Hear Feng to want to "a little bit" of the polyp, Mo Zhen has been heartache, the corners of the mouth are straight pumping.

Polyp soil is a real deity. It not only has the magical ability to grow on its own, but also has the most important thing to plant things with it. No matter how hard the plants are to survive, they can definitely live.

But with this point, it is enough for everyone to rob the head.

Even if Mo Zhen was the emperor, it took a lot of effort for him to get the interest.

Now, Feng to this little girl, a mouth would like to ask him for a gift to meet, she is really open mouth, she can, how can not God?

If Mo Zhen wants to have a beard, it is estimated that the beard should be blown up at this time.

"Well, you're a good chicken..." He stretched out his hand across a distance to Feng Zhi's forehead.

Feng Zhi hasn't done anything yet, but it's Long Yan. Seeing Mo Zhen raise his hand, he stands in front of Feng Zhi for the first time, and resolutely refuses to let Mo Zhen point on Feng Zhi's forehead as he did just now.

You know, the red mark on Feng Zhi's forehead has not disappeared yet. Whose daughter-in-law is in pain, he can't let Feng Zhi be mo Zhen's point any more.

Seeing such a scene, Mo Zhen felt more congested.

These two people

Is he satirizing the single Wang who has been single for more than 100000 years with his actions?

Hey, how angry!

Mo Zhen some angry wave, "go, don't show love in front of me, if I really annoy me, let you never see each other, believe it or not?"

Feng Zhi didn't believe it.

However, no matter how, we can't let Mo Zhen, the emperor, be so shameless. She then took Long Yan's hand and nodded, "believe it, we believe everything our predecessors say!"

Mo Zhen not only did not feel elated, but also a burst of weakness.

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, why is he not happy at all?

"Forget it, you quickly disappear in front of me!"

Mo Zhen said, raised his hand toward the Phoenix to pop up a small light point.

Phoenix to subconsciously will that small light spot in the hand, a closer look, where is what small light spot, is clearly less than half a nail plate size of the polyp.


Feng to a burst of excitement.

The reason why she would ask for a meeting gift from Mo Zhen is that Mo Zhen is kind to her and Long Yan. Originally, Fengzhi didn't have any hope. After all, xirang is too precious.

Where can you think that Mo Zhen actually gave her these interest.

Although there is only a little bit, as long as there is enough time, the soil will grow automatically and become enough for use.

Fengzhi was sure that if the news of the interest in her hand was spread to the outside world, the immortal under the emperor would besiege her like crazy, in order to snatch the polyp from her hand.

Especially those who have been famous for a long time.

From this, it is enough to see the precious nature of the polyps.

Just because of this, Feng didn't get it at all and sent the polyp to her space directly.

Compared with the cave from the void old man, this space which has been following Fengzhi since the earth is really an independent space completely belonging to Fengzhi.

Put it here, and she won't have any worries about being stolen.

"Thank you for your generosity, master." Feng to toward Mo Zhen extremely respectful line a salute.

She is not really ungrateful, of course, she is generous.

Mo Zhen brushed his sleeve at will, and Feng Zhi found that he could not bow down any more. Then he heard Mo Zhen's ridicule I also said that you don't know what etiquette is at all! "

Feng to "hey hey" a smile, a pair of "senior you say everything is right" look.

To Mo Zhen gave her the interest, Mo Zhen said what she also had to suffer is not?

See Phoenix to this pair of appearance, Mo Zhen heart pour is another lump.

He has found that Feng Zhi, even if he doesn't say a word, has the ability to make people feel unhappy.


In order not to call himself continue to be Fengzhi to gas, Mo Zhen decided to send the two enemies out first.

"OK, OK, I really don't want to see you again. Go away quickly!"

With these words, as soon as Mo Zhen's sleeve was brushed, Feng Zhi and Long Yan felt that there was a soft force that they couldn't resist. Then, there was a flower in front of both of them. When they opened their eyes again, they were already outside.

At this time, the outside world, it is a quiet.

While Mo Zhen said "you have won" to Fengzhi and Longyan, the names of Fengzhi and Longyan, which were originally on the 99th floor, suddenly came into full play.

The immortal who had lived long enough to see the scene when someone passed all the tests of the ladder last time was stunned, then his eyes were wide eyed, pointing to the light screen and saying, "this, this is..."Before he finished speaking, everyone noticed the change on the screen of light.

Then, under everyone's gaze, the two names, Fengzhi and Longyan, turned into two golden lights, and went up all the way until they finally came to the top of the light curtain and quietly fell on the tail of those names above the light curtain.

Feng Zhi, Long Yan.

So the people looked at the top of the light curtain with such two names.

In front of the names of Fengzhi and Longyan

It was before them that the last person who passed all the tests of the heavenly ladder was the name of the present-day East emperor.

Before that, all the immortals had been wondering whether someone could finally climb the top when the ladder was opened. If not, when would a new name be added to the curtain of light.

However, everyone did not expect that this time, there were not only people climbing the top, but also two at once!

After the names of Fengzhi and Longyan were settled at the top of the light curtain, their names suddenly flashed with a very dazzling light. Under this light, those who were in front of them, without exception, had become the names of emperors, all of which were particularly gloomy.

It's like

Let everyone can only see the light of Fengzhi and Longyan.

For a while, see this scene of the immortal, in the heart are unavoidable to produce some light melancholy.

Does this mean that from now on, we will enter a new era again?

Renewal is inevitable, but no one wants to be the replaced existence. Therefore, even if we know that it is very important for the whole fairyland to have such two names on the screen of light, the immortals still can't help being silent.

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