Seeing that Long Yan was really amused, the man raised his hand to inject a group of immortal Qi into Long Yan's body, so that his injury could recover a little, and then said, "OK, I just want to see the situation in her body for Feng Zhi. What's the urgency? Can you do anything to take advantage of others' danger?"

Long Yan didn't really believe him because of this, but he looked the man up and down several times, and then he finally nodded slightly.

Some of the men couldn't laugh or cry.


Long Yan has finally recognized his character. Should he feel honored?

These are really two interesting little guys that we haven't met for tens of thousands of years.

After calming Longyan down, the man puts his finger on Fengzhi's wrist, and his index finger moves slightly. Then a small stream of immortal Qi follows Fengzhi's wrist and follows his strength injected into Fengzhi's body.

Although the men's power has been swallowed up by the three little men, there are always traces to follow. Men find their final place of strength without any effort.

It turned out to be

Be swallowed up by these three little things?

The result was obviously a great surprise to the men.

His mind moved slightly, and the spirit of immortality went to the three little ones. Instead of contacting them directly, he just drifted around them.

And then

"Eh?" The man takes back his immortal spirit and looks at Xiang Feng. His eyes are more surprised, "it's actually..."

Feng blinked her eyes.

What is it? Tell me quickly!

Feng is in a hurry.

Noticing Feng Zhi's eagerness, the man's words were swallowed back. He blinked at Feng Zhi and said, "Oh, I don't want to say it all of a sudden."

Feng almost vomited blood.

Isn't the emperor supposed to be mature and steady? How could the emperor in front of her have such a delicate painting style?

However, no matter how, the man refused to say, Feng to the end did not hear a word from his mouth.

See Phoenix to such, the man is to feel joyful rise.

Can see the Phoenix to eat shriveled, the man originally that slightly some depressed heart, then finally got some comfort.

After you have passed the test, congratulations to him

As soon as his voice fell, Feng Zhi and Long Yan realized that the space in front of them had changed. When they opened their eyes, they saw the existence of each other.

From entering the ladder, they never saw each other again. Seeing each other at this time, they felt quite happy to meet again after a long time. Naturally, they quickly came together and held hands tightly.

At this time, Fengzhi and Longyan suddenly wake up to what the man said.

He said

They passed all the tests of the ladder?

Both of them were happy at first, but then they scratched their heads.

No, even if they have just exhausted their means, they have failed to pass the test. Why do men say so?

Is it hard to do that? The test of the ladder still depends on a discount on the familiar face?

This is certainly impossible.

Seeing Feng Zhi and Long Yan's doubts, the man immediately solved their doubts and said, "although you didn't defeat me, I used more than the mid-term power of the Emperor..."

At that time, the man was bitten on the wrist by Feng Zhi, and Feng Zhi's teeth did not know why it suddenly became so good that even the emperor's skin was bitten. Not only that, but also a bit of strength was constantly losing from the wound to Fengzhi's body.

Where can a man think that things will have such a development, instinct naturally prompted him to the Phoenix to shock.

Since it is instinct, nature is not under their own control, that earthquake used more power than the mid emperor.

It is also aware of this, the man behind to see Feng to and Long Yan will be so unpleasant.

As a matter of fact, the man can not say it. Fengzhi was confused at that time. How could he detect this? Even if the man suppressed this incident and sent Fengzhi and Longyan out of the ladder, they would not know what happened.


As an emperor, he naturally has the dignity of an emperor. How can a man hide this matter?

Thinking of these, the man did not have a good breath of the sleeve, "this time is really cheap you."

This is what he said, but the man's heart for Fengzhi and Longyan's strength and talent is also very recognized, he was young also participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven, and finally successfully passed all the tests, but in retrospect, his own test at that time was far less difficult than that of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Therefore, after the man finished speaking, his eyes also had some slight smile.

After listening to the man's explanation, Fengzhi and Longyan first froze for a while, and then they couldn't suppress their ecstasy. They didn't care that there was an emperor watching them. They held each other tightly and felt the joy in each other's hearts.Those who participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven, even though their strength was so low, they thought whether they would pass all the tests. Their names were juxtaposed with several emperors, not to mention Fengzhi and Longyan.

They came for the purpose of customs clearance.

Before, because they knew men's strength, and men deliberately raised the difficulty of the test they were facing, Fengzhi and Longyan were not optimistic about their chances of passing the test, but now they have got such a result.

Although the result was unexpected, and it was not even entirely due to their strength, they only needed to know that they had passed all the tests of the ladder and succeeded in climbing the top.

Fengzhi hugged Longyan's head and gave it a heavy kiss, "Longyan, that's great!"

"He also smile to the Phoenix, too low to kiss."

Feng Zhi pursed her lips and laughed.

There's a reason why she's so happy.

After entering the ladder, Fengzhi has a kind of intuition. If she can climb the ladder successfully this time, she and Long Yan will surely get great benefits from it.

But if you miss this time

I'm afraid it's impossible to have such a chance again.

Now that they have really passed the final test, how can Jiaofeng Zhi be unhappy?

After making out with Long Yan, Feng Zhi looked at the man with a smile: "master, thank you very much this time."

The man's heart was smothered.

This Fengzhi, how can a casual mouth make people feel so heartbreaking? At the beginning, he made up his mind to suppress them for a thousand years, and he didn't intend to let them pass the test. Now, Fengzhi said this, but it was deliberately uncomfortable?

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