Cheng Sinian's serious and painstaking appearance amused Feng Zhi.

She put her hand on the heads of the five people and slapped them one by one and said with a smile: "OK, all right, put away your sad faces. Don't worry. With the master in charge, you will not be disrespectful to you. However, I will tell you the scandal. I will only cover you for 100 years. If your strength is still the same after 100 years Step on the ground, then you will give up the identity of this elder martial brother and elder sister to the later comers! "

Hearing Feng Zhi's remark, Cheng Sinian's five people were happy at first and then straightened up.

"Lord, we will try our best to make our strength and the status of senior brothers and sisters equal to each other as soon as possible." All five people said so.

Feng Zhi smiles.

The reason why she was willing to accept Cheng Sinian's five people was also because she could see that these five people were determined. Otherwise, they would not have stayed in yinxianfeng in such a desperate situation.

In this way, talent is not the most important thing.

Because, talent can only make people more easily than others to get progress, but it does not necessarily mean that progress can be made. In this world, there are many people who have excellent talent, but they are lost in the end.

But a firm mind is not the same.

No matter what you do, the one who succeeds in the end must be determined.

With the presence of Phoenix, the five elements sect will not lack the cultivation resources. It can even be said that the cultivation resources of the five elements sect will not be less than that of other major schools. In such a case, no matter what the talent of Cheng Sinian's five people, as long as they are willing to make efforts for their own cultivation, their efforts will not be unrewarded.

Seeing the firmness of Cheng Sinian's five faces, Feng feels satisfied and nods to Feng with Long Yan.

Phoenix back and forth with a smile.

Between them, there is no need to say much.

After talking with others, Fengzhi suddenly remembered the five million immortal stones he handed to Cheng Sinian.

At the beginning, she took out the five million immortal stones and asked Cheng Sinian to place a bet after the opening of the ladder. This does not mean that Fengzhi is sure that she will be able to climb the ladder. It is just that she wants to use this method to force herself to have no retreat.

These five million immortal stones can have a return, in fact, Feng to himself is a little unexpected.

Now the question is, how much return can these five million immortal stones bring to her.

She looked at Cheng Sinian: "the five million immortal stones I gave you before..."

After listening to her mention of this, it took so long to figure out the number. Shi Er was so excited that she almost fainted. She jumped to Feng Zhi and said, "Lord, we are rich. We are rich. Do you know that? The people of qianmenzong look down on others. The odds for you and our five element sect are one hundred and eight. We have placed a five million immortal stone note, and now we can get back one hundred million... "

He counted them with his fingers.

Feng almost cried because of her stupidity.

She's been living for so many years. She can't even calculate this arithmetic problem. She's a real loser!

Lightly in pick son's forehead to play once, Phoenix to way: "is 900 million!"

That's right, nine billion dollars! We can get back 900 million immortal stones. 900 million. I never dreamed how spectacular it would be if so many immortal stones were piled together... "

Feng Zhi shook her head helplessly.

Look, the child has been dazzled by so many immortal stones.

Although other people are not as excited as shi'er, they all feel as if they are stepping on the clouds. They feel that their feet are soft.

No way, 900 million immortal stone, this is really a big number that people dare not even think about.

And now

These 900 million immortal stones will soon fall into their hands.

When Feng Zhi saw the public's reaction, she was also puzzled with tears and laughter Come on, look at your unpromising appearance. Isn't it 900 million immortal stone? You should learn to treat fairy stone as dung as soon as possible, or you'll be excited and crazy with me later! "

Listening to Feng Zhi's saying, everyone coughed gently and tried to keep calm.

However, even in this way, the corners of their mouths can't help but go up, and they look so funny.

Feng to see some helpless, "well, look at you like this, if you don't get that 900 million fairy stone in your hand earlier, you may not be able to settle down. In this case, let's go to get back our own immortal stone!"

Everyone nodded.

It is also at this time, after getting the news, Xiao Xu and arrow Xiao Qingying also came forward.

"Fengzhi, Longyan." They greet Fengzhi and Longyan.

Jian Xiao, the three men, are heavenly kings and have experienced the struggle for the ladder. Their identity is very eye-catching among the crowd. If they stay outside the ladder, they will be surrounded by immortals and people like monkeys.Therefore, although they are also very concerned about what kind of achievements Fengzhi several people can finally achieve, Jianxiao three people just stay in their own residence in the sky.

As soon as the result of the battle for the ladder came out, the three men would know.

After that, the three men immediately came to see Fengzhi reminiscing about the past with the public, until Fengzhi decided to go to qianmenzong to pick up the immortal stone.

Feng Zhi nodded to the three people to express their gratitude.

She knew that the reason why the three people came out at this time was that they wanted to go with them to get the immortal stone.

Although qianmenzong has always been famous for its very good reputation. Even if it loses more immortal stones, it never defaults, and has no record of playing tricks. Fengzhi is sure that qianmenzong has never paid out 900 million immortal stones before.

900 million stone

Even for some major sects, this is an extremely large number. In front of this number, it is impossible to believe that qianmenzong will still maintain its good reputation.

If qianmenzong really planned to covet Fengzhi's immortal stone because of this, if only relying on Fengzhi, even if he could finally recover the stone, the process would not be so wonderful.

But if you have arrow roar three people together, it is not the same.

Arrow Xiao is the king of heaven, and arrow Xiao is the first person under the emperor. Looking at the whole fairyland, I'm afraid that no one or the sect will offend arrow Xiao for the sake of immortal stone, not to mention Xiao Xu and Qingying together.

In this case, they will never risk offending Jian Xiao to covet Fengzhi's immortal stone.

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