Space, this is a very difficult power to control.

It is also difficult to control, so once someone can control this power, it will naturally explode into unimaginable power.

Fengzhi himself has a certain understanding and attainments on the space law. Later, he got the cave of the void old man, and inherited the old man's understanding of the power of space. In this way, he naturally went further.

In previous battles with people, the power of space was hardly used, not because she didn't want to use it, nor because she didn't look down on her opponents, but because the power was not only consumed, but also used with complete concentration and could not be distracted at all.

Now, Feng Zhi has to use it.

She is very clear, the man must be extremely strong, if she does not play all the cards, I am afraid it will not be long before he will be sent out of the ladder for free.


They have been fighting to the end. Of course, we have to fight everything to win the final victory.

As for consumption, this is no longer considered by Fengzhi.

After sending out this space blade, Feng Zhi didn't pay attention to whether her sword and the space blade did harm to the man. She first grabbed a pill to restore the immortal Qi and put it into her mouth. She felt the unprecedented surge of immortal Qi in her body. Feng Zhi's mind moved slightly, and the absolute field learned from xukong old man diffused around quietly.

Men are included in the scope of the absolute sphere.

The man is lightly hitting Feng Zhi's soft sword to one side, and with a wonderful body method to the top, he perfectly avoids the space edge, and then he feels the change brought by the absolute field on his body.

"Oh?" The man raised his eyebrows and said, "at a young age, one's skill is not small. Is this the absolute field?"

Feng Zhi, as if he had not heard the man speak, said nothing, only steadily maintained the operation of the absolute field.

And the man, he does not seem to need Feng to answer.

"I've heard that there are descendants of fairyland who have developed absolute field, but I haven't had a chance to see it before. I didn't expect to see it today." The man said this, and suddenly sighed slightly, "you descendants, it is true that each generation is better than the other..."

He seemed to think of something, with a faint trance in his expression.

However, such a trance only existed for a short time, and then he was pressed down again by the man.

"It's a good thing to have talented people come out from all over the country. Naturally, it's worth being happy. Only in this way will the fairyland become more and more prosperous..." The man said, "let me see how strong you are."

Feng Zhi still did not respond.

But the man, he seems to be addicted to talk in general, is still continuing to nag, "this absolute field, as long as the opponent's strength exceeds your great realm, you can ignore it? So, little girl, your absolute field will have no effect on me... "

Feng suddenly raised her head at this time, her eyes were a light of self-confidence, "Oh? Master, you should have a good try

At the same time, the immortal Qi in Feng Zhi's body was running wildly, and the scope of the absolute field was instantly opened, until the space in the tower was completely covered, which stopped.

Although the scope of the absolute field has been expanded, the role it can play has not been discounted.

This means that the whole space in the tower is within the absolute range of Fengzhi. As long as the strength of the enemy within this range does not exceed a certain level, then in this absolute field, Fengzhi is the only rule.

It has been many years since the original inheritance of the void old man. In these years, Feng has never relaxed her practice, nor has she given up her research on the absolute field.

And her research is clearly not useless.

At least, the present fengzhineng has expanded the scope of the absolute field a lot, which means that the role of the absolute field has been strengthened a lot.

It can be said that even if his realm is much higher than Feng Zhi, he can not be completely unaffected by the absolute realm, but the higher the enemy's strength is, the less he will be affected.

Feng Zhi is very satisfied with the result.

She is now the strength of the middle stage of daruo Jinxian. If she had changed her routine, as long as the other side's realm was above the middle stage of Xianjun, because of the suppression of the realm, the absolute field would not be able to play a role. But now, even if the other party has the strength of the late emperor or even the emperor, it is impossible to be unaffected within the scope of the absolute domain, but such influence will become slight It's just a little bit.

Although the impact is small, sometimes it is these details that influence the outcome of the battle.

This man's real strength is not to be estimated.

She didn't use the divine sense to explore, but she could see this person clearly in her eyes, but when she was exploring, there was only a void, as if Fengzhi's eyes had been deceived.

Fengzhi naturally believes in her own eyes.Then, there is only one explanation for the absence of men.

That is, the man in front of him, his real strength has exceeded the scope of Feng Zhi's divine consciousness.

The middle and late period of the emperor, or in the end


Such an idea makes Feng Zhi can't help but be surprised.

Now the emperor of the fairyland can be counted with one hand. The man in front of him is no doubt any of them. So, who is he?

Feng Zhi quickly suppressed such an idea.

No matter what kind of strength the man has, and no matter who he is, now Fengzhi is undergoing the test from men in the ladder, so what she should care about is how to defeat the man in front of her, so as to become another one of heaven's favourites who has completed all the tests of the ladder.

As for the others

Let's talk about it later.

Feng Zhi didn't want to go deep into the matter, but the man seemed to have the idea of solving her doubts. He said: "I'm afraid you can't help me You don't have to think about what my strength is. If you say it, people will think that I am bullying children. But you can rest assured that the test of this ladder is not so abnormal. I will press my strength in the early days of emperor Tianjun. "

In the early days of emperor Tianjun.

If before, to get such a result, Feng Zhi will feel happy.

Because if she has all the cards, she may not be able to play the strength equivalent to the early days of emperor Tianjun, then the victory or defeat will naturally be between the May 5 and the 5 th. As long as she plays, she will have a chance.

But now, how can she not be happy.

Only from the man's words, Feng Zhi could hear that she thought her own absurd guess was true!

This man

It's really the emperor!

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