Since the fall of an emperor in the fairyland 100000 years ago, there has been no emperor in the past 100000 years. There are only four emperors left in the fairyland.

Up to now, when asked about the word "emperor", the immortal people will think of the four emperors in the southeast and northwest in a reflexive way, instead of thinking about him.

There are only four emperors in the fairyland, which has almost become common sense.

Even if Feng Zhifei ascended to the fairyland for more than 100 years, she couldn't even know such common sense.

So, here's the problem.

The man who became the examinee of the ladder of heaven clearly was not any of the four emperors in the southeast, northwest and northwest, that is to say, there are more than four emperors in the fairyland.


Who is he?

Feng to the end of the brain can not think of a reason to come.

No way, she came to the fairyland for a short time. She didn't know the secrets of the fairyland at all. Now she suddenly saw such a person, and naturally she couldn't guess anything from it.

Feng Zhi looks at the man with a pair of eyes full of curiosity, expecting to get some answers from the man.

She seldom gossips like she does now.

The man saw the Phoenix to this pair of appearance, pour is happy.

He has been the examiner of the ladder for many years. In recent years, although no one can pass all the tests of the ladder, it is not that no young genius comes to him. They just fail to pass the test of the ninety ninth floor.

Even, some people once guessed his real strength.

However, those who have guessed his true state, even if they still have some confidence to fight against him, they will wither like eggplant beaten by frost after they have guessed. When they fight again, they will lose their vigor.

This is not surprising.

Emperor, this is a great power standing at the highest peak of the fairyland. How can those young immortals who don't even have the immortal monarch overcome it?

Therefore, even if they know that men will suppress their strength in the early days of the emperor, these young immortals have no confidence in their hearts. Even if they have great strength in battle, they can only play five points at most.

The gap in strength is so big that it can't be brought into full play. It's natural to imagine what kind of results will be.

This is the first time that a man met Feng Zhi.

After knowing that he was the emperor, he had no fear and no conscience. What he was thinking about was that he just wanted to pick out some gossip from his identity.

This is really

Men don't know whether they should cry or laugh.

But at least he was happy.

To know his identity without fear is not something that ordinary people can do. The man has a faint premonition that he will probably get some surprise from this little girl named Fengzhi.

Also at this time, the man did not know is suddenly received what, the look slightly moved.

Then, he looked at Feng Zhi with a smile: "you little girl, you are quite gossipy. Your little lover is much more than you. Although you have also guessed my realm, he didn't ask anything. As soon as he came up, he waved his fist at me. Now the young people are really..."

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

This is the man's evaluation of Fengzhi and Longyan.

From the man's mouth to hear the news of Long Yan, Feng to the heart slightly happy.

Although she believed that Long Yan would not be eliminated in all the previous levels, she would feel more relieved if she heard it from her own ears?


After walking alone in this ladder for so long, now I know that Long Yan has come to this last level, and even has begun to fight with men. Feng Zhi also has a kind of warmth that she is fighting with Long Yan side by side.

At the same time, Feng to the strength of men also more understanding.

She and Long Yan have both come to the ninety ninth floor, and she also believes that in addition to them, there should be others coming here, which means that the men who appear in front of each of them are actually just a separate body.

A sub body, can arbitrarily suppress the strength in the early days of the emperor, we can imagine how strong the man's experience is.


Feng Zhi's heart is full of yearning.

In this fairyland, probably only when you become the emperor can you really see the mountains.

And the opposite man, in Feng to think of these time, his look suddenly is a move.

Before that, when he looked at Fengzhi, at most, he was looking at a potential younger generation with a condescending attitude. But now, he doesn't know what he feels from Fengzhi. His eyes are more serious.

This younger generation

He saw something similar to himself in her.


The man was surprised, but his eyes became more and more serious.

Feng Zhi, she and her little lover Long Yan, can not be inferred from ordinary people.Suddenly, a man made a decision.

The smile in his eyes became deeper and he said, "Fengzhi, I suddenly feel that you and your little lover have great potential. For people with potential like you, of course, I have to be more serious. So I decided that when I fight you two, I will keep my strength in the middle of the emperor. This is a special treatment that few people can get. How about it, Isn't it a surprise? "

At the same time, the man also winked at Feng.

Feng to a Zheng, and then with the thunder split the same Leng in place.

She has orange, flax and wheat husks. I don't know whether to use it as pulp or not?

"Master, aren't you bullying people?" Fengzhi almost jumped up.

This is too bullying!

It's just that the emperor incarnates to test them. Since they have participated in the struggle for the heavenly ladder, they have no right to choose.

Besides, since everyone is facing the same test, there is nothing to say. In the past, has someone passed such a test?

But now, listen to this man's meaning, she and Long Yan get his special treatment, when testing them, the man will deliberately enhance his strength from the early days of emperor to the middle of emperor, while others will only fight him in the early days of emperor?

This is not fair!

Feng to reflexive want to shout out.

However, after seeing the opposite man that although with a smile, it is clearly not allowed to turn around in the eyes, Feng to but suddenly calm down.

Since the man has been speaking, she has always thought that the subconscious will be good.

However, I don't think about it. How can a man say that he is also an emperor and a really rare existence in the fairyland? What he can be so kind to himself is that he is approachable. This does not mean that Fengzhi has the confidence to negotiate conditions with him.

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