Since the appearance of the ladder, the space around it has been distorted to a certain extent. On the surface, the space around the ladder is not very large, but it is really necessary to walk in to know how many people can accommodate it.

If it hadn't been for this, when the ladder was opened every thousand years, there would not have been so many people flocking here. Even if they had come, they wouldn't be able to stay, wouldn't they?

Now the battle for the ladder is at the most critical moment. There are countless immortal eyes watching this fight. It is very likely that someone will be able to come to the end. So when they see half of the battle, they use various methods to inform relatives and friends to come to join in the fun. Therefore, the space on this side of the ladder is full of heads.

If you look down from a high altitude, the density of the crowd will probably kill people with dense phobia.

I want to emphasize this point not because I want to say how many people there are, but because I want to say that there are so many immortals, others are shocked. In the end, only two unknown people, Fengzhi and Longyan, are left. Only Cheng Sinian and his five are kept up and down because of their excitement, for fear that they are the followers of Fengzhi.

Fortunately, Cheng Sinian's five people are not really stupid. After enough de se, they are quiet again.

The patriarch has said that he must be measured, otherwise he should be beaten with sacks.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate loss, doesn't he?

Their strength is not enough now, so no matter how excited they are, they can only force them down. But when the Lord and Lord Long Yan come back through the test of the ninety ninth floor of the ladder, they will be fearless!

Cheng Sinian's five then continued to look up at the light curtain with fiery eyes, waiting for the return of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Fengzhi and Longyan don't know what's going on outside now, let alone the two of them, who are trying their best to cope with the pressure brought by men.

After sending the others out of the ladder, the man's mind is only divided into two uses, which naturally puts more pressure on Fengzhi and Longyan than before.

"Well, now that there is no one else to disturb us, we can have a good time..."

The man with a smile of the voice at the same time to the Phoenix and Long Yan's ears.

Both of them didn't have time to think about what he meant. One turned into a dragon and the other turned into a Phoenix. They rushed towards the man together. Although they were in two different spaces, what they were dealing with were the two incarnations of men respectively. But strangely, when they rushed in like this, they clearly formed a joint attack.

This is the first time a man has come across such a situation.

It is probably because of this that he is particularly interested in Fengzhi and Longyan.

Mind slightly moved, the two incarnations of the man then made different responses at the same time.

In the space of Longyan, the man's hand slightly lifted, and then the point was extremely accurate on the reverse scale of the golden dragon, which was the incarnation of Longyan, bringing a roar of angry dragon chant.

When the Phoenix came to this side, it became hot because of the flame rising from the whole body of Fengzhi. Suddenly, there were pieces of snow-white frost in the air. The frost came from nowhere, but it extended to the Phoenix at a very fast speed. The temperature dropped rapidly when the frost covered about half the area of the tower, and formed with the flame of Fengzhi A confrontation.

Ice and fire, cold and hot, in this way presents a very clear contrast.

As for which side can take the upper hand in the end, it depends on who is deeper in the Taoism between Feng Zhi and men.

In fact, for this answer, Feng Zhi's heart is actually clear.

Although the winner has not yet been identified, but she is not without feeling that she has exhausted all her strength, but the man is no longer understatement, discerning people only need to take a look to know who is the winner.

What's more, what's more, Feng's strength has been borrowed, and it can't last long. If the inheritance power from fengmiao gradually disappears, she will have no hope at all.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhi took a deep breath.

She decided to fight.

Fengzhi is not a person without self-knowledge. She knows that the strength of herself and Long Yan is probably just a little mole ant in the eyes of the emperor. If they are really enemies with men, Feng Zhi will not have any words, and she will definitely run away with Long Yan.

But now, what makes Fengzhi see a glimmer of hope is that she and Long Yan are not fighting against men, but are being tested by the ladder of heaven represented by men.

In other words, men are not their enemies, let alone kill them.

Under such circumstances, if Feng Zhi doesn't put in a piece, he won't be reconciled.

If you win, everyone will be happy.

If you lose

That also always does not leave the regret in the heart is not, the big deal thousand years later again is!

Such a belief reached Long Yan through Tongxin Qichuan.

For Fengzhi's decision, Long Yan will not have any objection. In order to meet the man, he and Fengzhi have already used more than their physical load. It can be imagined that they will have a long recovery period after going out of the ladder.Anyway, it's already like this. Of course, it's even more necessary to put it together.

The two quickly exchanged opinions in their hearts, and then began their own counterattack.

At this time, the flame of Fengzhi has fallen into the downwind in the confrontation with the man's summoned frost. The snow-white frost is constantly extending to the foot of Fengzhi at a not slow speed, and the surrounding temperature is also constantly falling.

Did not wait for this frost to completely invade come over, Feng to head up to shriek, the flame that rises all over body suddenly one change.

The next moment, a kind of with gold, looking at the extremely dazzling flame, from the heart of Feng to jump out.

The golden flame is only the size of a fist, which is really rare. But since the appearance of the golden flame, the frost, which is constantly approaching the Phoenix, seems to have its own consciousness. It turns out that in an instant, it becomes stagnant and even retreats.

Phoenix to this golden flame how powerful, also can imagine.

It was also at this time that the man was really surprised.

Before that, even if Feng Zhi and Long Yan's performance was brilliant, the man was just a little interested. For him, it was a great thing to arouse their interest, let alone surprise him.

The source of man's surprise is the golden flame of fist size rising from the heart of Fengzhi.

"This is..." The man raised his eyebrows

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