Will be about to blurt out of the torture swallow back, Feng to a deep breath.

She should have known for a long time that fairyland is a place with big fists and hard truth. As long as she has enough strength, she doesn't have to reason with anyone at all.

The emperor is undoubtedly an existence that can not reason with anyone.

In this way, her previous attempt to argue with men seemed ridiculous.


Feng Zhi read these two words in her heart.

She had not seen the emperor before, but the East emperor she had seen was extremely lenient to her for some reason, which made Fengzhi not feel the majesty of the emperor for the first time, and even subconsciously brought the general idea to the ladder.

Now suddenly sober up, she just woke up to her own wrong.

And Feng to a heart, also because of this sudden awakening and really calm down.

In addition to all impetuousness, Feng now and that calm well water in general, has a deep water does not wave.

Seeing this, the opposite man is even more surprised.

He did not expect that the child in front of him would surprise him again.

He hasn't been to the fairyland for a long time. Is it surprising that the younger generation are like Fengzhi and Longyan?

Just after the man decided that the fight over the ladder was over, he wanted to go around and have a look, and Feng opened his mouth.

"Well..." Feng Zhi said, "thank you for your kindness."

"Love" two words, Feng to bite particularly heavy.

If it was just the early days of the common emperor, Fengzhi would not have been much advised. She would have inherited it from fengmiao. She would have been struggling for a hundred years to stay still and attract the power of inheritance from fengmiao. The strength that Fengzhi can play is no less than that of the early days of Tianjun.

However, the emperor suppressed the cultivation to the early days of the emperor, which was very different.

It's like an adult saying that he or she will control the pressure to the same level as the baby, and then fight with the baby. The two are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

Men will suppress the strength to the early days of emperor, it is enough to let Feng to headache, not to mention the mid-term emperor.

From this point of view, Fengzhi and Longyan really stand out the love of men.

For the Phoenix to this did not completely say out the meaning, the man just casually smile, "no matter, you and your little lover, but I am extremely optimistic, give you some special treatment, this is also should."

Feng Zhi pursed her lips.

According to her previous temper, I'm afraid she'd already rushed at the man.

But now, the opposite person is the emperor's great power, even if he will suppress the strength in the middle of the emperor, it also needs her to exhaust all the cards are not necessarily able to defeat the existence, Feng to nature will not have any carelessness.

Therefore, taking advantage of the man did not want to take the initiative to move the meaning, Feng to quietly breath for a while, in their own state to adjust to the best, this only re opened eyes.

"Master, then, let's start!"

After saying that, Feng to the hand slightly lifted, the light in the whole space suddenly a bright, the ground is also followed by a line of crisscross.

Absolute field starts instantly.

Then, Feng Zhi did not dare to think about how much influence this absolute field could have on men. Her mind moved as if she had opened some kind of password. The inheritance power from fengmiao, which was hidden in her body, was suddenly filled with her body.

Once again, she untied the temporary blockade of these forces.

This is not Feng Zhi's fault, but if she dares to have any reservation in the face of a man who is far higher than his own enemy, she will be sent out of the ladder in the next moment.

Feng Zhi once again realized the power of the emperor.

However, she did not have any floating, to know that she stood opposite, but the real emperor.

What else could she be proud of?

What's more, now in a tense battle, Fengzhi has no spare time to be proud of it.

The opposite man, no matter whether it was Fengzhi who started the absolute field, or Fengzhi let go of the blockade of internal strength, he did not make any action, but showed an attitude of letting Feng Zhi do his best.

"Oh?" The man picked his eyebrows slightly, "Feng Zhi, you That's good! "

When speaking, the man even has some appreciation in his eyes.

However, this does not mean that men will be merciful to Phoenix.

Confirming that Feng has grasped the powerful power that suddenly comes out of her body, the man's look has become serious.

No matter what kind of opponent we face, as long as we start fighting, we will go all out.

This point, as the emperor of the man is naturally clear.

And Fengzhi, with the power of the emperor, supplemented by the influence of absolute field on men, she only felt that she had never been so powerful.The hand slightly raises, again at will one move, waist soft sword then sends out a joyful buzz, falls into Feng Zhi's hand.

The same sword, but now Fengzhi's control over it is much higher than before.

As soon as the hand was held on the handle of the soft sword, the black body of the sword suddenly melted and turned into black lights. Each light was like a sword. The new soft sword swarmed towards the man.

This is the real strength of the emperor level. Feng Zhi only felt that she was stronger than ever before.

And the opposite man, for Feng to such an offensive, his response is just a smile.

He didn't take out any weapons, just stretched out his fingers and gently moved towards Feng. Those black swords, which seemed to have incomparable sharpness, suddenly changed from extreme motion to extreme stillness, and stopped at the man's fingertips. Because the change was too sudden, even people who saw this scene could not help feeling uncomfortable.

"It's just that..." Man's fingers a little bit more, those black light will quietly melt disappear, leaving no trace, "but not."

Feng to pursed lips did not reply.

Of course, she didn't expect that this blow could hurt the man, but Feng Zhi was also a little disappointed. She was the same as the strength of the emperor. But the man's indifference undoubtedly told her that he was much stronger than she thought.

Feng to slightly frown, but then again calm down.

This is not surprising. She has thought for a long time that the enemy on the opposite side is the real emperor. How can the power of the emperor level exerted by the emperor be compared with the power of the emperor shown by her strong inheritance left by fengmiao?

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