In any case, we all got something from this trip.

People's speaking skills have reached the Pankou of qianmenzong.

In fact, now several disciples of Qianmen sect are staring at each other. They all can't believe the news they just got.

"So One of them murmured, "in the end, Fengzhi and Longyan won the first prize in this battle over the ladder of heaven, and the clan was the five element sect?"

"Never heard of it before." Another humanity.

Then, several people looked at each other and were silent.

After a long time, someone was a little uncertain and said, "I'm sorry If I remember correctly, it seems that someone put more than five million immortal stones on Fengzhi and wuxingzong last time? "

The five million immortal stones were given by Fengzhi, and the odd change was Cheng Sinian. The five people took all their immortal stones to bet on.

As soon as this was said, everyone was speechless.

They all remembered that there was such a thing. At that time, they thought it was a gift of immortal stones to them. They thought that if there were more people with more stupid immortal stones, they would be rich.

Now I want to come

Where are people who are stupid, immortals and stones? They are ignorant of Mount Tai!

After that, several disciples of qianmenzong suddenly realized another most important problem.


“…… We're going to pay for 900 million stone at once this time? "


Several people could not help but take a breath of air.

It's normal for them to lose and win in their business. However, they lost more than 900 million immortal stones at once, which was unprecedented in the history of thousands of sects.

Although they have made history in their own hands, they are not happy at all.

Suffering from a face, one of them said, "900 million!"

Hearing this number, they feel the pain of heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.

"So many fairy stones, do you really want to pay out?" Asked one.

At the next moment, another person scolded: "what are you talking about? Do you not know what we qianmenzong do? If you lose credibility because of the large amount of compensation, who dares to bet on our qianmenzong's plate in the future? Do you know what it is to lose the big because of small?"

And the man who had spoken before ceased to speak.

It is true that 900 million immortal stones are a huge number, but for the whole thousand sects, the loss of this sum is only a little less, and it will not hurt the muscles and bones.

Just to say that this time the sky ladder is opened, the thousand door sect has made more than that.

Therefore, there is no need for qianmenzong to destroy its signboard for the sake of the 900 million immortal stones.

Until the end of their conversation, Feng Zhi and other people entered the house.

As early as when several disciples of qianmenzong began to talk, Feng Zhi and his party had already gone outside, but they had not come in. There were several people with arrows roaring. Naturally, these people could not find someone listening to them outside.

Line of sight from a few thousand door sect disciple's face to sweep, the Phoenix to the way: "still calculate your understanding, did not really want to my immortal stone ignorant down."

Listen to Feng Zhi such a say, those a few people pour is a Leng.

They have never seen Feng Zhi, but just heard the name of Feng Zhi.

However, combined with the meaning of Fengzhi's words, and seeing Cheng Sinian behind Fengzhi, several disciples of qianmenzong immediately reflected that this was the master of their previous conversation!


Is it Fengzhi?

While the disciples of qianmenzong were thinking about this, Cheng Sinian said, "Lord, Lord Long Yan, we have all made a bet here on five million immortal stones. At that time, we also took out all our own immortal stones and placed a bet on them."

When he said this, Cheng Sinian's five were all smiling.

At that time, there were few immortal stones on their bodies. At the most, they only had more than 1000 immortal stones. At that time, they only wanted to gamble and trust Fengzhi and Longyan in a mysterious way, so they would bet on all their family assets. They didn't think that they were actually made to bet.

180 times the odds!

Even if they only bet a thousand stone, they can get back 180000 stone.

Cheng Sinian's five people have never owned so many immortal stones. After this time, they are also small assets, no, so they are naturally in a good mood.

And several disciples of qianmenzong were even more shocked.

As soon as the results of the ladder came out, they got the news. This year, there were not only people climbing the ladder, but also two people, Fengzhi and Longyan.

If they've heard right now

Cheng Sinian called Fengzhi the patriarch, with the words "Lord Longyan" behind him.

So, Fengzhi and Longyan are still very close?

In order to understand this, several disciples of qianmenzong almost hit the ground with their heads.This is really unreasonable. It turns out that these two peerless talents who climbed the ladder together are still a pair of immortal couples. Is it possible that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together?

Thinking of all these things, one of the disciples of Qianmen sect looked at Cheng Sinian politely: "is this little brother coming to get the gambling money you won?"

It was Cheng Sinian who came to bet at that time. Now, of course, he is also asking Cheng Sinian.

This is obvious.

Cheng Sinian then nodded.

The qianmenzong disciple led Cheng Sinian to the Pankou of the bet at that time, "please input your immortal Qi."

Cheng Sinian is instructed to input his own immortal Qi to the Pankou.

Almost at the moment when his hand left the pan mouth, two of the dense lattices above lit up. After a close look, they were the grids of Fengzhi and wuxingzong.

At that time, Cheng Sinian laid three million immortal stones here in Fengzhi and two million in wuxingzong. The odds of both were the same, one hundred and eight.

The disciple of qianmenzong nodded: "it's confirmed."

Then he looked back at another disciple.

Knowing this, the disciple turned around and went inside. Soon he came out again. When he came out, he already had an extra bracelet.

He took the bracelet and took it to Cheng Sinian. The man handed it to Cheng Sinian: "this distinguished guest, you bet a total of 54500 immortal stones. At the odds of 1:18, you can get back 900 million yuan plus 810000 yuan stones. They are all here. Please order some."

Cheng Sinian took the bracelet and handed it to Feng Zhi respectfully.

Feng Zhi took over the bracelet.

This storage Bracelet didn't recognize its owner. Fengzhi's divine sense easily went into the bracelet. There were mountains of fairy stones in it, no more than a few, exactly what the man said was 908 million yuan.

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