"Thank you very much for your kindness." Phoenix to the arrow roar three people thank.

In fact, Fengzhi didn't think that qianmenzong would cheat.

However, qianmenzong is also a famous large gate in the fairyland. Let alone how many immortal stones have been made by qianmenzong's Pankou, large and small, in recent years. With the opening of the ladder, there are more than 100 million immortals who come to the sky. More or less, these immortals will place bets with qianmenzong. Some of them really want to gamble on luck, and some just take some immortals Stone joined the crowd.

So many people, even if one person only put down a hundred immortal stones, it would be enough for thousands of families to make a pot full of money.

Therefore, the nine hundred million immortal stones of Fengzhi will not be taken out by qianmenzong.

As for the thousand gate sect, the reputation is more important than anything. They will not lose their reputation for the 900 million immortal stone which will not hurt them.


It's hard to predict the world. Who knows if the people of qianmenzong will suddenly commit crimes and do something irrational because they are reluctant to give up the 900 million immortal stones?

Feng to pour is confident, even if encounter such a matter can also rely on their own strength to solve, but since can be more relaxed, why should she be so tired?

Therefore, Feng to no psychological burden to accept arrow Xiao three people's good intentions.

Taking advantage of the surrounding immortals have not noticed, they are shouting in the mouth of Fengzhi and Longyan has been in their side, Fengzhi and his party quietly disappeared from the crowd.

After a long time, when the fanatical people gradually calmed down, they began to look around for Fengzhi and Longyan, but found that no matter how they looked, they could not find the person they wanted.

Not only Fengzhi and Longyan, but also the disciples of the five element sect who had been in dese before, did not know when they disappeared.

This is really

It's a pity!

But when people were searching for Fengzhi and Longyan, Fengzhi and his party had already left the sky ladder and went to the Pankou of qianmenzong.

Xiao Xu is very curious about what reward Fengzhi and Longyan get after passing all the tests of the ladder.

"Fengzhi, you and Longyan succeeded in climbing the top of the ladder, didn't you get any reward?" Xiao Xu couldn't help asking.

Not only Xiaoxu, but also arrow roar and Qingying are not without curiosity.

Feng Lai and others, not to mention, listened to Xiao Xu's question, immediately they all put up their ears.

Jian Xiao, the three of them, had participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven. Although they did not make it to the last step, they also made outstanding achievements among their peers at that time, but only a little bit less.

Although it's just a little bit, they don't know what kind of reward the ladder can give in the end.

Now it's not easy. With two people climbing the ladder, they naturally want to know about it.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan look at each other.

In fact, Fengzhi didn't know how to say it.

She had always thought that the reward given by the ladder at most was to enhance the strength, but in fact it was not.

In the moment before Mo Zhen sent them out of the ladder, they both got the 99th star after they entered the ladder. It was as if the last and most crucial piece of the puzzle was finally completed. The 99th star just fell into their eyebrows, and the previous 98 stars all converged towards the 99th star.

The ninety-nine stars instantly merged into one, and then formed a diagram of muscles and collaterals, which was completely integrated into the muscles and veins of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Although these changes are completed quietly, Fengzhi and Longyan can clearly feel that something is different.

The most obvious thing is that when the immortal Qi in their bodies flows in the muscles and veins, they will unconsciously get some strange power from the muscles and veins. That kind of power is not obvious, but when it reaches a certain amount, it can improve the immortal Qi of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Such changes, of course, are not obvious two days a day.


After a year or two, a century, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, when such changes accumulate, they will naturally bring great benefits to Fengzhi and Longyan.

Feng Zhi even had a vague guess.


Those who succeed in climbing the ladder, they can be 100% monarch, maybe there is this kind of power in it.

In view of this, even if the trip to the ladder did not get any reward, Fengzhi and Longyan were worthy of the trip.

What's more, they are not without other rewards.

This reward naturally includes the promotion of strength.

The original state of Fengzhi and Longyan were both in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. At the moment when they left the ladder, a great force poured into their bodies, and they were promoted to the later stage of Daluo Jinxian without any future troubles.You know, it's only a hundred years since Fengzhi and Longyan fly to the fairyland.

Over a hundred years, from the early stage of Renxian to the later stage of Daluo Jinxian

Such speed, if let other people know, certainly must be envious to want to gnaw on Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

In addition, Fengzhi also got another thing.

To be exact, it's not a specific thing, but a


Yes, it's an opportunity.

At the moment when she left the ladder, Feng Zhi suddenly fell into a trance. Then she received the idea from heaven. As a reward for successfully climbing the ladder, she and Long Yan got an opportunity.

As for what the opportunity refers to and when it can be used, there are no hints. Just tell them that they will know when it comes.

So Feng Zhi and Long Yan are both fog water.

What kind of heaven's way, is it really mysterious to tell them that they will die?

As for Feng, she showed her hands to the crowd Through each layer of the ladder, you can get a star. After collecting 99 stars, you will get a magic power, which seems to improve the quality of Xianqi. In addition, the strength of Longyan and I have been promoted to the later stage of Daluo Jinxian. In addition, we also get an opportunity. As for what opportunity, don't ask us, because we don't know. ”

there is no reserved tunnel in Fengzhi.

Hearing her say so, Feng Lai several people all burst into surprise.

Fenglai four people also participated in the struggle for the ladder. They also got a lot of stars, but they failed to collect 99 stars, which did not lead to the final effect. However, when they left the ladder, those stars were also transformed into their strength, which made each of them improve a little.

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