The fire of nirvana is very domineering. It does have the power of burning everything. However, it is also fire, and it has to follow certain unchangeable laws.

In the end, the man's fingernail was put out by a small spark, so it was only a small spark left in the man's heart The elixir field of Fengzhi.

This is the fire of nirvana.

As long as there is this kind of fire, even if the nirvana fire is extinguished now, when Feng Zhi's strength is enough, she can also summon the nirvana fire again.

Until this time, Feng Zhi still couldn't help being a little confused.

She's really convinced now.

Looking at the man on the opposite side several times, Feng Zhi had to admit that a man could become an emperor in the fairyland. Even if he went to the earth, he would be a man to look up to. Well, he had to be an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


The hope of Nirvana was extinguished in such an unexpected way. Feng Zhi was also disappointed.

Such a tyrannical Nirvana fire, but even a little role did not play out, this is really not reconciled to people, OK?

However, no matter how unwilling, Fengzhi can only do it.

Just now summoning such a small Nirvana fire, she has exhausted all her strength, even if there is a fire in, in a short time, she is absolutely unable to summon out.

Besides, even if she calls out the fire of Nirvana again, is not a man blind as long as he wants to do it again?

It's really helpless.

So, is this going to lose?

When Feng Zhi was defeated like this, Long Yan was fighting like a raging fire.

At this time, even if a small man's face is condensed into a piece of infinite power.

At this time, Long Yan stretched out his hand and gave a full swing to the small drop of concentrated boundless water. Then he saw that the crystal clear water droplet moved towards the man with a kind of great momentum.

Obviously, it is just a drop of water, but in the place where the small water drops move, the surrounding space seems to be unable to bear its weight. First, it is twisted, and then it is overwhelmed by the power contained in the small water drop. It cracks out many tiny cracks, which make people can see the empty space behind the cracks.

From this, we can see what kind of power this droplet has.

Seeing this, the man can't help but sigh a little Today's little guys are really amazing. If we old guys don't have some skills at all, we will be shot dead on the beach by you... "

Then, with a wave of his hand, a small pile of


Long Yan was stunned.

Since he pushed the water droplet out, he had no strength to move any more, so he could only watch the man deal with it. No matter whether the man could accept the concentrated boundless water, Long Yan could no longer resist.

However, he still did not understand what the man wanted to do with a pile of soil?

The man couldn't help but stare at Long Yan, "on the vision, you can't compare with your little daughter-in-law!"

After saying that, seeing that Long Yan didn't respond, the man probably felt a little boring, so he began to popularize science to Long Yan: "I'm afraid that's what I'm talking about It's a polyp! "

As soon as he heard the word "xirang", Long Yan's eyes became clearer.

This is it.

As long as there is a little bit of it, it will grow on its own, and all things can be born in the soil. In a word, no matter what seeds are planted in the soil, they can definitely live.

For some people, this is a real treasure.

And Long Yan also understood why the man took the soil to deal with his boundless water.

It is not as good as there is a saying, "soldiers will block, water comes and earth covers". The five elements are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing. Xibian is no less than the existence of boundless water, and it just controls the boundless water in its attribute. It is not surprising that it can block the boundless water.

Therefore, the closer the little drop of water is to the polyp, the more afraid it looks. Later, the larger and smaller group of the polyp still seems to have its own consciousness and surround it with the water drops, which means that we should exterminate the water drops.

And then

Originally looking at the immensity of the water, no matter how aggrieved, he turned his head and ran into Longyan. Finally, he took root in the Dantian of Longyan and never showed up again.

Long Yan

Feng Zhi and Long Yan are helpless at this time.

They guessed the beginning, but not the end.

If they have the same level of strength as men, then they will never be defeated if they have Nirvana fire and boundless water in their hands. At least they can fight with men, but the bad thing is that their strength is not even a mole ant compared with men.Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that there will be such a result.

Fengzhi and longyanben just want to fight for each other. Maybe they will win. So when they see such a result, they both sigh at the same time and accept it.

Noticing their expressions, the man was amused: "you two little guys, don't be discontented. If you look at the whole fairyland, don't say it's your peers, even my peers. There are not many people who can let me deal with things like xirang."

Feng to think about it, it is really so.

However, even so, it can not change the fact that she and Long Yan may not pass the test of the ladder.

Efforts for so long, but only so close to the door a foot, Phoenix to how to think how are not reconciled.

But what can we do if we are not willing to?

"Ah, ah, ah..." Feng Zhi, who finally recovered some strength, shouts with his head in his arms, and then suddenly looks up at the man, "master, you are really unkind. You have already bullied us with your strength. Now even things like xirang have been taken out. No matter I care, senior, I must bite you to vent my anger!"

The man laughed at his words.

The little girl, from the first step into the ladder, was not afraid of the sky and the earth. Now she is not reconciled with her face. The man only thinks it funny.

And Fengzhi, she is not just talking about it.

What she said is true. If she doesn't bite a man, she's really unwilling!

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