People often have such a mentality, if they can't do something, if it is done by others, if they can't afford to do it, they can only pursue it. But if the person who makes this thing is a person who is not seen by them, it's wonderful. How can a person who is not as good as himself make it?

So naturally will think of a way to their eyes, this is not as good as their people step on the foot.

Around these immortal people are basically such mentality.

In the eyes of these immortals, Fengzhi and Longyan are just two nameless people. Even if they have already arrived at the 98th floor of the ladder together with those famous young talents, this is actually enough to show their extraordinary features. However, the strong inertia thinking still makes people subconsciously think that Fengzhi is inferior to them.

It is because of this that they can't help but satirize when they watch the two anonymous people, Fengzhi and Longyan, climb up in such a way that they can't help but make sarcasm when they hear Cheng Sinian's five people's brain blowing about Fengzhi and Longyan.

But I didn't expect to be punctured by pick-up.

This is what our Lord said!

Shi'er's words are undoubtedly very confident, and many immortals who hear this sentence can't help feeling a burst of qi deficiency.

See their own words will be straight sour on the opening of these immortal to say nothing, Shier can not mention a lot of meaning, "hum, admit your shortcomings, so that you can make yourself to a higher level, this is also our Lord said!"

This is undoubtedly a knife in the heart of all the immortals.

As a result, Cheng Sinian's five people were finally quiet, and no one spoke ill of their patriarch and Lord Long Yan in front of them.

In fact, the immortals did not have time to fight with shi'er any more.

Because, at this moment, less than 20 names on the 98th floor suddenly flashed.

Then, in the eyes of all, Fengzhi and Longyan, two names that few people had heard of before today, advanced to the ninety ninth floor with a posture of advancing hand in hand.

At the same time, the names of Fengzhi and Longyan are slightly dim.

This is because although they have reached the ninety-nine level, they have not passed the test of the ninety-nine level. As long as they pass the test of the ninety-nine level, their names will be directly aligned with the names that have passed the test before. From then on, they will become the existence that attracts the attention of the whole fairyland.

This is the first time Fengzhi and Longyan appeared on such a large platform, and it is the first time that so many immortals have noticed.


Can they blind all the immortals as soon as they appear?

We have to wait and see.


At this time in the ladder.

Feng to take a deep breath, after a long time to spit out a turbid breath, eyes firmly lift foot, let countless people yearn for the ninety ninth floor of the ladder.

He's still the one who's been fighting all the way.

He was dressed in a white suit and stood with his hands on his back. He looked at Feng Zhi from a short distance. Then he smiled and said, "I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

From the first floor to the ninety-nine floor, this was the first time Fengzhi heard the man speak on his own initiative.

Feng to did not attack the man as before, because she felt faintly in her heart. Now the man, and before each layer, can be very different.

And the man did not take the initiative to hand the meaning, this space is temporarily quiet down.

Feng to the meal, or want to clarify the doubts before.

"You..." She said, "you've been teaching me from the ninety first floor, haven't you?"

Hearing Feng Zhi say this, the man's eyes and more light smile, he did not admit, also did not deny, only said: "can we seize all the opportunities to learn, to make up for their shortcomings, this is a kind of ability."

Some people teach, but also have to learn.

Even if you are willing to learn, it depends on whether you have the patience and the understanding to learn. After learning, you can turn it into your own ability.

Only those who can do it perfectly will be on the road of the real strong.

These, the man did not say.

Feng to but understand the man's meaning.

It is because of this understanding that she is more cautious about the test of the 99th layer.

Up to the previous 98th floor, Feng Zhi was eager to learn the subtle skills that men deliberately displayed. The more he learned from men, the more he could make Feng Zhi understand how great men were.

If the previous 91-98 floors are very difficult, but in essence they are still a teaching session, then Fengzhi certainly won't have any luck in the last ninety-nine floors.

This floor

It can't be just teaching, it's a real fight!From the first floor to the ninety-eight floor, it may be said that all these are just the preparation for the last battle.

Under such circumstances, we can imagine how difficult it will be to test the 99th layer.

This time, the man will never let the water out again.

Since stepping into the ladder, Fengzhi finally felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

She took a deep breath and gave a salute to the man: "I'd like to thank you for your instruction."

Thanks, she can't concentrate on fighting.

The man obviously understood the meaning of Fengzhi's words, and appreciated more in his eyes.

As an immortal, if you want to go all the way in this long fairyland, you should have the courage and firm will to face the difficulties while knowing how difficult the road ahead is.

If you can't even do this, why do you expect to make great achievements in the cultivation of immortals?

Of course, this is the ninety ninth floor of the ladder. Those who can walk here will never be weak people.

After saying thanks to the man, Feng Zhi calmed down her original mood. She looked at the man and said, "if you didn't guess wrong, I'm going to test what you taught you before. If so, please forgive me for not being hospitable."

After saying that, Feng didn't wait for the man to have a response, so he went all out to attack the man.

At the same time, Fengzhi didn't stop at any time. With his two hands in the air, it was a space invisible to the naked eye. The blade cut the place where the man stood. Because of the characteristics of the space blade, people could see the space after the space was torn The void.

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