yan are advancing so fast, even faster than those famous genius figures, Cheng Sinian's five people can't mention how proud they are.

Hum, they knew that the patriarch and Lord Long Yan would get the top prize!

Remembering how they looked down on them when they went to the Pankou of qianmenzong to place bets, Cheng Sinian's five people are so happy that they just want to go back to the Pankou of qianmenzong and make a good show.

Show what?

Of course, it's the leader of your family!

However, for the sake of safety, they actually suppressed this attractive idea.

They have laid more than five million immortal stones on the patriarch. If the people of the thousands of sects look at the patriarch's black horse, they will go to the last level. Because they don't want to compensate the immortal stone for them, they have the intention of killing and profiting. Where are they going to argue?

Although the reputation of qianmenzong has always been good, it is claimed that as long as you dare to bet, qianmenzong will dare to compensate, but what if there is a case?

Cheng Sinian's five were honest when they thought about it.

However, when they knew that there were many people around who wanted to know about Fengzhi and Longyan, and the five element sect, which was hanging high on the other side of the light curtain and crowded in the middle of a large number of doors, Cheng Sinian's five people couldn't help but get angry.

"Who are Fengzhi and Longyan?" When an immortal asked about this question, Cheng Sinian took over the words and said, "Fengzhi is the leader of our five element sect, and Long Yan is the immortal partner of the patriarch!"

"Of course, our patriarch and Lord Long Yan have incomparable talent!"

"What? Compared with those talented people who have long been famous in the fairyland? Hehe, I don't think so. Can those people compare with our patriarch and Lord Long Yan? "

“…… Our patriarch and Lord Long Yan are both over a thousand years old

"What is the age of the genius you are talking about?"

"You see, this battle of heaven ladder is destined to make our Lord and Lord Long Yan famous in the fairyland."



At the beginning, the five people just couldn't help but want to introduce Fengzhi and Longyan to the people around them. Later, they were completely brainless.

After listening to their words, Fengzhi and Longyan are incomparable figures in the world. If we want to compare all the heroes in the world, we can't even count the dregs.

Although Feng Zhi and long yanneng arrived at the 98th floor together with more than a dozen well-known talents in the whole fairyland, and they were about to reach the ninety-ninth floor, it was always very unpleasant to hear Cheng Sinian's praise.

So, naturally, some people can't hear it.

"Your patriarch and Lord Long Yan are so powerful, can you definitely win the battle over the ladder of heaven? Will they become emperors in the future? "

"Oh, by the way, isn't there a prediction that there will be two emperors in our fairyland, not your Lord and Lord Longyan?"

There are many others who follow suit.

Cheng Sinian is very popular.

They had enough of the days when they were forced to stay in yinxianfeng. If Fengzhi had not taken over the wuxingzong at such a critical moment, they would have been driven out of yinxianfeng and could only watch people occupy their ancestral home.Therefore, the five people do not mention how grateful and adored Fengzhi.

In their eyes, Fengzhi and Longyan are of course the most powerful two people in the same period. Haven't they been in the leading position in the ladder?

Now when these fairies say this, they are so angry that they almost don't jump.

Listen to what they say, is it not obvious that their patriarch and Lord Long Yan are powerful? What do these people mean by these words?

Become emperor?

One of the great powers who once climbed the ladder of heaven did not become an emperor. Did they not bully the patriarch and Lord Longyan who were not famous before?

If you change the other people who are on the 98th floor, let these people run on it again?

Cheng Sinian several people think that the mentality of these people, in the words of the patriarch, is called

By the way!

"If you can't eat grapes, you'll say sour grapes!" "Don't think we don't know. You're just jealous that we have such an excellent patriarch. If you have the ability, you can try it in the ladder. If you don't have the ability, don't force it. That's what our Lord said."

All of a sudden, it was quiet.

Many immortals are a little embarrassed, because they are really picked up on the mind.

Isn't grape sour just because you can't eat it?

Most of these people have passed the maximum age limit to enter the ladder, and most of them have participated in the struggle for the ladder, but they have not been able to stir up any water spray.

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