The man then skin smile meat does not smile the way: "ha ha, this gentleman thank you thank you, thank you!"

He thought that among the emperors, he probably had the best temper. If someone else

Maybe Feng has been reincarnated.

Phoenix to return to a smile.

She can see that the man does not know why he has a special tolerance for her and Long Yan. To be more accurate, he has extra tolerance for her, because only she will do things that make men angry. Long Yan doesn't want to be angry with him from the beginning to the end, doesn't he?

Although I don't know why, and I don't know what I have on them that can make men look at them differently, but this does not prevent Feng Zhi from climbing up the pole!

She felt that, anyway, the man indulged her like this, otherwise, she would be more indulgent?

In fact, it's an inch.

Feng Zhi blinked and held out a hand to the man. "Master, now that the test of the ladder has come to an end, we certainly don't have to stand on the opposite side any more. You are the elder. Do you have to prepare some meeting gifts for us? Don't worry, elder. Neither Longyan nor I are greedy. It's enough for you to take some of your personal treasures to us at will! "

She looks like "I'm not greedy at all", which seems to be a bit confusing.

The man is no longer how to maintain his dignity as the emperor image, this time also can not help but toward the Phoenix to turn a white eye.

How many treasures do you take with you?

Why doesn't this girl go to heaven!

You should know that the emperor's belongings can be much more spiritual than ordinary immortal utensils after staying around for a long time, and even have a growth attribute. As long as the strength of the master is improved, the power of the immortal utensils will also increase.

In the fairyland, such a good thing is a must for everyone.

To the Phoenix to the mouth, is casually accepted gift?

The man was angry with a smile: "Phoenix to ah, Phoenix to, this also thanks to you, you met this gentleman, I don't want to quarrel with you, if you encounter two emperors in the northwest, it is estimated that the grass on your grave is already three feet high now!"

Feng was not frightened.

She knew that men were scaring her.

"I'm sure you don't have a good temper. I don't need to be tolerant. I don't want to be afraid of it. I don't want to be afraid." Feng Zhi Dao.

Speaking at the same time, Feng to extend the hand, but has not been taken back, there is a big can not get from the man here to meet the gift does not close the hand.

The man shook his head helplessly.

This is probably the most cheeky offspring he has ever seen in his life.

Then, he raised his hand and casually pointed out to Feng Zhi and Long Yan, "if you want to meet me, I will cure your injury for you at most."

At the same time, Fengzhi and Longyan feel that a strong immortal spirit quietly enters their bodies and repairs their bodies at a very fast speed.

They all used the power beyond their physical load, so it's nothing wrong to say that their bodies are full of holes now. Even Xinglin Zhang, who has a great reputation in the fairyland, would be helpless if he saw them like this.

However, the immortal Qi that the man randomly points out clearly has extremely magical power. The body injuries of Fengzhi and Longyan are extremely strange and can be repaired in an instant, as if they had not been injured at all.

But after a few breaths, Feng Zhi and Long Yan recovered from their injuries without any sequelae.

And those immortal spirits from men, after finishing all this, still have surplus. Instead of returning to the original way, they quietly lurk into the bodies of Fengzhi and Longyan, which means to take root here from now on.

Noticing the changes in her body, Feng Zhi couldn't help but glow in her eyes.

The man said that he didn't care, and he did it lightly. But that was for him. For Fengzhi and Longyan, the meaning was different.

They were all ready to take at least a few hundred years to recover from the injury, but now the injury was cured by the man, which undoubtedly saved them hundreds of years.

For many people in the fairyland, hundreds of years are not worth mentioning, but for Fengzhi and Longyan, who have only been in the fairyland for more than one hundred years, they have been able to make a big step forward.

If we really want to delay these hundreds of years

This is undoubtedly a big drag on Fengzhi and Longyan.

What they want most now is to seize the time to improve their own strength.

It can be said that the man's move is more appreciated than giving the Phoenix any rare treasure.Eyes more sincere, Phoenix to see the man: "senior, thank you very much!"

The man snorted coldly.

He didn't do it for the gratitude of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Feng Zhi laughed again. After a short time together, it was enough for her to figure out some rules of man's temperament. Instead of saying anything grateful, she said, "master, we've played so many games, but we don't know your name yet."

The man didn't expect that Feng Zhi would ask about this, but he didn't think his name had any good secret, so he said, "my surname is nameless."

Mo Zhen.

These two words in the heart of Feng to turn, first let her feel a kind of light familiar feeling.

Then she was quiet again.

Mo Zhen!

It was him.

This name, up to now, has been hanging high above the curtain of light, juxtaposed with several existing emperors.

As we all know, the name of a person who can pass all the tests of the sky ladder will appear at the top of the light curtain and will always be looked up to by later generations.

Since the appearance of the ladder, most of the people who climbed the ladder have become emperors. The only exception is mo Zhen.

It is said that Mo Zhen passed the test of the ladder more than 100000 years ago. However, he was like a meteor. He just drew a dazzling but short-term light in the air, and then returned to silence.

After climbing the ladder, the celestial world rarely heard any news from Mo Zhen. Later, he did not hear any news from him. It was as if this man climbing the ladder was just a dream of all the immortals at the same time.

Later, even some immortal guessed that Mo Zhen had already fallen early.

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