According to the wishes of all the immortals, if Mo Zhen, who has the incomparable talent comparable to the emperor, is still alive, there must be no news at all. Since no one has heard from him for more than ten thousand years, is there any other possibility besides falling down?

There are even many immortals who adore Mo Zhen very much because of this and regret it in their hearts.

Even those who are far away from Mo Zhen's time in the fairyland will never forget the name Mo Zhen.


But this name has been hanging high above the curtain of light, juxtaposed with several existing emperors, and even ranked in front of several emperors. How can people forget it?

Fengzhi was also similar to other immortal's ideas, but where could he think of it? Mo Zhen, who was thought to have fallen, not only did not fall, but became the executor of the ladder test, and his strength had already reached the level of emperor.


As we all know, there are only four emperors in the fairyland, but in fact, there is still a Mo Zhen to be added!

It seems to see the idea of Fengzhi and Longyan, Mo Zhen smile: "the fairyland is so big, not everyone will know everything for outsiders, some people are so low-key!"

Fengzhi's mouth slightly puffed.

If Mo Zhen didn't look so good when she spoke, she would have believed him more.

Feng Zhi blinked her eyes, and suddenly her brain flashed, "master, I don't think you are low-key, but you Although he has become an emperor, there is no way to appear in front of people? "

Mo Zhen's smile was stiff.

This stinky girl, what a big truth!

In fact, Feng Zhi's guess was not wrong at all. Mo Zhen really had no way to appear in front of people like the other four emperors. The reason is naturally related to the ladder.

Of course, these things are not what Fengzhi and Longyan are entitled to know.

Mo Zhen bends his fingers and pops up a wind towards Fengzhi, successfully leaving a little red mark on Fengzhi's head.

Where can long Yan tolerate someone so "bullying" Feng Zhi in front of him, fondling Feng Zhi's forehead with heartache, and a pair of golden pupils stare at Mo Zhen.

Mo Zhen was simply elated.

He is an emperor, but he can't form a deterrent to the couple at all. Don't they think they have no temper?

So he played on Longyan's forehead.

Then, Mo Zhen waved to the two people and drove them: "OK, OK, I don't have the leisure time to see you love me. Now that you have passed all the tests, go away quickly. I really don't want to see you again!"

In that case, it's like chasing flies. Don't say it's disgusting.

Feng Zhiwen not only did not go, but pulled Long Yan to Mo Zhen's "hey hey" smile, straight smile Mo Zhen's goose bumps came out.

"Stinky girl, what else do you want to do?" Mo Zhen looks at Feng Zhi with vigilance.

He always felt that Feng must have some bad idea again.

Speaking of it, the girl's courage is really too big, in front of him, the emperor is not afraid of it, even think about how to knock on the emperor's scam, is really bold!

There is also the boy Longyan. He only has Fengzhi in his eyes. He always blows his beard and stares at him. It seems that as long as he meets something related to Fengzhi, he has no awe in his heart.


It is probably because of this that Mo Zhen will treat Feng Zhi and Long Yan differently.

Think of here, Mo Zhen's eyes can not help but take a faint smile.

Seeing Mo Zhen's defensive appearance, Feng Zhi first smiles at Mo Zhen, and then says, "master, you can see that we can meet in this ladder and have been rivals for such a long time. This is fate, right?"

Mo Zhen did not move, toward the Phoenix to cold hummed: "in this way, that into the ladder of the tens of millions of young immortals, should have fate with this king."

Feng Zhi stretched out his hand, pinched his tail finger with his thumb and made a gesture of "yidididiu". "How can it be the same? Long Yan and I fought with our predecessors to the end. How can this fate be more than them?"

Mo Zhen does not speak.

In fact, he was really a little curious. He didn't know what Feng Zhi wanted to say?

I have to say, knowing that Fengzhi wants to dig something from her, she didn't leave early and didn't give Feng Zhi a chance. On the contrary, she was so interested that she wanted to know the following. Mo Zhen was doomed to leak money today.

Feng to see the door, a pair of apricot eyes are bright, her face and more flattery: "since everyone is so predestined, so the elder you give us these younger generation a little meeting gift, of course, it is no matter, right? Oh, it's not enough to cure our wounds just now. Those injuries are all because of you

Mo Zhen gave a "bang"."Tell me, what do you like?" He said.

He just wanted to see how Feng Zhi could open his mouth.

And Fengzhi, she did not let down Mo Zhen's expectations. Listening to Mo Zhen's saying, she opened her mouth without any hesitation Well, master, I'm also a Dan master. You know, one of the biggest reasons that restricts the progress of Dan Shi is the lack of elixir for refining pills. So... "

Hearing this, Mo Zhen's heart has a bit of a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment he heard Feng Zhi's words.

“…… So, elder, you used the polyp before. Hey, can you give me a little bit, really just a little bit... "

Feng to say here, to Mo Zhen show a flattering smile.

It's not that she has no face or skin, but Mo Zhen's interest in the hands of Fengzhi is really too big.

Xirang, which belongs to the legend, Fengzhi always thought it was just a legend. How could she think that it could be seen one day.

Now that she saw it, if she didn't find a way to get that little bit, how could she sleep in the future?

Don't think Fengzhi only needs a little bit because she has a sense of propriety, but

As everyone knows, the polyp is the legendary god soil, which can grow on its own. Therefore, as long as there is a little bit of polyp, it will regenerate continuously. In the final analysis, it is an old hen laying eggs. Is this a good existence?

In this case, Fengzhi really only needs a little bit, and then you can sit and collect a lot of interest!

"Look, master, the younger generation's requirements are very low. You can't even give up such a small gift?" Feng Zhi Dao.

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