Also do not know what thought of, the man's eyes gradually have the color of admiration.

Later, he said, "the fire of Nirvana and the boundless water, one water and one fire, are in perfect harmony."

Long Yan also did not answer him.

Because, like Feng Zhi, he is now extremely reluctant to control the boundless water for a while, and naturally has no spare power to talk to men.

Only the finger thick dragon body slightly moved, the dragon tail stretched out of the boundless water to swing, and the next moment, the originally calm little piece of boundless water seemed to be stimulated by something to boil up.

And Long Yan, his golden dragon body suddenly rose red, opened his mouth, is a mouthful of golden dragon blood spit on the boundless water.


It's like pouring oil on the fire. After getting the dragon blood from Longyan, the boundless water, which was already rolling endlessly, boils even more fiercely, and then it starts


Originally a piece of boundless water, its volume continues to shrink, and finally turned into a small crystal clear water drop.

Seeing this little drop of water, the man's face suddenly changed.

"You He said, "what a brave man, dare to merge the boundless water by force!"

Even as an emperor, he had to be so surprised by the courage of Long Yan.

This is because Long Yan is really too bold.

Boundless water, this is already the world's most powerful water, every drop of boundless water, with the weight of the boundless water itself, it has been able to crush the vast majority of the world's existence alive.

And the boundless water with such a powerful force, you can imagine how difficult it is to integrate them into each other.

Now, Long Yan not only did this, but also did it. He integrated the boundless aquatic life into the only drop now!

Although there is only one drop, but it is not at the same level as the boundless water before. Even a man, he dare not say that he can only use the power of the emperor in the middle of his life. If he is hit by this drop of boundless water, he will become a meat pie.

What's more

And the fire of Nirvana over there.

As an emperor, but was forced to a corner by two younger generations how to do?

Wait online. It's urgent!

The man's mood is about the same now.

Originally, in his opinion, Fengzhi and Longyan were just two potential descendants, and they just saw the existence of luck in them. Therefore, men paid special attention to the test they experienced along the way after they entered the ladder.

This is the ninetieth level test. For other immortals who have been tested together with Fengzhi and Longyan, they only need to deal with the men who have exerted their strength in the early days of emperor Tianjun. Only Fengzhi and Longyan are facing men in the middle of emperor Tianjun.

The man originally thought that it would be more beneficial for their growth to put the younger generation like Fengzhi and Longyan under pressure than to let them go forward smoothly. Therefore, he did not intend to let Fengzhi and Longyan pass the test at all.

In his opinion, another Millennium would be almost the same.

He just didn't expect that Fengzhi and Longyan's temperament would be so big that they even made it.

The fire of Nirvana and the boundless water, either of which can make the ordinary emperor cry and headache, not to mention he has to deal with both at the same time.

This is really


This is the first time that a man has been so embarrassed since he became emperor.

However, after all, he is the emperor. Even if he can only use his mid-term strength, he is not helpless in the face of this ordinary emperor.

"You two little guys, you are really troublesome..."

The man responded as he spoke.

The Fenshen who fought with Fengzhi seemed to wave at will, and a small tornado appeared in the space of the tower. However, the tornado summoned by the man did not seem to be directed at Fengzhi, but was like a small funnel, constantly pulling something out.

And as the fire of Nirvana draws closer and closer to the man, the speed of the little funnel is still accelerating.

Feng to the beginning did not notice anything unusual, until she suddenly felt that the breath seemed to have some effort.

This is

Lack of oxygen?

Feng to the heart of the first time appeared such an idea.

Before she had time to respond, the celestial body, which had already broken away from the birth limit, began to breathe autonomously in the case of insufficient oxygen.


Feng to suddenly realize what, to her efforts to condense such a small Nirvana fire to see the past.

I saw that the fire of Nirvana, which was originally the size of a fist, became smaller and smaller as it approached the man. The flame still beat a few times from time to time, as if it could be extinguished at any time.Feng couldn't help but stare round her eyes.

It's impossible!

The fire of Nirvana can be said to be the king of fire, which contains extremely domineering power. This can be seen only from the fact that men are already emperors, and they are still so afraid of this small flame.

Such a tyrannical flame, can be said to be able to burn all things, and how could it have a faint tendency to be extinguished?

When I think of the abnormality of the little dragon's tornado, as well as the fact that she felt difficult to breathe before, Feng Zhi followed her in a daze.

She came from the earth. She had also studied chemistry when she was in middle school. Naturally, she knew that if there was no oxygen in the air, the flame could not burn.


The man's way to deal with her Nirvana fire is to pump out the oxygen in this space?

Can there be such an operation?

Feng Zhi was about to kneel down.

How suddenly there is a kind of illusion from the immortal world back to science and technology civilization.

In fact, although Feng Zhi can easily understand the way men deal with it, it is not easy to do it at all.

There has always been a saying that "different paths lead to the same goal". However, there are totally different quality systems between the civilization of cultivating immortals and the civilization of science and technology. If the attainments of one of the two systems had not reached the peak, there would be absolutely no way to deal with the attack from the other system.

Like men.

He is an emperor. At his level, his understanding of the world is not comparable to that of ordinary immortals. He will realize that if something is missing in the air, the flame can't burn, which can only be achieved after reaching this level.

However, even with such a perception, if it is outside, men will find it extremely difficult to face Nirvana fire.

It is almost impossible to take away the free oxygen in the air in such a vast world outside.

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