Therefore, Feng Zhi once again said in a very serious way: "master, let me have a bite!"

Then, without waiting for the man to speak, she said again, "ah, master, since you don't speak, then I'll take it that you agree!"

After that, Fengzhi used all the strength she had accumulated for so long into the absolute field. At that moment, a net woven in the air of the absolute field suddenly shrank into a person's size and covered it with a man's pocket.

At the same time, Feng to the whole person also flew toward the man in the past.

In any case, as long as the absolute field can hold the man for a moment, she can really bite on to vent her anger.

Feng Zhi felt sad for herself in her heart.

All the way to play strange upgrade for such a long time, to the end can only have such a humble little wish, it is really sad to hear the tears!

Such a thought, Feng to the figure of the man to the Feng have some determination.

Take a bite!

Feng Zhi has such a belief.

Man, this is really crying and laughing.

He's the emperor, the emperor!

Don't say that no one dares to be so presumptuous in front of him after becoming an emperor. Even before he became an emperor, he was an existence that no one dared to provoke, let alone wanted to bite him.

This little girl is really

I have a lot of gas!

This is the man's evaluation of Fengzhi.

As a matter of fact, Fengzhi is sure that the man has a good temper, and has a kind of kindness to her and Long Yan. She just does a little bit out of line, and the man will not really hurt them, so she has a wild time.

Feng to is not stupid, if not see this, how dare she in front of the emperor so?

And the man, as Fengzhi had guessed, had a special tolerance for her and Longyan. Even if Fengzhi rushed directly at him in order to bite him, the man was not angry.

He didn't even move.

He is the emperor. Just the power that belongs to the emperor alone in his body is enough to make people under a certain level of strength connect with him, and he can't do it.

And Fengzhi

Now she is just a little big Luo Jinxian, and she is not on that level.

So the man is not worried at all.

In his opinion, Fengzhi is just a futile effort, it is absolutely impossible to bite him.

But sometimes things are so hard to predict.

Although Feng Zhi is determined to pounce on the man, she still puts on a posture of not reaching the goal, but she is also very self-conscious. At the beginning, her idea is similar to that of the man, but she is not reconciled, so she must try.

But later, the development of things, is obviously beyond Feng Zhi and men's expectations.

Fengzhi's absolute field burst out of the power of this moment is really powerful, if you change the emperor, even if it is the later days of the emperor, under the suppression of all the forces in the absolute field, it will definitely be unable to move for a short time.

However, the man is not the emperor, he is the emperor.

There is only one word difference between emperor and emperor, and there is only a big gap between them. However, there is an essential gap. With the strength of Fengzhi, the power of Da Luo Jinxian, the king of God can only be described with the word "feimayer shaking the tree".

How can a tiny fly make a big tree shake?

Before Feng even had time to rush to the man's front, she was stopped by an incomparable force. She was hurt heavily, and her speed was not fast. Otherwise, under the reaction force, she would have to come to a bad end.

Oh, no!

Feng Zhi sighed in her heart.

She was ready to leave the ladder.

But at this time, Feng Zhi's heart suddenly moved slightly.

In her elixir field, the three little light spots which had been quiet all the time, did not know when to turn from stillness, and became restless in her elixir field, just like

What good food have you found?

Feng to slightly a Leng.

She didn't know what the three little ones in her body were. It seemed that Xinglin Zhang could see them last time. However, he refused to say it clearly, but only said it was a good thing.

Good thing?

Feng Zhi couldn't think of any good thing.

Fortunately, since the last time Feng Zhi fainted because of drawing strength from Feng Zhi's body, the three little ones seemed to be suddenly quiet and did not make any more trouble.

This time

Feng couldn't help frowning.

She is now more seriously injured than the last time, if at this time, the three little animals still jump out to absorb strength from her body, then she is afraid this time will be more serious than the last fainting?This idea was forgotten by Feng to the next moment.

Because she suddenly felt the emotion of the three little animals.

In fact, since discovering the existence of the three little ones in her body, Fengzhi can actually feel their emotions occasionally, but it has never been as clear as now.




The mood came three times at the same time.

After that, Feng Zhi felt that he could no longer control his body.

It's like

Being manipulated by something, she can only watch her body break through the imperial power of the man and come to the man's side.

The man was also surprised.

He never thought that Feng could come to his own.

"Why, you really want to bite me..."

The last word "ah" did not finish, because Feng Zhi had already opened his mouth and bit his wrist. The fact was so obvious that there was no need to ask more questions.

However, even at this time, the man did not think that he would be bitten by Feng, and his face was even with a smile.

If the emperor can be bitten so easily, then his body should not be full of tooth marks?

But the next moment, the man's face that firm smile will be frozen.

Because, Fengzhi actually did not get any obstruction, so precise and incomparable bit on his wrist, until the little pain for the man came, the man still some can't believe what he saw.


How could it be?

But what he can't believe is still behind.

Then, the man's face changed greatly.

Because, he suddenly felt that from the wrist where he was bitten by Fengzhi, the emperor's power was like a torrent, constantly rushing towards Fengzhi's body.

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