Above the curtain of light, the two dazzling names seem to indicate that a new era has begun to arrive.

And in silence for so long, outside the ladder of this piece of space, suddenly sounded a burst of cheering as if no one else.


"Lord, Lord and Lord Long Yan, they have done it!"

“…… It's amazing

"That's our Lord and Lord Long Yan!"

"Look, the five elements sect, that's our sect!"

“…… Five million immortal stones... "

The last sentence was said by shi'er, who has become some money fan now.

In other words, when they bet, the odds of Fengzhi and wuxingzong were 18% to 1. They put down a total of 5 million immortal stones. Ouch, now qianmenzong should pay them more or less, but they can't count their brains!

Ten son almost did not squat on the ground to calculate the math problem.

Not only Cheng Sinian's five people, Fenglai Fengming, xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu, but also devoted themselves to the desperate cry.

"See, Fengzhi, that's my sister-in-law, Long Yan, and that's my brother-in-law, ha ha ha ha..." Fengming almost looked up at the sky and laughed wildly. The look of de se was so impressive that people couldn't help but want to set a sack and beat him up.


After listening to the meaning of Fengming's words, people couldn't help but cast envious, envious and hateful eyes towards him.

It turned out to be Feng Zhi's brother!

At this moment, I don't know how many people admire Fengming, who is destined to be an extraordinary elder sister, and Long Yan, the brother-in-law.

From this day on, I don't know who started it. Anyway, when Fengzhi and Longyan didn't know, they had a nickname: good sister in fairyland and good brother-in-law in fairyland.

It's really hard to know what to say.

If you want to say that the most calm among the people, you have to count Feng.

Fengzhi and Longyan were able to climb the top of the ladder. Of course, Fenglai was very happy, but he was very introverted. No matter how happy he was in his heart, he couldn't shout like Fengming. Only the joy in his eyes let people know that his happiness and excitement were no less than that of Fengming.

The cheers of Fengming and others undoubtedly broke the silence in this space.

Then, many of the younger generation of immortals also put aside the inexplicable heaviness in their hearts. Compared with the older immortals, the younger generation of immortals can no doubt accept the fact that Fengzhi and Longyan, who were originally unknown, succeeded in climbing the ladder.

It is said that if you can successfully climb the ladder, you can almost certainly become an emperor.

And each more emperor in the fairyland has a great positive impact on the whole fairyland. In this way, if there are two more emperors in the fairyland at once, it will be absolutely good for them!

Since it is a good thing, how can they use such a heavy burden!

So, after a brief silence, the whole space suddenly sounded cheers that seemed to overturn the space.

"Phoenix to!"

"Long Yan!"

I don't know who started. Later, all the immortals couldn't help calling out the names of Fengzhi and Longyan.

At the same time, there were two people climbing the top of the sky ladder battle. The news, named Fengzhi and Longyan, also spread to all parts of the fairyland through the immortals at the fastest speed.

After today, the names of Fengzhi and Longyan are destined to ring through the fairyland!

Let the fairyland know our name, Fengzhi and Longyan did it.

Among all the cheers, Cheng Sinian is undoubtedly the most excited and sincere.

This is their Lord!

She not only brought them out of the quagmire, but also made it possible for the whole five element sect to be developed again from a fallen sect to a nearly defeated one.

These are all brought by Fengzhi!

"Lord, Lord Long Yan..."

Five people are in the heart so say.

Then, the five people felt that their heads were touched by one hand. Then, even in the surrounding noise, the five people also heard the very clear voice of Fengzhi.

"What are you talking about Feng Zhi Dao.

As soon as Mo Zhen was sent out of the ladder, Feng Zhi and Long Yan found the figure of Cheng Sinian's five people in the countless heads. They appeared directly beside them and just heard their murmur.

The five were stunned at first. When they saw the figure of Fengzhi and Longyan, they could not help exclaiming: "Lord, Lord Long Yan!"

Compared with Cheng Sinian, five people just exclaim, Fengming and xianbao'er's actions are undoubtedly much bigger.

Two people in the initial surprise, unexpectedly very unexpectedly had the same action, that is to fly directly toward the Phoenix to there.

"Phoenix to!"

"Phoenix to sister!"Half, found that the other side and himself have the same action, two people also stare at each other for a long time.


Both of them were abandoned by Feng Zhi.

She throws xianbao'er to Feng, and then takes Fengming to one side. Feng Zhi hates the tunnel very much What's the matter? How long have you not seen us

Also don't know why, hear the Phoenix to open a mouth, everybody's heart can't help but slightly relieved.

It was also at this time that they suddenly found that they were very nervous before.

Why nervous?

Maybe it's because they are worried that Fengzhi and Longyan will have some changes that they don't want to see after they climb the ladder.

Now listening to Feng Zhi's words, it still has the familiar flavor and the original formula. The tension and worry in people's hearts will naturally disappear like the snow under the scorching sun.

Although Feng Zhi can't grasp people's psychology and score no bad, but how much can also guess a little.

She shook her head. "What a fool!"

All the people responded with a smirk.

Then, Feng Zhi looked at Cheng Sinian's five people and said, "well, this time, the name of the five elements sect will spread throughout the fairyland, and there will be countless talented people competing to join us. Is that right?"

Cheng Sinian's five people were so excited that they couldn't even say anything. They could only nod their heads.

They all experienced the most frustrating situation of the five element sect, so even if they just follow the words of Fengzhi, they will be boiling with blood because of their imaginary pictures.

Wuxingzong is really about to rise!

Now, the problem is

Well, they are about to become senior brothers and sisters. However, with their strength, among the numerous talented people who are coming, I'm afraid some of them are not enough.


How can they maintain their dignity as senior brothers and sisters?

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