The fire of nirvana.

When saying these words, the man's tone rose up, which showed that he had never expected to see such a flame here.

No wonder men are so surprised.

He is an emperor, but he has not seen everything. What's more, he has only heard about it and has no chance to see it.

For example, the fire of nirvana.

As we all know, the Phoenix people are born with the ability to control the fire. Even to a large extent, the strength of the Phoenix people can be reflected in the level of the fire they can control.

In other words, the higher the fire level the Phoenix clan can control, the higher their strength.

More importantly, as long as the flame can be controlled by the Feng clan, it can become a sharp weapon in the hands of the feng people in the fight.

Since there was a phoenix clan in the fairyland, the Phoenix clan and the dragon clan have been juxtaposed together, becoming the two alien races that the immortals dare not provoke. From this, we can see how overbearing the Phoenix clan and the flame in their hands are.

Feng Miao, who led the Feng clan to the peak, had the highest level of fire he could control, which was the immortal fire which had brought great harm to Caixia fairy in the war.

Even in the Feng clan, the immortal fire is a high-level flame.


Above the immortal fire, there is actually another kind of flame.

This is the fire of nirvana.

The Phoenix family is also known as the immortal bird, because in legend, every death of the Phoenix family will usher in Nirvana. If you can Nirvana nine times, you can really get eternal life.

When the Phoenix family nirvana, they are reborn from the fire of nirvana.

Nirvana fire, this is the fire that all Phoenix dream of being able to control.

But the reason why Nirvana fire is higher than immortal fire means that it is powerful and uncontrollable. More importantly, the immortal fire is still a real flame, but Nirvana fire is not a real flame.

To be more accurate, Nirvana fire is not a real flame, but a power. If you can control this power, you can get Nirvana power.

In the history of Feng nationality, only the ancestor of Feng nationality who had the strength comparable to the emperor could control the nirvana power.

If the Phoenix people saw the golden flame in Feng Zhi's hand, they would jump up in surprise.

The fire of nirvana is the Phoenix family. I don't know how many thousands of years have not seen it. Now it appears in the hands of Feng Zhi. How can people not be surprised?

The man breathed out gently.

"The fire of Nirvana..." He said, "Fengzhi, you are really good."

Feng didn't have time to listen to what the man said. In fact, even though she had gained the power of emperor level by force, she was still very reluctant to control the nirvana fire. If she could keep herself from collapse, she would have consumed all her mind. How could she respond to the man's words?

Her originally white face turned red, and the blue veins on her forehead could not stop beating. Because it was too hard, Feng Zhi's body was full of beads of sweat, but it was too late to soak out, and then evaporated under the amazing temperature around her.

This goes back and forth.

But in the blink of an eye, Feng to the body of water will be less than half, let her whole person look to be shriveled a lot.

Feng Zhi clenched her teeth.

If she did not throw out the nirvana, she would have to be roasted herself.

Therefore, taking a deep breath, all the strength of Feng Zhi's whole body gathered towards her hands. It was easy and easy to push forward with a flame in her hand. However, when she did it, it was as if she had pressed a whole Mount Tai on her hand. Almost everyone was crushed.

But fortunately, Fengzhi finally pushed out the fire of nirvana.

When the fire of Nirvana flew towards the man, Feng Zhi could not hold on any longer. She collapsed on the ground like a pool of water. At the same time, the sweat quickly soaked out of her body like water. In an instant, Feng Zhi was even more withered and haggard than before.

Although Long Yan didn't see Feng Zhi's situation with his own eyes, he only knew how hard Feng Zhi was now by means of Tongxin contract. His heart ached and his eyes flashed with firmness.

So, after a roar of angry dragon chant, Long Yan turned into a golden dragon. Because the dragon was too big, it filled the space in the tower directly.

At the next moment, Long Yan's body swung slightly, and his huge body quickly shrank to the thickness of his fingers.

This process from big to small makes the strength in Longyan's body more and more condensed.

Because of its smaller size, the dragon claw, which appears to be extremely mini, swipes slightly in the air, and suddenly a large amount of water marks appear in the tower space, which was empty except for Long Yan and men.First, a drop or two, and then quickly gathered into a piece. The water seemed to have its own consciousness. As soon as it appeared, it consciously gathered under Long Yan's body, holding it up and gently undulating.

If someone could touch the water, they would surely feel that it was not ordinary water, much like the weak water that Fengzhi and his party had seen outside the residence of the East emperor.

However, it is quite different from the weak water seen by Fengzhi and others at that time.

On the weak water, Hongmao can't float, but the water under Long Yan can clearly lift his body. From this point, we can tell that this is not weak water.

The man was surprised by the fire of Nirvana on the other side of the Phoenix. After seeing the Dragon Yanzhao so much water, he had more accidents on his face.

"Boundless water?" The man said the four.

The boundless water, just look at its name, you can more or less guess its characteristics.

According to the legend, the boundless water is extremely heavy. Only the most powerful dragon clan can control the boundless water with light weight.

Similar to the fire of Nirvana, even the dragon people have not had a clan who can control the boundless water for many thousands of years. From this we can see the power of the boundless water.

The man's two separate bodies looked at Feng Zhi and Long Yan, and there were many other meanings in his eyes.

"The fire of Nirvana and the boundless water appeared in front of my eyes on the same day. No wonder..."

No wonder the man didn't go on.

It was also at this time that he really attached importance to Fengzhi and Longyan, instead of just treating them as potential successors.

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